Still, some sheep breeds have short tails pointing downwards. Rambouillets are large sized, rugged and long-lived with a strong flocking instinct. Have separate housing for ewes and rams breeding so you can control the mating and know when lambing is expected to take place. Rambouillet has many of the same characteristics as Merino, but with a longer staple and a bit less sheen. Required fields are marked *. The ewes horns curve back gracefully from her head giving her a clean neat appearance, but the rams horns are spiraled and magnificent. No use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) Better for our climate. They like to live in harmony with other sheep. Louis XVI purchased 7 wethers, 41 rams and 318 ewes from his cousin King Charles III of Spain. Polypays: a composite breed. The Rambouillet is the backbone of the American Sheep Industry, forming the foundation of most western range flocks and raised throughout the United States. Grading up to Dorper. Though named for the town in France, the breed owes much of its development to Germany and the United States. In the past, the Spanish government knew precisely the kind of sheep they had, and they did not want to lose them! The Columbia sheep breed is a sweet-faced breed with a trim well proportioned body, long strong legs and were developed for their wool. (65 kg to 90 kg). However, thats the case with all options you may be considering. It is essential to shear your Rambouillets a minimum of twice every year. It is important to know how many sheep per acre you can raise for a healthy flock. The Rambouillet is a dual purpose sheep, producing a desirable carcass and good fine wool. A fleece should weigh from 8-18 pounds with a yield of 35-55%. Rambouillet Sheep. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. = rect.height + 'px';
var adElemSticky = document.getElementById('vi-sticky-ad'); These include: They aren't great for milk or wool production Highly mobile Dorper sheep don't produce much milk or wool, which means raising them for meat is your only option. But the strain of Rambouillet in France retained the original features, and even got bigger and finer. It is important to vet your prospective flock to ensure this isnt the case. Here are a few of the not so great things about sheep that you should know about. While both male and female sheep have horns, those of males are usually larger and more curved. The fleece staple length will vary from two to five inches (5-10 cm). The Rambouillet is large, white-faced with wool on the legs, fast-growing, long-live, gregarious, adaptable to various climatic and forage conditions, considered one of the best sheep for breeding year round, and produces a high quality, fine-wool fleece. It is also important to consider the difference betweenraising lambs vs sheep for meat. They do well in sub-par pastures, but the proper rotation of pastures and quality feedstuffs are vital. Yes, the Rambouillets are also good for meat production. Merinos were also introduced into Germany. Ribs are well sprung, wide, and deep, with a full heart girth assuring good capacity for vital organs.
var adElemSticky = document.getElementById('vi-sticky-ad'); These include: They aren't great for milk or wool production Highly mobile Dorper sheep don't produce much milk or wool, which means raising them for meat is your only option. But the strain of Rambouillet in France retained the original features, and even got bigger and finer. It is important to vet your prospective flock to ensure this isnt the case. Here are a few of the not so great things about sheep that you should know about. While both male and female sheep have horns, those of males are usually larger and more curved. The fleece staple length will vary from two to five inches (5-10 cm). The Rambouillet is large, white-faced with wool on the legs, fast-growing, long-live, gregarious, adaptable to various climatic and forage conditions, considered one of the best sheep for breeding year round, and produces a high quality, fine-wool fleece. It is also important to consider the difference betweenraising lambs vs sheep for meat. They do well in sub-par pastures, but the proper rotation of pastures and quality feedstuffs are vital. Yes, the Rambouillets are also good for meat production. Merinos were also introduced into Germany. Ribs are well sprung, wide, and deep, with a full heart girth assuring good capacity for vital organs.