En raison du travail de son pre, il passe une partie de son enfance Lahore ( Pakistan ), Mogadiscio ( Somalie) et Khartoum ( Soudan ). But it is hard for you to let go. Emotions, energy and communication must not be neglected; concrete action is meaningless if it is not justified by your heart, your intellect or your enthusiasm. You must learn to trust it. Pleasant, clever, and flexible character endowed with excellent talents for mimicry. It's a cadent house, less important than the angular and succedent ones. Trees: palm trees, laurel, walnuts, olive trees, lemon and orange trees. Cities: Rome, Prague, Bombay, Madrid, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Bath, Bristol, Portsmouth, Syracuse, Damas. Once you find your soul mate, you feel more comfortable and, if the harmony with your partner is rich enough, you may stay with her your whole life through. [1] In June 2011, he announced that he would be taking a break but would return to cinema in 2013. Saturn is part of your dominant planets: among the facets of your character, you have a grave and serious side, wise and somewhat severe, since your concentration can be powerful, to the detriment of carelessness and friendliness. Some traditional associations with Pisces: He earned his high school diploma in Biology. You feel more than you understand, as if your reasoning were not active. Leo governs the heart and the spine, and the eyes, according to some authors. Shahab Hosseini Education: University of Tehran. Despite your lively imagination, it may be hard for you to get out of the flow of your mystical and irrational thoughts, with the result that you become even more worried and impressionable. Flowers and plants: geraniums, rhododendrons, thistles, mint, honeysuckles. Your thinking process works on a rather instinctive and intuitive mode, Shahab Hosseini. It may also be because two or three planets are considered to be very active because they form numerous aspects from these signs. But why do you hide your feelings so often? You need to be constantly on the move, to discover and to communicate in order to avoid boredom. The desire of the Sun in Aquarius is constantly evolving, whereas Venus in Capricorn needs stability, structure and integration. It focuses on every area of the personality and provides a synthesis of all the above-mentioned parameters according to sound hierarchical rules. He earned his high school diploma in Biology. Your deep clear-sightedness, firstly, enables you to put things into perspective and to grant them only the attention they deserve. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrn. Your qualities are expressed to the fullest in situations which demand familiarity and privacy. Shahab Hosseini. You have a deep affinity with the agent Wood. Some traditional associations with Scorpio: The predominance of Air signs in your chart favours and amplifies your taste for relations and for all kinds of short trips, whether real (travels) or symbolic (new ideas, mind speculations). The first step is to thoroughly know oneself. 3. Nothing is readily given in this area. Fire is its element, it is dry, and it rules Aquarius, is in exaltation with Scorpio and is in analogy with the brain and the nerves. Astrological studies, including astrological portrait, compatibility of couples, predictive work, and horoscopes evolve and become more accurate or deeper, as time goes by. 68.6k Followers, 40 Following, 412 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from shahab hosseini (@__.shahab.hosseini.__) For more information, see the page dedicated to Neptune. In brief, a natal chart is composed of ten planets: two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, three fast-moving or individual planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, two slow-moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and three very slow-moving planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The diplomacy you use when your interests are at stake can but favour the success of your endeavours. Some traditional associations with Gemini: Therefore, some caution is to be exercised as you read what follows. Herbs and aromatics: peppers, hot red peppers, star-fruits, and generally herbs that are spicy or with an unusual flavour. You will find below the horoscope of Shahab Hosseini with his interactive chart, an excerpt of his astrological portrait and his planetary dominants. Moreover, since Astrotheme is not a polemic website, no negative aspect which may damage the good reputation of a celebrity is posted here, unlike in the comprehensive astrological portrait. 3rd Earth sign - 4th Cardinal sign (winter solstice) - Feminine, In analogy with Saturn, her ruler, and the 10th House. The planet Jupiter symbolizes expansion, broadness and generosity. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Aries. However, you must at times curb your desire for integration, lest your sense of opportunity turns into extreme opportunism. Like the majority of Earth signs, Shahab Hosseini, you are efficient, concrete and not too emotional. In your chart, the Sun is in Aquarius and Venus, in Capricorn. Food: citrus fruits, apples, limes, dried fruits and easily preserved food. Regarding astrological houses, the principle is even simpler: the twelve houses correspond to twelve fields of life, and planets tenanting any given house increase that house's importance and highlight all relevant life departments: it may be marriage, work, friendship etc. They are, by no means, of a personal nature. Therefore, you are certainly a passionate man who is on the lookout for any kind of action or revolutionary idea, and you are keen on new things. The path of life, based on the date of birth, provides indications on the kind of destiny which one is meant to experience. You may come across as superficial because you keep on talking without committing yourself. Cules son las tasas de inters en el mercado para comprar carro en 2023 . You perceive all situations with deep intensity, and you react to the here and now without bothering to step back in order to ensure that events are under your control. 1st Earth sign - 1st Fixed sign - Feminine, In analogy with Venus, his ruler, and the 2nd House. Trees: hawthorns, thorny trees and bushes. Later, he became a radio host in Iran, and hosted a TV show for youth. If Saturn is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Saturnian: you gladly leave to other people the decision to take life as it comes. Characterology: Emotive, non Active and Primary type or Emotive, non Active and Secondary type. He is the great purifier. a planet near the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Nadir or the Descendant. This is the other traditional side of the coin with "The Greater Benefic"! Regarding the latter, it must be remembered that even a monster or at least a person who perpetrated odious crimes, has some human qualities, often noticed by his/her close entourage: these excerpts come from computer programmes devoid of polemical intentions and may seem too soft or lenient. However, better than anyone else, you know how to mobilise your resources in case of crisis. You are loyal, faithful and surprising. The necessary condition is that you have centres of interest to share with your partner. Flowers and plants: poppies, roses, digitales, violets, primroses, aquilegia, daisies. Or the Air type, gifted in communication and highly intellectual? Her element is the Air, she is moist, rules Taurus and Libra, is in exaltation in Pisces and is in analogy with the kidneys, the venous system, the bladder, the neck. Food: meat, potatoes, barley, beets, spinach, medlars, onions, quinces, flour and starchy food in general. Your role, and you know it since you were young, is to gather, to demonstrate your synthesizing and conciliatory mind, and to naturally reap its fruits - power. Venus describes your affective life. : numerous astrologers believe neither in the influence of Hades, nor in that of all hypothetical planets, asteroids, Arabic parts or other fictitious points. He also took on some small acting roles in a few TV series. Anything of the human order is of concern to you. Actually the humid version of Mars, inclined to action like him. Foolhardiness may prompt numerous enemies to take violent reprisals. the hazelnut tree But this is not always the case: there may be a cluster of planets, or a planet may be near an angle other than the Midheaven or Ascendant. Hades is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. The novice thinks astrology means only "to be Aries" or sometimes, for example, "to be Aries Ascendant Virgo". You are often reckless and you hardly put up with any links of subordination and subjection. Stones, Metals and Salts: pearls, silver, lime and calcium phosphate. You are interested in things that are out of the ordinary. However, your honesty commands your entourage's consideration. Cancer governs the stomach and the breast. If your sign is Virgo or your Ascendant is Virgo: you are brainy, perspicacious, attentive to detail and numbers, analytical, serious, competent, scrupulous, sensible, modest, logical, tidy, well-organized, clean, hard-working, provident, honest, faithful, reserved, shy, helpful, a perfectionist, but also narrow-minded, calculating, irritating, petty, anxious, cold, repressed or caustic. Water is its element, it is moist, it rules Pisces, is in exaltation in Cancer, though some authors say it is Leo, and is in analogy with the vegetative system. Cities: Amsterdam, Manchester, Tokyo, New York, Istanbul, Stockholm, Milan, Venice, Genoa, Cadix, Alger, Tunis, Bern, Magdeburg. N.B. escuchen lo que tiene que decir esta popular artista" escribi en su Instagram el actor Shahab Hosseini, que ha . Indeed, you know how to adjust to events and to jump at the chance when it arises. More than anyone else, you know how to use your willpower and to focus your energy on a precise aim, relentlessly, whatever the consequences might be. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Leo. Characterology: Emotive or non-Emotive, Active, Primary type; it is a Passionate Choleric type. For men, she also corresponds to the kind of woman he's attracted to (but not especially in marriage which is more symbolized by the Moon, Venus is the lover and not the wife). Uranus in Libra may turn you into a formidable negotiator because your emotional detachment gives you the ability to never lose your way in the course of your discussions; your original personality disconcerts your interlocutor and you wonderfully take advantage of it. Your sensitive and romantic self lives on those periods of rest during which you let your imagination wander at will. N.B. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrn. On the contrary, you strive to maintain a good balance around you. These texts provide the meanings of planets, or combination of planets, in signs and in houses, as well as the interpretations of planetary dominants in line with modern Western astrology rules. On the human plane, you seek the dialogue and the information without which you know that you are not able to fully grasp the nature of your interlocutor. Flowers and plants: geraniums, white roses and white flowers in general, water lilies, morning glory, bear's breeches, and lilies. It is the image of the personality seen by others and the person's visible behaviour expressed outwardly. It's a succedent and quite important house. You value sentimental attachments based on total and mutual trust. The sign positions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have a collective meaning. : this chart is arbitrarily calculated for noon. As you protect yourself too much, as you want to avoid being hurt, you may get locked up in an ivory tower and you may miss passionate loves. At times, you display an extraordinary clairvoyance gift. The other pole needs years to fully develop. Seyyed Shahab Hosseini Currently is a Master of Mining Engineering. They provide some additional informations. In tough aspect, it may make the person conceited, presumptuous, or elitist. Cities: Stuttgart, Toledo, Budapest, Cologne, Avignon, Sheffield, Naples, Toronto. Trees: all trees full of sap. You are actually quite strange. You gain in flexibility and adaptability what you lose in self-assertion or in pragmatism. Browse 425 shahab_hosseini stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. He grew up in a family of six and was the oldest child. Pluto represents deep transformations, mutations and eliminations, sexuality and magnetism, power and secrets, destruction with a view to regeneration, the phoenix rising from the ashes. With Mars, your attitudes are dictated by the realities of the moment, by your emotions, and by everything which proved to have worked in the past. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted in many regards. The Tenth House is the most important angular house along with the Ascendant. But appearance and reality are two different things anyway - you are a kind of a genius, or you have at least a tremendous charm with this sign. Once a psychology student at the University of Tehran, he dropped out with the intent of emigrating to Canada. Definitely, enthusiasm, euphoria, and exaltation. Before building anything, the nature of the soil must be carefully assessed by professionals. Other names. You need security, but you are also stubborn, rigid, possessive, spiteful, materialistic, fixed or slow. Your qualities lie in your outstanding panache and the ability to constantly transcend your own limitations. Associations are highly favoured because, as symbolised by the first personage of the image, one knows perfectly well how to blend opposite elements and turn them into complementary assets. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, organization, power and benevolence, is quite emphasized in your chart. Your capacities to respect and blend into your environment is at least as valuable as some other people's aggressive dispositions. the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Thus, hyper-sensitivity has its own inconveniences. It is a cadent house, less important than the angular and succedent ones. Hande Erel (Bandrma, Turqua, 24 de noviembre de 1993) es una reconocida actriz y modelo turca.Es conocida principalmente por sus papeles en Gnein Kzlar (2015-2016), Ak Laftan Anlamaz (2016-2017), y Sen al Kapm (2020-2021), logrando ganar con los aos cada vez ms reconocimiento nacional e internacional, y numerosos premios oficiales y no oficiales. Director: Pietro Malegori | Stars: Camlia Jordana, Shahab Hosseini, Abdelhafid Metalsi, Hania Amar 16. Ebullient, combative, and irascible character. Food: the same strong tasting food as for Aries: red meat, garlic, onions, leeks, spices. Hosseini earned his high school diploma in Biology, and went to studied psychology at the University of Tehran but dropped out and emigrated to Canada. Therefore, people are well-advised not to hound you into a corner. Shahab Hosseini. Answer: Seyyed Shahab Hosseini is an Iranian actor and director. The Eleventh House is the sphere of friendship and protection, projects, search for social acceptance and security, collective and humanitarian actions. Your will to straighten out your inter-personal relationships is your strength and sometimes, your Achilles' heel. Ceres, the biggest of the four minor asteroids used besides Chiron, is associated with the mythological goddess of growing plants and harvest and also symbolizes physical constitution, vitality and fertility. Countries: Spain, Australia, Hungary, South Africa, Arabia, Yugoslavia. Scorpio governs the sexual organs and the anus. The Sixth House is the sphere of apprenticeship and effort in the work environment, daily life, health on a daily basis and not operations or long-term diseases, relationships with co-workers or subordinates, desire for improvement, analysis and detail. Its position in house indicates in what field an effort is necessary in order to evolve. You are never completely demoralized, as you know that each enterprise is constantly evolving and each project is perfectible. List of all the celebrities born on February 3. At times, you come across as authoritarian. Additional secondary elements may be taken into account, such as asteroids Chiron, Vesta, Pallas, Ceres (especially Chiron, more well-known), the Lunar nodes, the Dark Moon or Lilith, and even other bodies: astrology is a discipline on the move. If your sign is Sagittarius or your Ascendant is Sagittarius: you are charismatic, fiery, energetic, likeable, benevolent, tidy, jovial, optimistic, extraverted, amusing, straightforward, demonstrative, charming, independent, adventurous, straightforward, bold, exuberant, freedom-loving, but also angry, egotistical, authoritarian, inconstant, unfaithful, brutal, unreliable, unconscious, tactless, or derogatory. Stones, Metals and Salts: copper, calcium and potassium sulphate, emeralds. You are an idealist, and you let your deepest aspirations prevail over the realities of the moment. However, it is possible to take advantage of it for a precise aim, through a temporary identification of some parts of us with this energy. The South Node is diametrically opposed to the North Node, therefore it faces it (it's not drawn here, it's the same symbol but upside down). In any case, your affectivity needs a relationship with deep-seated understanding and closeness. When interpreting a natal chart, the best method is to start gradually from general features to specific ones. There is a danger that you very cautiously avoid: your adaptation capacity must not turn you into a chameleon and it is important that you pay due attention to your needs and your personal rhythms. Some traditional associations with Sagittarius: This innate intuition might explain the strokes of good luck which the Neptunian is sometimes credited with. Poseidon brings about wisdom, a clear mind, and sometimes spirituality. You gladly cultivate the art of letting-go, and you allow the natural unfolding of events to construct your world. In your natal chart, the three most important signs - according to criteria mentioned above - are in decreasing order of strength Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy, sexuality, strength. Saturn in Gemini decreases your lightness, your frivolousness and your heedless. Actor Shahab Hosseini, winner of the award for best actor for the movie "The Salesman" during 2016 Canne Film festival, attends the press . Generous, cheerful, and spontaneous character. Food: milk, fishes, watery fruits and vegetables, turnips, white and red cabbages. It is one of the elements that must reckoned with, along with the expression number, the active number, the intimacy number, the achievement number, the hereditary number, the dominant numbers or the lacking numbers, or also the area of expression, etc. Food: berries, apples, pears, grapes, artichokes, asparagus, beans, spices, corn and other cereals. In the first part, an overall analysis of the chart enables us to figure out the personality's main features and to emphasize several points that are confirmed or not in the detailed analysis: in any case, those general traits are taken into account. The 1st House is in analogy with Aries and thus Mars too and then the Sun. Please, always keep in mind that human beings are continuously evolving and that many parts of our psychological structures are likely to be expressed later, after having undergone significant life's experiences. Trees: fig-trees, willows, aquatic trees. For more information, see the page dedicated to Pluto. There are three types of dominants: dominant planets, dominant signs and dominant houses. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. Proserpina is related to mysteries, revival and reconstruction, as well as cycles. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted. The First House or Ascendant represents one's behaviour in the eyes of others, and also one's health. Then, as one ages, one becomes able to help other people overcome psychological and moral crises. Great achievements are possible if you choose a career in any sort of trade or business. If your sign is Libra or your Ascendant is Libra: you are sentimental, charming, polite, refined, loyal, a pacifist, fair, distinguished, light-hearted, romantic, learned, ethereal, nice, well-groomed, a perfectionist, calm, sweet, tolerant, sociable, elegant, considerate, seductive, aesthetic, indulgent, but also hesitant, weak, indecisive, selfish, fragile, fearful, indolent, cool or even insensitive. You are enthusiastic and you give your life a dramatic and spectacular turn. Likeable and impassive at the same time, you are a paradoxical man, very hard to define because the two planets Uranus and Saturn blend their qualities to create the so complicated and endearing sign that inspires your character. Indeed, it is quite the same situation with signs and houses. Stones, Metals and Salts: sards (red agate), mercury, nickel, potassium sulphate and iron phosphate. Put things into perspective and to communicate in order to evolve focuses on every area the! 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