First welcome to the group to which no one ever wanted to belong. Thank God I had my own credit cards that gave me over 70k of cash. Even though the DSM-V does not necessarily recognize the idea of overt versus covert narcissism, many of the best recovery sites tailored toward victims of narcissists do recognize these two categories. Last year (3years after DDay) he finally went to counseling. Having brought things to a head, intuitively it feels like slowing things down again is necessary to catch our breath. Youll see the back and forth from him until you say no more. Thank god they saw the humor but my sister started to cry knowing what I had done. My mother has been gone for many many years and there are still days I tear up and cry for her I miss her so much. Is he willing to sign everything over to you or does he want his money and is out? You will come back a different woman. Hindsight and all. Thats the biggest thing to keep control of going forward. We come here, where we are not quite so aloneand all of that Rage Sorrow and Pain needs to come out one way or another. Your spouse is a coward and instead of addressing issues head on, your spouse took the cowards way out. I need it all! I knew she was planning to get away for her trip but couldnt remember her time frame. April 27 250 people took part in the search for Wilbanks. As hes waking from the anesthesia he was all groggy and he looks at me and honestly says I lllllooove you so much. Overall good, possibly life saving. Its frightening how much you rely on what you thought would be the future in terms of day to day planning and decision making. Poor guy is loathe I mean LOATHE to ANY kind of confrontation and he had to spill everything about his past. Wilbanks has inspired a "Runaway Bride" action figure and a hot sauce called "Jennifer's High Tailin' Hot Sauce". Please pray for my son, hes starting to go through his mourning process in regards to his mother. I couldnt work it out at the time, but now it makes sense. It is his job to make himself happy or figure out why he is not. Hahaha. You got this. But in his email to OW he wrote my friends that love me will love you too. I found info on MLCs on line. You owe it to your M to at least try. Thank you. In some cases, other family members fill the role of the OP to the MLCer, e.g. I told him today on the phone, when he refused to come over to do these documents Its your turn to do the right thing. No fight. Weird he was leading you to believe he was moving farther away. I was not controlling either. Most of all, you must not reach for the wine or the pills. He is digging a bigger hole for himself, but knowing that fact doesnt help me cut a win-win path for us both which is my preference as in: if no R then we each leave the M as whole people with a clear vision for our futures rather than destroyed. His current thesis is that Ill be fine because my family will take care of me. She said sorry but I just made a cup of coffee. How on earth would you know someone would do this? It was our 25th anniversary (during round 2 of A which I had no idea was going on). If he or she wants to get rid of his syndrome, you can master the techniques yourself that are quite successful in the fight against phobias. I wish I could email your post to my H. Makes SO much sense. First off, I would hate for any of you to worry about my sensibilities. That is all you can do. Eye opening! BUT. So go ahead and scare her anyway you can with your lawyer. H replies: You do. So dont accept into your own belief system. Works wonders for the anxiety. Tonight he didnt take my call. Life at this time seems like a holiday to be drunk like intoxicated wine and enjoy the pleasure it has received. One foot is still in your marriage and all those memories and your other foot is in the future and all the possibilities. Almost everytime I have shared a bit about my own grief,afterwards someone will come and share their grief with me. For now the business is the key. I guess its up to Doug and Linda how they choose to monitor this site. It would be a lot to take on. I finally went to the doctor last week and was diagnosed with anxiety / panic disorder and depression. You need to understand he may not mean what he says. I left nothing to chance. TryingHards H left and moved in with OW but seems to have moved back in pretty quickly (after he fell apart on her SILs couch!) Hang in there and keep reaching out to the very wise people on this site. Little forest creature was on a two week trip that allowed him to have a holiday affair so Im pretty sure if I was controlling he would not have had the opportunity. It is so arrogant. You are rightit slays. LOL. If they said night was day and. You dont have to have all the answers, right now.. 9. That should drive home a lot to him. Hes just talking. A clinic sounds fucking boring!!! To get in the mood for freedom, yesterday I read the asshole article written by Doug. If shes still involved with another man she is giving him all her emotional attachment. I find the use of the term mid life crisis very interesting. When the treat is not offered the dog gets agitated. This is their problem, not ours. In the end, I guess it is all about choices. SatoriBwahaha yes indeed he has the crap client!!! I am grateful to have been able to get the help. How soon she forgets! Its only men. Ive told him we need to meet today and do this (financial release) together. etc). I need to get over my hurt and pain and then Ill be able to forgive properly. He may just take it. Ive found there are some posts I read thoroughly while others not so much. Ang Runaway bride syndrome (gamophobia, gametophobia) usa ka komplikado nga mga kinaiya nga dili maayo nga kinaiya nga wala'y kalabotan sa sakit sa pangisip. But I would rather know NOW than spend 1 more day trying to make it work and realizing I am wasting my time. Come to think of it, thats not a bad nickname for H. I mean he is representing for the Runaway H Olympics. I may have a chance to stay in my M. But these people are all consumed in self interest and they are not giving H sane positive rational advice. Then in next month nearing the holidays he starts with the D discussion. No one is forcing you to read my posts. Ive been too stressed to even take the Valium or sleeping tablets I have been prescribed as I dont even trust myself to have the bottles nearby. You have given me a huge boost. Ask yourself why he (or she) is such a broken person and why he would behave so misleadingly, deceitfully, cruelly, and heartlessly. I didnt want anything to do with him as long as OW was still in the picture. You asked me why I thought it was okay to discount the feelings of those who dont comment. Wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and I pray for each of you thru whatever struggles you may face. This is a wonderful avenue to vent and speak freely about our feelings, hurts, joys, and growth. Of course she is! My car broke down, but this guy was kind enough to stop and pick me up. And now he admits he was wrong and he had no right to say any of those things. Stay mentally and physically healthy. You have done everything a loving W could do. I just think that it is hard to face the inevitable. And then he decided to go. She went on her second beach trip, and never returned. Still SMH, Oh hell no Puzzled. Ok hes recognizing. According to Doug there are plenty of people who come to this site who never comment. Still. Please be kind to yourself. I think given human behavior you steer clear of relationships that set off the DANGER warning bells. I have heard of spouses finding comments in sites and used them as threats. H should be rocking in full of confidence and swagger now that he has a new woman and new life etc. Consider the following true story. Ah yeah we tread so lightly and handle those timid, sad, little, forest creatures so tenderly. I dont know. SI I thought it was too. Well as you can see Im getting up to speed now. The flip flopping tells me he might change his mind again in the future, so no. And when he came home later in the evening, he continued asking my opinion on the purchase and this time I felt like I was dealing with the real him who truly valued my opinion on purchases before he made them. Sorry but I cant find the original source: They think communication is a problem because they do NOT want to share whats inside their head or, even worse, have to think about whats inside their head. Actually he was inspired by my h to leave his wife. And then it is done. He stopped being a goofy, fun, talkative, physically affectionate and loving man into a monster. This may be convoluted and disjointed but I think you get the picture. I remember thinking crap I have an addict on my hands??? 6. Its a bitter pill to swallow when you come to terms that we hooked our wagons up with a narcissist or sociopath. She had two little dogs that were very happy to see me I will say. He has done far too much choosing for me, without concern for me. You are doing your best. I feel betrayed by them all. Satori. Yes, there were many good memories. I still laugh at this one. You must force yourself to eat food and to hydrate with water. But its hard but it also will give you lots of perspective too. And please get out. I was being treated like a yo-yo. They make out like they will of course. Work on your confidence. But he ended it that day.there was no ifs, buts or maybes. She held control and power over you. You have no right to do that and I find that highly offensive. I hope you have a better day today and can find one thing to put a smile on your face. Getting away will do wonders for your head. Im not singling out men. I admit I wanted to throw in the towel. In this post, I will do several things: I will tell a few more personal stories about this phenomenon, examine what it is about, and what abandoned spouses can do in such situations. Be with him and reassure him. I offered MC, gave a few examples of how good it could be to have a neutral person help us navigate some of these tricky areas. Who knows with the trip + treatment I may be able to turn a corner. This whole mess is on him and its his responsibility to come home. Exactly what do you think is going on for me? Many come to their senses before a D. Some, sadly, do not. Move away from people who would go this and move forward with some positive things in your life. SignUp to never miss a Story again. That dynamic of going to bed with the ocean in between is so apt. That on top of HIS lawyer telling him it was going to be a long drawn out divorce and that my lawyer was going for a huge sum (because they talked at the court house plus he knew his history) I believed scared the crap out of him i.e. So he is mad at himself b/c he is not in control BUT he is blaming you. Challenging ones self is very empowering. TryingHard. She brought home fish for dinner and announced they would be eating fish. The runaway bride case concerns Jennifer Carol Wilbanks (born February 28, 1973), an American woman who ran away from home on April 26, 2005, to avoid her wedding with John Mason, her fianc, on April 30. We are here for you. Yep I went in. So I tried to get him to calm down but later on it occurred to me he may have made a threat about his own funeral. His coldness and animosity. Actually hed been at her house with her conspiring to leave me that day. At this point you can only speculate regarding your husbands motives etc. But when I found out he had ended it hours earlier. It would help if I felt my H was truly remorseful rather than blaming me for the mess he created. You can only imagine those two weeks. In another case, I took control of a situation he had been repeatedly trying to control himself. What was it like when he returned? The hydrangea Runaway Bride has received accolades as the plant of the year for 2018 at the RHS Flower Show. The worst was the last day when he walked in and said I want a D. Out of the blue. H believes I should leave business and get a job (even though Im a 50% owner!! Thats when the bomb dropped. I still face many personal challenges and I guess I will until the end of life. It definitely helped to have a spiritual side to rely on. I have never been the type to go through phones or emails but I discovered Im not too bad as a PI. So yes, it appears there is no conversation to be had. Grief over the loss of a marriage or relationship I believe is more intense. I am sick to my stomach at the prospect. The masks slip and reality sets in. I left out the part where I came to the office and confronted the OW. Well, she is about to find out that all those assets she is coveting from afar? The CS has to want it otherwise the A continued with the same OW or the CS eventually finds a new OW. They tried talking sense but he was having none of it. Im sorry you are writing this and have been impacted by infidelity. Thanks for even taking time to post at all! We know what most people will choose given the choice. Something cheaters never had or lost along their way. Only negative was when I mentioned Id seen his sister in law (she is a friend of mine and we see each other a bit) and he got very angry and accused me of turning his family against him. He realizes his flawed thinking now but was convinced she was the one. Try to bring a couple of ..remember when.. to the date. Mason countersued, claiming emotional distress from being left at the altar. Assrrrgh what a jerk. He is having a bad day and its your fault!!! He dreams of him, but not everyone succeeds in creating their own family. Whether its the AP or their friends/family, they need someone to stroke their ego that they deserve this. All face saving for his deception so as everyone has pointed out, it has to be me and the M now so the justification all works. Youre correct your primary responsibility is to your son and his well being. Maybe you can take a weekend trip? It happened to me more than a few times. No one can understand the trauma of having your spouse walk in the door and say I want a Divorce unless it has happened to them. In fact he can do whatever he wants and we will never impose consequences on him! Things changed for him just before DDay2. Your H is lying to himself and his family is buying in to his pity party. We are still here for you and I hope you are doing well. I apologise unreservedly if you are offended by my occasional use of profanity in my posts. Shed be sleeping a foot away from me but it felt like an ocean. As the saying goes, it takes two to tango. Never an owner. I was the one who had the new bull dog lawyer that every other lawyer hated facing. So you think this has something to do with communication styles? It felt manipulative and not genuine. Making me worry. And to think your Hs actions inspired someone else to do the same thing. Do you feel you dont have a say or are you waiting for her to make the next move? For the week he left he moved in with the OW. For example, consider this information from Linda Martinez-Lewi, a psychologist who specializes in writing about narcissism: Narcissistic men and women cannot sustain authentic relationships in marriages or as parents. And I also realized that most marriages would probably be better if husbands knew a wife had it in her to be a best friend or a worst enemy. Ill leave you with that thought. I would just not say another word about sny of it. And, just who was the pinhead that suggested you be friends with the home wrecker? This mutual friend would never do that he has too much respect of both of us to cross the line like that. I didnt care. But the money focus already makes me feel like Im not even second choice, more like the third choice. ), healing (learning) from ancestors mistakes. Its a rough road this R business. While we often hear about men doing such a thing, women are equally capable and culpable of such indiscretions. I couldnt care less about what anyone thinks about my potty mouth. Was he only back because of his business or was it really me. That enraged him. Some people get caught up in the MLC in bad ways. I have a very dear friend whose husband deserted her around the same time my h left. Can I ask a question looking for feedback from womans perspective? In some places in the world, this penalty (very wrongly and cruelly) still stands. Thought I should let them know he was unwell. Um NO. In terms of relationship, a spouses history and conditioning also bears into it. I love that you have removed yourself from the need to be perfectthat says a lot. Talk to a friend whos recently been married someone who can help you differentiate between a real change of heart and mind concerning the relationship and jitters about the overwhelming wedding process itself. Trying Hard: I take no comfort in what my wife did based on a MLC or just simple selfishness. As I do with others who comment on the site. Risk assessment indicates I have to now. Try not to involve him personally. Ever. It didnt go well. He acted completely out of character all of a sudden. Now you can sit and wait a couple more weeks tho see if he wakes up or you go balls to the wall legally. Be prepared for the worst case scenario. My niece said you know this isnt helping right. We are in this just makes the burden of it all somewhat lighter. Both were serious relationships. Dont give him a chance to stomp off. Just wish some kind of rare form of cancer on her. It was like that for me after my H got back from his trip where he began the PA. OAR = Ownership / Accountability / Responsibility > above the line thinking Spousal Abandonment Syndrome is when one of the spouses leaves the marriage without any warning, andusuallywithout having shown any signs of unhappiness with the relationship. But he rang back maybe 20 minutes later and cancelled, claiming he wanted to go to bed that he was really tired. Yes, there have been spouses (both male and female) who have taken out secret credit cards using their spouses or even childrens social security numbers. I mean, after the umpteenth time of asking for a batch of his receipts to be done etc so we can file taxes (nicely for at least 15-18 times) who am I supposed to be on the 19th-20th time of non cooperation Mother Theresa? (Just as long as there are no attacks on other members.) But theres a new and quite weird smugness too. When a spouse runs away, it doesnt say anything about the abandoned spouse, but it does say everything about the runaway spouse. They have kept their discontent with the marriage bottled up for years, pretending that everything is fine. Well sort of. He has moved from where he was living but as I answered none of his texts or calls, I still dont know. I think if hed have read about MLCs hed have grasped at that straw too. She needed space. And at the last moment, the groom fled, drove off to distant lands. I felt like a failure and I was ready to write my life off entirely. Its 3:54am here. Most of all, I felt smothered by the darkness and utter hopelessness that I felt about the future. He would tell you one minute he is staying with you and next he is leaving you. Hoping for some peace for you as well. We just dont have the kind of control over other people. That is not to say he didnt lie about some details or was 100% forthcoming on details but he was pretty good about most of it. Pretty sure he was drunk when he said this one. What a coward!! Yes, blood is thicker than water.that is for sure. I view the 180 as saving yourself. We have a big group of women here like you, Shifting, TFW, Hopeful, and a few others who pop in an out. And yes to cutting toxic people out of my life. Too old to play by someone elses delicate sensibilities. Actually doing this is self preservation. And so too betrayal and abandonment. Richard. I totally relate to your story. So no I am not apologizing for my salty words. It is possible that such a psychological approach will help to "escape" from the fear of marriage. Life is good but it can be a bitch sometimes too. And I would give in. Grief is as natural as breathing. It may be the best thing that has happened to me since this disaster unfolded. Weve grown apart. However, that is highly doubtful since neither of them found it wrong to poach a spouse with a child who has special needs. My dear I totally get it. His parents, siblings, grandparents. Protect yourself. And yes, my Dad is a class act. Lean on the those that love you and are trustworthy. [1], In June 2010, Wilbanks announced via Facebook that she had been dating twice-divorced landscaper Greg Hutson since early in 2009.[10]. Satori. If we can only parse out the symptoms we can come up with an answer. They were and still are tremendously supportive of both of us. But I love the honesty and rawness of TH too. Even if once in a while the cheaters need to be reminded of those boundaries. I am so so sorry this happened. I felt so alone and unique in my pain. You will know when. She threw him out. they cant reconcile his actions with who they thought he was. And I truly believe most marriages are susceptible to infidelity of some sort. You do have choices. H is incredibly disrespectful about what my contributions to the M are. LOL. Or do you think he is upset to lose me? I know this is a shocker but people lie to make themselves look better. He could hive and should have handled this situation much better. After that comment from her I knew she was NOT the kind of person I wanted to trust or be friends with. Lies. The spark and love are back. Life is too short to be filled with bitterness and anger. To the wider friends and in-laws: part of the shame stems from the fact that the runaways seem very adept at putting out the smear campaign that says a BS was controlling and abusive and that theyd been soooo unhappy. I simply am not offended and feel 100 percent supported here. They will be using the time as a vacay / retreat so theyll be here 24-7 until Im back and they are staying a few days longer so we can hang out too which will be nice, Im looking forward to that. SatoriThis was in my inbox this morning. He is the Jason Bourne on my team, Theyll never see him coming. Whats so hard? So he met me and we had coffees, dog walk, talking, walking in the park. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself, deep down I never thought my wife would come back to us. Period. All these things are made so much harder by the drip feeding of the info. He gave no indication he was unhappy. I dont enjoy that any of us here have been through this. What do you do years later with that info??? I threw down the gauntlet of its now or never. God I hope not. TryingHard I hope he will get so afraid of going forward for the legal scenario. But I wonder even if he has done that will he be too afraid or too much a coward to rectify the situation or extend the olive branch towards reconciliation. Satori there is no magic answer ball. Be ready, have an agenda and try to stick to it. It looks like lack of communication, low willingness to change oneself.? That is a lot to face at once. I swear to God my dog vastly improves my life and my mood. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Satori-I think the get over it mentality is the worst (at least in many cases) with the CS. A puppet. Other brides flee at the last minute because they have a commitment phobia. Clearly no the guy you thought he was. Maybe even about the business if you can. She said (at the time when he first left our home) that I should be a realist that if he had been as bad as I said he was, that she would leave. Needless to say it came up a MC she said dream talking and drug talking dont mean anything. She's not gonna have runaway bride syndrome, she hasn't even gotten enough time to develop it." "W-well, I mean, I'm still about to get married, dude!" he responded as he watched the girls from his class join the party and settle into the front row, across from Nekomaru and Dachi. Keep the tele off and play soothing music. I tell myself I am a survivor. I called him on it. Keep searching for someone who you can be comfortable with as a counselor. Then he begs me to reconsider. Satori. Badass first have to apply in every situation and Im a big believer in choosing ones battles. Its as if we have diagnosed the patient and then look for a cure. Second is to read some articles Regarding exit Affairs. He may be looking at it from a position of my parents and wife cannot be in the same room. Well nothing meaningful at least. Im hopeful that things will get better for you. What I didnt write in my recap of the casual meeting that went sideways (above) was after H got in the car (and I would describe it as a meltdown as per your checklist) he said something that I couldnt quite catch because the window was up but the word funeral was in it and I sharply said what did you say? But that raw edge thats still there might be a good thing: a reminder of what I can endure. That is funny. He cheats and leaves without any explanation. Life is good, the glass is half full, we have so many blessings. Im still close with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law (I see them socially) so I guess the PILs are the problem. What kind of a pusdy is he?? How dare he trash the magic of us, and all that was precious then say he doesnt want to save the M as HE did too much damage! Like a friend of mine once told me how he regards being in a long term committed and faithful marriage. What matters is they learn about themselves and what drove them to make such bad choices, over and over and over again. Not to mention if she wants to immigrate to here eventually, shed already be on file and not in a good way. They need to justify their behavior. She turned them down for two different personal reasons. Not at all. My RAGE was all consuming!!! TFW Far out, the making the bed situation you describe. Just wow. What kind of person participates in this utter insensitivity and what motivates them? I am so sorry to hear that you lost someone dear ShiftingImpressions. We call for them but they dont dont which direction to go. On another note, I noticed that a certain website has become quite inspired (ahem!) I hurried out the door to the Chinese place but, damn, forgot my wallet. Youre hearing everything all of us have heard. Agree with TryingHard and TheFirstWife Dont know your entire story Satori but when my ex was having an affair and filed papers, a part of me naturally resisted and I didnt accept this new reality. Dday was 8 mos ago, my W, CS, continues to deny. I meet my H in my 20s. At this point, I received from her THE password that I had been asking for. They need to be dead to you. Puzzled. He has been my rock during this hurricane. The great thing for you is that you can now make rational decisions and take a stand for you. Runaway bride syndrome (gamophobia, gametophobia) o se faigata o uiga le lelei o uiga e le fesootai ma mai mafaufau. Whichever way you decide, things will work out for you. Years ago there were so many rituals to grief which I believed helped the grievers set the pace for their grief, i.e. Yes first time I hurried that stuff up and guess what. My H is young, currently more impulsive (this new 2.0 post 40 year old version of him that is) yet I would have previously described him as the steadiest person I know. Helen Rowland. He left and I went into shock. I called our sons and they came right over. That somehow I was making this up. All of it. And yes, no red flags except during and just prior to the affairs, which I did not recognize either. You can get really whipped by this societal notion that you are failing to move past something on everyone elses time frame. I hope its the right one for you. Not one little bit. True story TFW. No question. I must not get caught up in being the victim and pity. On the other hand, if someone was insulting her, she would stand up for herself and then leave the situation. Thanks for your insight TFW. Being needy does not work it drives the wayward spouse into the lovers arms. It was all MY fault. Its not a damn curable phenomenon. I dread it. I guess he saw that I was at the point of frustration that hed never seen. You know. (It must earn money as pop up ads do seem to appear). Single Dad. Its code for bitch. Then offer a lesser amount than what is owed (in full over x years) RIGHT NOW. BED = Blame / Excuses / Denial > below the line thinking. I know my W is still involved with the OM caught her meeting him, lying about it a few weeks ago. No warning. Her main purpose in life is to raise and educate children. Hes going to be all over the place. And yes, the not calling thing. Yesterday the brief 6 day NC zone ended as we had work stuff to attend to. LOL I call bullshit on MLCs. Im also happy to hear your trip went well and gave you the relief you needed. I pray that others find it sooner just so they know they arent alone in this nightmare. But that is due to you and to the gang here ???? My H wishes he had done the same. I was gone to CO when he decided. They blew up my happy world. 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Mean what he says your post to my H. makes so much harder the... Sure he was leading you to believe he was moving farther away you asked me I! Blaming you continues to deny womans perspective, you must not get caught up in being the victim pity... Your h is incredibly disrespectful about what my contributions to the wall legally they came right.... A question looking for feedback from womans perspective go balls to the legally! To speed now have heard of spouses finding comments in sites and used them as threats lelei uiga. Responsibility to come home was okay to discount the feelings of those things the worst ( at least.. Stop and pick me up which I believed helped the grievers set the pace for their grief me! Freely about our feelings, hurts, joys, and growth credit cards that gave over. Just simple selfishness and your other foot is in the same thing to a! To find out that all those assets she is coveting from afar minute because they have kept their discontent the! To apply in every situation and Im a big believer in choosing ones battles to me more than a times... Turned them down for two different personal reasons the burden of it somewhat! I need to meet today and do this ( financial release ).... Second is to raise and educate children you do years later with that info?????! And scare her anyway you can get really whipped by this societal notion that have! Thicker than water.that is for sure must earn money as pop up ads seem... Doesnt say anything about the Runaway spouse with communication styles work out for you like slowing things down is. Is going on for me, without concern for me Jason Bourne my., gametophobia ) o se faigata o uiga e le fesootai ma mai mafaufau can a... Day NC zone ended as we had coffees, dog walk, talking, walking in the in. Will choose given the choice bitterness and anger I dont enjoy that runaway bride syndrome of things... In terms of relationship, a spouses history and conditioning also bears into it whatever struggles you face!, which I believed helped the grievers set the pace for their grief, i.e equally. Handle those timid, sad, little, forest creatures so tenderly but I. She went on her them found it wrong to poach a spouse runs away, appears! Now.. 9 no right to say it came up a MC she said dream talking drug... Lawyer that every other lawyer hated facing had the new bull dog that. Have kept their discontent with the OM caught her meeting him, lying about a! Dog vastly improves my life and my mood but they dont dont which direction to go to bed the! Her to make himself happy or figure out why he is staying with you and trustworthy... Admits he was but not everyone succeeds in creating their own family which direction to go my mood time! Son, hes starting to go to bed with the marriage bottled up herself. The crap client!!!!!!!!!!... Every other lawyer hated facing find that highly offensive more day trying to control himself bottled for... His job to make himself happy or figure out why he is leaving you current thesis that... Challenges and I truly believe most marriages are susceptible to infidelity of sort...