He answered all my questions with the utmost kindness and respect, and went above and beyond in addressing my concerns in the most helpful way. So I watched the first videoand that was it! 3)Prices are provided in USD. Jessica Lange does photography as a hobby and has published books of photographs. Sounds to me like an interpretation of the life theme, how it's expressed, and where in life it's shown. One picture was of a man staring into the camera in a way that made her feel as though they were connecting. Meghan's 7th house is Harry's 1st house, etc. Eros is the name for Cupid - the Goddess of love while in Greek mythology it represents a winged youth and is denoted for blindness of love. Giving is better than receiving to you. The zodiac sign in which Eros is placed in a natal chart can provide clues on a persons sexual inclinations. a class action lawsuit by former interns who are accusing them of not paying them for their work. I had a general chart reading today with Patrick. From this we would expect that he started a big romance around February 27th, 2007. You have an ideal vision of the person who is right for you even though that person in all likelihood does not exist outside your mind. The Asteroid Eros represents erotic love. Could we say it has to do with the Lord of her 4th house (home, family, ancestry) Venus, fallen in Virgo in the 3rd house (media), with the Lot of Necessity (criticism, pen-wielding enemies)? Accepting the reality of 'what is' can be your greatest challenge. Your biggest issue is overpowering possessiveness; you can't stand to lose anything, ever. The 11th house is the wild child in you! He has a logical approach to astrology that truly connected, and he has inspired me to learn about myself through my chart. That asteroid is called Eros, and it is the second largest of the near-Earth asteroids. Thank you for this calculator! The love story of Eros is quite possibly one of the best in classical mythology and one that is filled with irony. Kudos. You clicked it didnt you. That is the epitome of Meghan's type with her Lot of Eros. I'm. He gives you a great perspective on your life and how it unravels by pinpointing period in your past that will echo through today (and tomorrow!). I would love to go into more detail but this was just supposed to be a listicle and now its turning into a freaking book. The rest of your birth chart will help to guide you on when and where you can give in to this impulse, and when it's best to pull back. Hello and Welcome! That said, sexuality is a complex topic and cannot be judged from the position of Eros alone. THANKS SO MUCH, PATRICK! It gives me some hope for the future, and enhances my understanding of struggles Ive dealt or been dealing with. Surrender to the grief, cry as deeply as possible for as long as you need to and then return to your senses. Then Bndchenentered her Scorpio major period for 15 years starting on February 24th, 2008. Somewhere between here and Mars, a chunk of rock circles the Sun. The Lot of Spirit is the reverse of the Lot of Fortune, giving the following formulas: Day chart: Ascendant - Moon + Sun. When this person is an astrologer, schooled by skilled astrologers such as Chris Brennan and Nick Dagan Best, I feel very fortunate to have happened upon him. Eros represents the promise of sexual desire, the transformational power of unity with another being. Sexual and emotional healing are crucial. This activated the Moons enclosure by malefics, and her breasts were removed. Also he's as funny as his blogs! I was like, You have the heart in a good place! Why should we use Lots? However, such an individual begins to realize the nature of their sexuality as they mature and may also choose to express their sexuality in ways that do not conform to conventions later in life. I say potential, because while someone could have an eminent chart, unless the timelords unfold in the right way, you may not have a chance to take advantage of it. Each sign is associated with the planetary period of its ruler (Aries/Scorpio 15 years, Taurus/Libra 8 years, Gemini-Virgo 20 years, Cancer 25 years, Leo 19 years, Sagittarius/Pisces 12 years, Capricorn 27 years, Aquarius 30 years). She views astrology as a powerful tool best used in developing an effective worldview that allows for maximum expression of one's creativity and free will as well as acceptance of one's unique character and destiny. In astrology, the behavior of a body in space (whether a planet, asteroid or luminary) has a great deal to do with its meaning. I started studying astrology when I was your age (17) and through everything in my life it has been my shield, my sword, my cup and my wisdom. George W. Bush has Spirit in Taurus and its ruler is Venus in Leo in the Fortune 10th. Hi Sue, you are welcome! I. E. lets spend 15min talking about what the 8th house represents versus what this means for me. Needless to say, Patrick is a true pro at it. One significant point of difference between the twins is Mary-Kates struggles with anorexia, allegedly connected to a cocaine addiction, which reminds us of the Moons rulership of her Lot of Nemesis, concerning the body. Deeper Than Just Sex Eros is erotic love, attraction, turn-ons, and titillation. Or a hefty pamphlet at least. I wouldnt recommend this service. The aspectual relationships Eros forms with other planets, particularly with Mars, Venus, and Moon in a chart could help get a more detailed picture of an individuals sexuality and what makes them feel sexually fulfilled. However, Eros isn't just sexual (though this is one of it's main representations), it is also desire and passion as a whole: Eros can show us what we'd do when consumed with love! When this person is an astrologer, schooled by skilled astrologers such as Chris Brennan and Nick Dagan Best, I feel very fortunate to have happened upon him. The Lot or Part of Fortune - Astrodienst My Astro Home Free Horoscopes Astro Shop All about Astrology About Astrodienst Frequently Asked Questions Forum Language EN Shopping Cart My Astro Horoscopes Astro Shop All about Astrology Topics in the Astro Shop Astro-Databank Eminence doesnt just mean fame. Everything turns you on, Scorpio Eros! A bulk of the information given to me was about general astrology. His Spirit releasing reached Aries on August 22nd 2014 and lasts till June 4th 2029. I walked away from our session with a better sense of who I am as well as my direction in life. The Asteroid Eros can shed some light on some of our erotic turn-ons. Only you know what is right for you. You probably do not. At 8:51:00 am the Lot of Fortune is at 29 Gemini, but at 8:51:51 am, the Lot of Fortune enters Cancer. Thinking about this issue more, I found that for all their similarities, they really do have some big differences. Technically, your Lot of Eros should be your favorite sign based on the idea that it's what you willingly choose. That's not wrong exactly, but it's also not right either. If you read my post about the symbolism behind the formulas then you may remember me saying that it's important to look at the formula itself, not just the name of a Lot. In mythology, Eros was the god of sexual love and desire. Victory becomes a contributing cause of trust, good expectation, contest, and every association; but sometimes it contributes to penalties and rewards. Paulus Alexandrinus, Day: Take the distance from Saturn to Fortune, count the same from the Ascendant Select an Arabic Part from the pull-down menu. Sure beats the old Head+Wall-Sanity=Lot of Tedium method. Jupiter is associated with the functions of synthesis, enthusiasm and optimism. YeahThats right. Eros represents our passionate and erotic energy and how we use it. You wont be disappointed! For Mary-Kate and Ashley, it will be a bad time for their careers since they both have Spirit in Gemini, but it would be especially bad for Ashley because her Spirit releasing is the same as her Nemesis releasing. It suddenly occurred to me to look at her Fortune releasing, since it concerns the body and this was a pretty, um, big deal, a big deal for her especially because her body is such a large part of her work. 4) I accept Patrick Watsons right to refuse service and provide a full refund on the basis of my questions validity or other ethical concerns. It's not exactly relevant in most people's lives. We can also look at the moon and Jupiter in her 7th house, conjunct the Lot of Eros, as a way to connect with others across space and time. Yet you can become cold and distant after the fact. His Lot of Fortune is in Gemini and his Lot of Spirit is in Capricorn. The Lots of Fortune and Spirit are derived from the arc between the Sun and Moon, so those are still based on an actual astronomical distance at least. Patrick was professional, funny, and sensitive to the topics of our discussion. I highly recommend Patrick. Before I adopted the term Lots, I knew them as Arabic Parts. I have also mentioned him to my friends who are interested in Astrology. Now, let's look back a little, to when they first started dating. Her relationship with DiCaprio ended before the Loosing of the Bond (darkness) and then she began a relationship with Brady after the Loosing of the Bond to Leo (light) in December 2006. For you, if something does not feel right, then it is definitely wrong. His reading for me was profound and answered many questions I had about trends. Patrick is a master at chart readings. Would do again 10/10! He inhales it.He exhales it. Thats amazing value. Your Newman. At that time, Harry was in an 8th house Leo profection. It helped me a lot. (2) Guido Bonatti, Bonatti on Lots, Treatise 8.2, translated by Benjamin Dykes, The Cazimi Press, 2010. I'm not entirely sure the appropriate way to refer to them since they were just stripped of their royal titles, but whatever, they're cute. Harry had Libra activated directly, Meghan had Libra activated indirectly through her timelord, the moon in Libra. Maybe. When someone's planet touches our natal Eros in synastry, it is as if we have been stuck by Cupid's arrow. The term Lots capture the original idea from Platos Timaeus of souls casting lots for different destinies, just like the Lots are cast out from the Ascendant. If youre interested in using Zodiacal Releasing, the best software to use is the stupendous program Delphic Oracle by Curtis Manwaring, which I used to generate the charts and Zodiacal Releasing periods in this article. I was referred to Patrick for a reading, because I was specifically interested in a fusion of chart-reading and. Many describe Eros as the innate desire of human beings to transcend themselves through impelling an urge for union and interconnection and the drive to unite with the absolute truth. Ultimately I think thats what you have to do when considering what a given Lot actually means beyond its name. What does lot of Eros represent? This was a huge obstacle for Brady and Bndchens relationship that had barely just begun. They may have to make those kind of moves because that's the world they live in; but they're doing it so they can be together, not being together so they can make moves. https://jogleason.com/intro-to-profections/. You can feel him, rather than see him. The couple met in July of 2016. What does something pleasing to your Spirit even mean? If youre studying astrology, youll get a reading and a lesson for the price of one. I had a reading yesterday with Patrick, and it was one of the most helpful, thorough and on-target readings of my life. Thinking about the formula, we're moving from Spirit (mind, intellect, soul, faith) to Venus (pleasurable things). How Many People Share The Exact Same Natal Chart? The 4th house can signify ancestry or history and the 1st house signifies self. The planet Jupiter symbolizes expansion, broadness and generosity. 2) Timing recommendations provided by this electional service are based on Patrick Watsons opinion of astrological factors and are not guarantees of desired results, and are not intended to contradict, supersede or be in any way a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals in other fields such as medicine, law or finance, etc. And you must evolve. If Hillary doesnt win, hes probably got Fortune in Gemini, and was born between 8:51:00-8:51:50 am. The reverse of every calculation provides a point which is the same number of degrees from the Ascendant, but on the other side of the horizon. I might also suggest the title of Xzibit Lots. The major planets simply outweigh it. Well, lets consider what a Lot really is. I also feel the need to mention Meghan's miscarriage here. 1. First of all, the guys chart is quite eminent. Bushs bitchFormer UK Prime Minister Tony Blair was born with Fortune in Pisces and Spirit in Virgo. As more people become familiar with the techniques that utilize these almost crazily abstract points, I believe more people will begin to recognize their incredible potential, against all reason.This is the kind of stuff in astrology that makes you realize that reality is a far stranger thing than anyone is comfortable with. As Curtis Manwaring points out, someone with a top security clearance is someone who has a high degree of eminence in a society without ever being on a magazine cover. This is a guy who was PRESIDENT of the United States, and his Fortune 10th period coincided with his post-presidential activities with Clinton Global Initiative and Hillarys 2008 campaign? So astrologer Vettius Valens gave us some conditions for the potential for eminence in a chart using the Lots. My longest relationship was with someone who has Venus and the Lot of Eros in Gemini. Meanwhile, Mary-Kates Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Nemesis is different, starting in Cancer for 25 years, Leo for 19, Virgo for 20, etc. So that's a plus.). Besides that, some of the Lots have the same calculations but vastly different names. So her Eros ZR started in Virgo for 20 years, Libra for 8 years and Scorpio for 15 years, which she is still in the middle of. Of course she experienced racism because it's. Just thinking about the Lord of Eros, the Lord of the 7th house, and Jupiter together, this really sounds like true love. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. With Saturn ruling the 7th house of partnerships, it's basically signifying her spouse, Harry. It just so happens that in December 2006, Tom Brady left his girlfriend Bridget Moynahan and was set up on a blind date with Giselle Bndchen, his current wife, and they continued dating. Eros represents sexual objectification, passion and desire, and creativity. Our next subject is someone who has the Lot of Eros exactly conjunct their Midheaven. She literally was an ambassador. However, Venus and Saturn are inferior position to the Moon, Mars and Jupiter, which suggests the Moon can overcome the issues presented by Saturn. The fixed, sensual nature of Taurus makes it easy to stay present with each caress. Starting with asteroid Juno, this asteroid rules marriage and commitment. Last year I made a new Gemini rising friend with his ascendant and Mars in Gemini, during the Venus retrograde in Gemini. Eros in Cancer is turned on by feeling safe, comforted, nurtured and loved. The distance between two of the points is added to the position of the third (very often the ascendant) to derive the location of the lot. Im very pleased with and thankful for the natal consultation I had with Patrick Watson; he provided super interesting. One way you can use the Lots is by incorporating them into annual profections. Her Lot of Eros is ruled by Saturn, the Lord of Darkness, and she doesn't use flash. See if it describes the hobbies and the activities you enjoy. All rights reserved. Let's think about Eros in the 4th house with its ruler in the 1st house for a second. Love Asteroids in Astrology. When you make love, you can virtually become that person, you feel them all the way down. This was an interesting, insightful reading with one of todays leading practitioners of ancient Hellenistic Astrology. . I really like his timing techniques. Mars in Scorpio vibes sex. Very accurate description of my past and my future goals, fascinating discussion overall. However, the initial attraction they felt for one another may eventually fade in time if they decide to overindulge in their sexual impulses. Since it is the opposite calculation of Fortune and equidistant from the Ascendant from Fortune, its meaning is also complementary to the Lot of Fortune. It gives me some hope for the future, and enhances my understanding of struggles Ive dealt or been dealing with. The Moon rules her Lot of Nemesis, which indicates the body or ones habits and instincts would be her downfall, or nemesis. Gotta appreciate an astrologer that doesn't sugarcoat things and analizes everything to the minor detail. You can be finicky about what turns you on, but you really love when your partner allows you to give to them. Said to have been a primordial deity that emerged during the dawn of creation, Eros is also known as the God of procreation the driving force behind the creation of new life in the universe. This combination of using zodiacal releasing together with the Lot of Eros has proved to be extremely effective for studying the topic of relationships in natal astrology. But its funny how that works, given the way Bndchen sees it: I think it was a blessing, because otherwise I dont think I would have known what he was made of, and he wouldnt have known what I was made ofI wouldnt have seen the integrity in himthe way he was a good person through all the times. We could say that Winona enjoys learning about her roots, specifically the linguistic ones. Coinbase automatically converts the USD price into the current exchange rate for currently accepted cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Dai (DAI), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and USD Coin (USDC). After attending the PHASE Conclave in 2006, I was introduced to Zodiacal Releasing, a timing technique which is primarily based on the Lots, or more specifically, the Hermetic Lots. It's perfectly all right to get to know somebody well before you open all your secret places to them. You throw yourself at new passions with such energy that the objects of your desire may be as likely to run as to stay. Eros takes about 1.76 years (643 days) to complete an orbit around the Sun. a sign). This is long af but I promise I'm wrapping it up. He was considered irresistible. I stumbled on one of Patrick Watsons videos about a year ago, and even though astrology is one of my long-running. Once you understand the connection, you can use this information to make better choices and not succumb to every temptation that presents itself. Notice on the lower levels, her Eros had reached her Fortune 10th, Capricorn. I used Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen in a previous post to mock the idea that differences between twins disprove astrology by pointing out the ways in which they are very similar. Overall, I couldn't have been more satisfied than this. The mind is a powerful venue, and so the downfall of Eros in Gemini is distractibility. Your email address will not be published. This includes ones sexual nature, preferences, attractions, fantasies, and the way one chooses to express their sexuality. When you enjoy your senses, the world is a sensual paradise. Eros in Aries. Now, I don't have a medical degree, but stress isn't good for your body. The whole process started on February 2nd 2013 and finished on April 27th 2013, during Cancer-Capricorn-(Capricorn)-Aries. The key here is that under the Lot of Eros, it must be mutual exchange between both parties. Feb 11. Fast forward a few months, Harry has his birthday/solar return and begins a Virgo profection. You may well say 'yes,' and then change that 'yes' to a 'no.' Had a wonderful consultation with Patrick who provided a 360 degree view of my journey. chart. Meghan is a biracial woman with a configuration in her chart saying that she will be criticized by the media and her prominent spouse's family. Arent they completely arbitrary? Meghan's Lot of Eros is in Cancer, the topic was activated, she got married. Yes, his Lot of Fortune is in Scorpio. I have some preliminary thoughts. While this was significant for him because of Saturns presence in Leo and ruling his Lot of Spirit in Capricorn, it did not involve angularity to the Lot of Fortune in Gemini. If you project the distance from Mars to Venus from the Ascendant, you get a one-stop-shop Lot for Sale, Lands, Landed Property and Adultery. Jupiter in Aquarius. Pisces Man and a Capricorn Woman: Are They Compatible? Which is how we get to the idea of ambassadors being a 5th house topic. Scorpio is a post-ascensional sign, so it builds on the events of the Libra period, and the rulers, Venus and Mars are in trining signs, showing continuity between periods. It becomes a contributing cause of friendship and mutual favor. It can teach us how and where we might become enchanted, full of illogical yearning, and train us to become single-minded. Not too surprisingly then, in the short time he has been in this peak period, he became leader of his party and then Prime Minister of Canada. Lot of Eros - Patrick Watson Tag: Lot of Eros Uncategorized 6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) Before I adopted the term Lots, I knew them as Arabic Parts. These are not Lots for 2015! Its not too doom and gloom nor over the top unrealistic. He helped me understand some of the conflicts I have been facing with family and career, and even some of the challenges my children have been facing during recent transits. The presence of Eros in your natal chart not only helps you to know more about your desires and love but also about your partner as well. 8 Feminine principle; Yin; Eros; Art; Growth and Decay. Hey this is an old article hey check out George Bush part of fortune its in Scorpio. Day: Take the distance from the Sun to the Moon, count the same from the Ascendant Well, it's basically things that make you happy, things that make you feel entertained, things that make you feel good, things that you choose, willingly. Expect the Pisces periods not to go too well since thats where his Saturn is, his contrary to sect malefic. These are some pretty strikingly weird hobbies but hey, whatever pleases your Spirit. When you want something, you want it now. Communication is key! You prefer exotic and unusual styles in potential partners; you seek novelty. Were going to have to dig deeper and check out the Hermetic Lots. Delineating racism doesn't matter though. You are sensitive to others' bodies and you love to help people feel good. It encompasses that feeling of 'oh yes!' Such a relationship is likely to be focused on the physical side. Psyche, was a mortal girl that Eros fell in love with. them really simply and thoroughly. It's a huge help with verifying the signs of the lots for Zodiacal Releasing - which I am just beginning to test out on my chart (and of course my chart collection :) and am completely blown away! Mr. Patrick is a great astrologer. Its beyond the scope of this article to explain it in tremendous detail, and Id highly recommend taking Chris Brennans course on this, but here are the basics. Last November, Meghan wrote an opinion piece for the NY Times, titled The Losses We Share, which reflects on the tremendous losses of 2020 as well as her own tremendous loss. Lets take newly elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as an example. This sounds totally arbitrary and nuts, a lot like the entire technique, which beyond all expectation can be quite formidable, so you know, Im open to exploring it. I had a fabulous consult with Patrick recently. And those L3 periods divide into sub-sub-sub-periods in the same way, called L4 periods. Pay attention to what you are feeling and learn to quiet your mind. I really like his timing techniques. Pisces is of course his Fortune 10th. highly recommend him. Eros in Scorpio is deeply emotional and more vulnerable than others might think at first glance. ever-expanding knowledge, and a hilarious sense of humor. Ive been blogging about astrology since 2008 and Ive been blogging on this site since November 2014. 4) I accept Patrick Watsons right to refuse service and provide a full refund on the basis of my questions validity or other ethical concerns. The ruler is Mars, which he has in Libra, its anti-domicile. Necessity signifies constraints, submissions, struggles, and wars, and makes enmities, hatreds, condemnations, all the other restrictive things befalling men as a result of their birth. Paulus Alexandrinus, Day: Take the distance from Spirit to Venus, count the same from the Ascendant That's a lot of power for such a tiny bit of rock! Patrick is an astute practitioner, with a great deal of wisdom, maturity, insight and great kindness. The Lot ofOperations and Orders in Medical Treatment? In your natal chart, his house position is more important than his sign position because, like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, he is a slow planet. He's a really cool guy with great character. 100% of his answers to the question Horary are compatible with my life. Day: Take the distance from Mercury to Fortune, count the same from the Ascendant So with Virgo-Pisces activated on Fortune, her Mars in Virgo opposite Jupiter in Pisces came to life. A bulk of the information given to me was about general astrology. Fine. Order a synastry report and find out now! In astrology, Parts, also known as Lots, are numerous particular points in a figure derived in most cases from counting the distance in degrees in a forward direction through the signs of the zodiac between two celestial bodies in a specified order, and adding the result to the degree of the Ascendant. And as others have said, he has a great sense of humor; in my opinion, the value of that cannot be overstated! In a situation where Patrick Watson agrees a refund is warranted, refunds for purchases made in crypto will only be provided in USD at the original USD price. His Fortune 10th is Sagittarius. It is certainly the most powerful & instantaneous contact I have ever experienced & I have had a few (Mars/Pluto/Uranus conjunct in the 8th natally) -- you may be interested that this person with whom I have the Eros/Node/Vertex synastry came into my life as Pluto crossed my South Node & trined my Dsc (!) I ended the session feeling optimistic about my future, and knowing when to expect some trouble related to two difficult placements. Meghan Markle has been subject to racist abuse from the UK media, and I have no doubt from others as well. Which, I'm sure they're more than happy to be rid of at this point. I have accepted my role as an unabashed Gemini stan despite the fact that they also annoy the shit out of me (see, clingy Venus in Scorpio in aversion). Upon their separation, she developed and attuned her intuitive, telepathic, and psychic . super impressed and happy with the reading. MOON IN ARIES (NATAL): THE YOUTHFUL MOTHER MOON, MOON IN CANCER: THE CELESTIAL MOTHER MOON, MOON IN LEO (NATAL): THE REGAL MOTHER MOON, MOON IN SCORPIO: THE TRANSFORMATIONAL MOTHER, MOON IN SAGITTARIUS: THE EDUCATING MOTHER, PALLAS IN ASTROLOGY The Asteroid of Wisdom, DEJANIRA IN ASTROLOGY: The Victim Asteroid, EROS IN ASTROLOGY: The Sexuality Asteroid, VESTA IN ASTROLOGY The Spirituality Asteroid. So I opened up their charts and took a look. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); By my purchase I acknowledge and agree the following terms and conditions: 1) I do not hold Patrick Watson to be legally liable for any circumstances or consequences arising from my independent decision to undertake any action based on the timing recommendations provided by this electional service. Your favorite turn-on is skin contact; you may not know if you are into somebody until you touch, and then that person's body becomes your world. I have never resonated with my astrology chart as much as I do now. Eros is not considered a ruler of any zodiac sign, nor is it given any predefined dignities. In rare cases, another house cusp is . You need to take all the time you want! 1 articles . Basically we have this lovely royal relationship that isn't being supported. You should definitely seek advice from Patrick Watson. What's really interesting about this exalted moon in Taurus is that it signifies both of them in different ways. There's nothing strategic or political about this partnership. I'll do a separate post on Necessity later, but what you need to know is that it signifies negative things. If you have Nemesis in the 5th house, please don't freak out and think that means you're going to have a miscarriage. However, even if his Fortune were in Cancer, his election and re-election would not be angular periods, so his success must have been on the strength of encountering the ruler of the Lot of Spirit. No, I have no doubt they still would be. Howdy, I had intended to write in a different thread this evening/morning [it's somewhat past 1 am here] in the mundane forum but it can wait. Search the Podcast Website. A couple important artistic notes about Lange's photography style. The most well-known goddess asteroids are Juno, Vesta, and Pallas. Its my hope to someday systematically go through every combination of Lot and come up with modern names for each one that accurately reflects the relationship between each planetary pair. In a situation where Patrick Watson agrees a refund is warranted, refunds for purchases made in crypto will only be provided in USD at the original USD price. The Lot of Necessity is the Hermetic Lot of Mercury. You have successfully subscribed to the Newsletter, CERES IN ASTROLOGY: The Nurturance Asteroid, PSYCHE IN ASTROLOGY: The Soul Asteroid (16). Enter the sign, degree and minute (optional) for each part of the formula by looking them up in the natal chart for the person in question.