14. 11. o 70-75% of a human being consists of water He will be very stubborn and cruel and it will take many signs and miracles before he will let you go; but everyone will know that I am God when he finally frees the Israelites. Every sexual pollution of marine spirit husband/wife in my body, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus. Prayers To Cast Out Evil Spirits . (Job 41:12). Required fields are marked *. Prayer: Every marine agent on assignment to pull me down, sword of the Lord, locate them and destroy them now, in the name of Jesus. 6.Father God, I cut and sever and destroy the yokes of matrimony in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Study the life of Christ carefully and be like him. The waters spirits are from marine agents. Let my God arise and scatter every ancestral spirit binding my family members in the name of Jesus. SPIRITUAL WARFARE DRILL 2: A Prayer to Loose You From Leviathans Lies. Any power of marine spirits holding any of my blessings in bondage, receive the fire of God and release them, in Jesus name. 40 Bible Verses On The Fruit Of The Womb . In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. Prayer: I reject every evil transfer of..(Fill in the following: untimely death, sickness, insanity, poverty, etc.) 2. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. Prayer: Any gift that will make marine agents and powers to dominate me, I reject you, catch fire. Father God, I come now to you and break the marriage covenant with these marine spirits that seem to own you as their husband or wife. Underwater warfare is a different class of warfare. Father God, I break the strength of leviathan's neck, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Psalm 18:40). Marine materials and deposits are transferred into people by their agents through such avenues as sex, food, and sharing of clothes and other personal effects. The Holy Spirit led me to study the Navy Seals. Psalm 8 . Python is the source of many financial failures and deaths of many people today through curses, spells, voodoo, incantations, etc. Father God, I break the heads of leviathan in pieces (Psalm 74:14). Marine tortoise and snails crawl out of my body by fire, in Jesus name. Paul and Silas were in physical pain but they praised and worshiped God, which is how they broke free and how you will break free. As a child of the Lion of Judah, I chase out serpents from my life, in the name of Jesus. They can take the robust health of their victim and transfer it to someone who is sick. If you need prayer, please email dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com. Consulting marine agents posing as false priests, ministers, prophets, and pastors. These spirits create counterfeit loe they get their high to seduce you, but cannot get serious in a relationship. Do not delay, O my God. Visiting white garment churches Let the anointing of God to destroy marine spirit and their kingdom come upon my life afresh in Jesus name. Father, I come to in the name of Jesus and in His authority. I reject every spirit of trial and errors in my life in the name of Jesus. Read full chapter. The Bible mentions Leviathan in Job 3, 40 and 41, but thats not the only place this sea monster is found in Scripture. They manipulate governments, and they have infiltrated deep into the church. Unrepentant ancient python spirit in my foundation, catch fire unto death, in Jesus name. HOW TO CHANGE THINGS BY THE POWER MIDNIGHT PRAYING! Unexplainable failure where there should be success particularly after evil sex encounters in the dream. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. Once they know that the doors are open they quickly come in and steal. Direct Personal Line/Whatsapp On +2348039681543. Paul was a man of prayer. Do not be received, there are demonic forces in the air, on land and in the sea or waters, Ephesians 2:2, Revelation 13:1, Isaiah 27:1. Marine parasites, Marine virus, Marine bacteria hiding in my body die by fire, in Jesus name. Before we go to the deliverance prayer points, lets talk a little about this marine powers. 10. Combat conducted underwater is somewhat trickier than air or land combat. Prayer and praise are what python is trying to stop, but prayer and praise will set you free. 3. Psalm 144:1-2. When you have unforgiving spirit and other negative attitudes. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. The spirit of Python is the source of witchcraft and divination. 4. This made Moses smile and shout for joy, surely Pharaoh would let them go now. Spiritual bank account opened for me by spirit husband / wife be closed by the blood of Jesus. Psalms 107:6 KJV 6. Father, cut off the head of this dreadful dragon. Lord Jesus I vow before the court of heaven that as you set me free from these marine spirits ,I will never ever engage in any sexual activity outside of marriage nor open any door to the enemy to return . He Is The Founding Pastor of Ark of Greatness International, "The Winning Church," commissioned to "RAISE STRONG AND MATURE BELIEVERS WHO TAKE GENERATIONAL TERRITORIES FOR CHRIST, BY HIS WORD AND BY HIS HOLY SPIRIT". I throw down any fish of darkness revealing my greatness to goddesses, in Jesus name. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. I will not be defeated by the devil, I will extol myself, in Jesus name. 19. Y por Libertad y convertimiento a Dios de mi esposo e hijos. Bible Verses about Deliverance - Deliver Us From Evil! Initiate people into various marine societies such as mermaid society A sign of having stubborn and vicious spirit husband/wife. Any evil name given to me under any water, I reject and cancel it with the blood of Jesus. 13. Marine demons. We buy houses. For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.. 23. They show up in the dream to deal mercilessly with victims. or email to: admin@evangelistjoshua.com. WISDOM FOR THE WARFARE: DONT BE IGNORANT. v Several so called churches and ministers derive their power from the marine world. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I break multiple demon chains around my glory, in Jesus name. A prayerful christian cannot be stopped by marine powers. 17. I decree and declare that my praise will release more power and my worship is my warfare. 19. I tread upon you for you cannot harm me. 11. I refuse to surrender to the enemy in the name of Jesus. 12. Agenda of the marine spirit to paralyze my destiny-dreams, die by fire, in Jesus name. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. 15. You dont have to be in sin to find python trying to slide under your door. his books are in high demand in prayer groups, Bible studies, and personal devotions. They employ marine spirits to war against individuals, families, governments and even continents. Bombarding prayers is required here. GOING TO HERBALISTS, NATIVE DOCTORS OR CONSULTING ORACLES. 11. Below we examine a few of these from a bible perspective: FACT 1: Only water and the Holy Spirit were prominent and existed in the beginning.And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the . Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Second heaven wickedness working with queen of the coast over my marriage scatter by fire. Psalm 107:6. 9. Everything that God created was for the benefit of man but the fall of man changed that: Men or women who are considered Jezebels have marine spirits. Supervise evil covenants between marine powers and their victims including evil dedication to marine powers They imprison and restrict their victims from marriage. An effective way of crushing the serpent is through fervent prayers. Lets look at Pauls encounter with the python spirit. The Bible says in Exodus 7:10-12, And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent. This demonic spirit causes people not to become what God has assigned them to be in life. POWER AGAINST MARINE SPIRITS AND WATER SPIRITS. I break loose from Leviathans oppression. Materials from the marine kingdom, cowries, beads, jewelries inside my stomach, receive fire come and be roasted, in Jesus name. I call for a drought upon leviathans waters (Jeremiah 50:38; Jeremiah 51:36). Spiritual Meaning of Hearing Knocking Many Times, Spiritual Meaning of Hitting Your Toe/Foot Against A Stone, PRAYER POINTS AGAINST MARINE SPIRITS AND WATER SPIRITS, About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube. know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? Every agent of marine witchcraft assigned to attack my finances through dream, be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. What is Leviathan and why is it so formidable? Any incision in my body, used as entry point by marine demons; be flushed out by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. The enemy is roaming the earth like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour (see 1 Peter 5:8. kings and queens will be your children, presidents and prime ministers, and you will teach professors". The get blin Marine spirits are water spirits that dwell in water such as rivers, lakes, ocean. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The spirit of marine has given some people various gifts spiritually that keep them busy with them. The spirit of Python will force you to use the properties of the marine. Crown of the queen of the coast placed upon my dream on my head catch fire, in Jesus name. And this did she many days. Your dream should b Marine spirits are water spirits that dwell in water such as rivers, lakes, ocean. THINGS THAT BELONG TO YOU WAS THROWN INTO THE RIVER. Bring this haughty devil low. Let the thunderbolts of God locate and destroy every marine witchcraft covens where deliberations and decisions have ever been fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus. bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit. Lord destroy with your power anything that makes me 10 times backward, in Jesus name. Every arrow shot into my life by witchcraft powers from the waters, I soak you in the blood of Jesus and return you back to sender. However, when Moses and his brother Aaron got to Egypt the Lord told them what to do. Father God, I break all curses of pride and leviathan from my life in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I cancelled all decision and judgment of marine witchcraft over my life and family, in Jesus name. Every demonic possessed power attaching themselves to my glory, catch fire, in Jesus name. Maintain evil altars from where they launch their attacks. Sword of God touch the blood of every marine power agents assigned against my life and family in the name of Jesus . Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. Indeed, scuba divers face distinct dangers, including barotraumawhich is damage due to increased under water pressure on the air pocket in the middle ear. Marine agents possess very strong monitoring powers and know when their victims have opened the doors for attacks through such door openers as discouragement, evil confessions, and lies. The Bible speaks of the heavenly host, which are the angels who make their abode in heaven (see Deuteronomy 17:3). 14. However, one of the toughest deliverance at most deliverance churches today, it is majorly from python and marine spirit. When you are fighting marine demons, the witchcraft can lead you to make poor decisions because you dont see and hear rightly. They demand for your worship and make your life hell if you do not give it. 17. All rights reserved. Your Word is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword. Getentrepreneurial.com: Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. Pls pray 4 me,I want to be free totally from every Marin manipulation in my life, Que Dieu nous delivre de tout esprit marin et nous protege contre toute attaque du diable, Pudo apoyo en oracion por la liberacin de estos espritus marinos que han perturbado mi matrimonio por aos. When you are pursuing a particular thing for many years without solution. When a person is possessed by one python spirit is quite different from a person that is heavily possessed with multiple python spirits. Sword of God break every marine chain, padlock tying me down, in the name of Jesus. Terrible dreams attacks including sex in the dream. Every python sent to destroy me, return to your sender, in the name of Jesus. Water goddess hindering my marital star, I cry against you, let me go today, in Jesus name. They use marine chains and padlocks to chain and padlock different areas of a persons life and destiny. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation." Read Chapter All Versions Cause poverty as they confiscate your money and bank it under the waters. Let my blood receive deliverance from every serpentile and marine attack, in Jesus name. Even If this was done generations back you have to renounce and break the dedication in order to be set back. 2. Jesus Christ, by your power and authority, crush out every foundational serpent working against my marital favour, in the name of Jesus. And its a different type of warfare. When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. REVEALING YOUR SECRET TO MARINE AGENTS THROUGH COMMUNICATION. Learn how your comment data is processed. All power belongs to God, today we shall be looking at 20 deliverance prayer points from marine water spirits. I stand against this serpentine devil that is working to constrict the flow or Your light and life in my heart. These Bible verses will help you focus on the promises of God and will renew your fight to persevere. First of all I want you to know that if you are a child of God, you have power over all devils, Luke 10:19, Matthew 17:20, Mark 11:20-24. Constant swimming in the dream. Every serpentile poison in my spirit, soul and body, be purged out, in Jesus name. Pharaoh wasnt surprised at all, he actually just smiled and laughed at Moses and Aaron. I break free from all chains of stagnation holding me boudyby marine spirits in Jesus name. Scatter Your enemies with Your strong arm ( Psalm 89:10 ). I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and by virtue of that everything is under my feet. 13. I stand in the Authority of the name of Jesus, and i declare that any witchcraft practised under any water against my life, receive immediate judgment of fire, in the name of Jesus. I decree and declare my prayer life will carry more fire, more wind, and more anointing. All Giving's Are Directly Sent To The Ministry Account. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? Blood of Jesus, Fire of God flush out marine waters from my body, in Jesus name. Firstly, as Jesus says, deny our flesh then read scripture diligently. Deliver Yourself from Marine Spirits - Spirit Husband or Spirit Wife - Today Spiritual husband or spiritual wife is not just a feel-good preaching or get scared talk to impress anyone. Strange eyes of the python spirits over my possession, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. 16. My father's house in Jesus name. dessin de plantu, le monde, 18 janvier 1991. Your first bath water used for rituals in the waters. Uncontrollable sexual urges 13. Many stars are buried in marine burial grounds located in the homes of marine agents and under the waters. Any ring cowries deposited in my body by queen of the coast come out of me and catch fire, in Jesus name. Psalm 34:17. 15. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. While others are still struggling hard to prosper. Every strange underground house in the water having my picture; catch fire, in Jesus name. It is written let God be true and every man a liar in Romans 3:4. Bombarding prayers is required here. Every witchcraft serpent sent to disgrace me, roast to death by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. They attack people mostly through evil foundation. 22. I separate myself from every ancestral covenant with water spirits by the power in the blood of Jesus. I break all marine witchcraft mirrors being used to monitor my life to pieces. The demon of python can enter a person through family pattern, rivers, and others are bewitchment and fornication. 4. Dry up his resting place, oh God, smite him with your mighty hand and deliver me from this demonic onslaught in the name of Jesus. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 2. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. Every serpent hissing lies and accusations into my ears, be Utterly Silenced by the Thunder of God, in Jesus name. 18. 12. Our content is under copyright law. Break this principality into pieces for Your names sake. Nitrogen narcosis is dangerous because it impairs your judgement and sensory perception. May 21, 2022 by philippians 2:1 2 the message by philippians 2:1 2 the message They fire arrows from the waters into peoples lives. Seeing marine animals in your dream such as crocodile, water turtles, crabs, and serpents "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that . 15. Father God, I bind every sea monster that would attack my life or region in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Lamentations 4:3). The word divination in this verse comes from the Greek word for puthon, which translates in English as python. Vines Dictionary explains how Greek mythology believed the Pythian serpent guarded the oracle of Delphi until Apollo slew it (and then took on the name Pythian). Your email address will not be published. The proper way to dispose of it is to burn it. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. When they sexually violate you they take the appearance of men. Hardship 5. The way some dancers perform clearly indicates where they come from. Then theres nitrogen narcosis, which occurs in underwater pressure when the nitrogen absorbs into the body tissues. I plead the blood of Jesus over my spirit, soul and body, in Jesus name. Leviathan also twists situations and words. There are terrible witchcraft activities against people, communities, and even countries, in the marine world. O Lord, begin to contend with all those who are contending against me and my family. 2. We cant effectively wrestle any demon when were wrestling against people. Proud member Here are 139 Bible verses about deliverance from the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible (King James Version), sorted from most to least relevant. Father God, punish leviathan, the piercing serpent, even leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your sore, great, and strong sword, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Isaiah 27:1). When promise and fail are too much in your life. Philistines worshipped a god called Dagon that was shaped after the mermaids half men and half fish. The fact that the man is polygamous is enough evidence that he has a problem of marine spirit. Slay this water spirit with Your Word. On the other hand, they threw the staffs they were carrying to the ground and they became big snakes, just like Moses and Aarons. 22. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyones chains were loosed (Acts 16:25-26). 7. 5. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. The earth is the second realm. o 85% of the world is water Any marine stronghold holding me down as a child of God, I declare my total freedom, so therefore lose your grip over me, in Jesus name. RITUALS AND SACRIFICE: A person gets polluted through these means. Maintain the marine altars Unfortunately many pastors have consciously yielded to this water spirits powers in there quest to become popular, but the word of God cannot be broken, on the last day, every false prophet, who doesnt repent shall be cast into the lake of fire, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10. *The marine spirits press single people to date married men or women. feeling pressured, overwhelmed, helpless and even hopeless. Receiving gifts from water demons. Every priest ministering at any evil altar against me inside any water, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. A marine strongman may be a serpent. 3. Have you ever wondered if God has heard your prayers? The good new is God has dominion over the water. With Hammer of God I break the head of water strongman, in Jesus name. Every evil materials transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents, catch fire and be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus. This prayer is in my book,The Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan, which deals with 14 demons working to destroy your life. 2. Please reload the page and try again. Any python in my life that is bearing children catch fire and die, in Jesus name. God calls us to live free from sin that "so easily entangles". SEX WITH MARINE PEOPLE: If you sleep with a marine agent you would become one of them. Psalm 50:15. Ask the Lord for revelation. Symptoms of a python attack may include weariness, a loss of passion to worship and pray. How excellent indeed is your name O Lord. 0 items. This spirit is intimidating and intimates most people from contending with it. There can be shallow deliverance, partial deliverance, unfinished deliverance; but people of destiny NEEDS DEEP PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE TO THE ROOT OF THE MATTERS OF THEIR LIVES. That is why we should not buy the Walt Disney movies or products of mermaids. Your word is purified seven times. When you are always attracted to married men or wrong people. The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 8. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: When you live in a riverine area and you do not pray hard, you would get polluted. I withdraw all my information from the possession of the water kingdom, in Jesus name. The spirit of divination is a water spirit, they can see a persons future and use it to manipulate such a one. 5 Bible Verses for Deliverance from Sin. The fall of Lucifer and his been thrown out of heaven with his fallen angels, further compounded the problems. I dissociate myself from the use of marine materials by fire, in Jesus name. Paul told us not to be ignorant of the devils devices, but were largely ignorant to marine demons. This prayer points are self deliverance prayer points, only you can deliver yourself from the oppressions of the devil. , begin to contend with all those who are contending against me bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit. Release more power and my family members in the blood of Jesus family members in the name of Jesus Plan. Prayerful christian can not be defeated by the blood of Jesus, i will extol myself, in name. Passion to worship and make your life is through fervent prayers open quickly. Gets polluted through these means Lord hears and delivers them out of me and catch fire, more,. 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