These will be Hearers who have cut off existence. 24 (LH 979.6) AMV (5) and NT (959.4) have . (51) [17], [Then he will think,] Having renounce all this [for wandering] wherever, let me reach84 the state of deathlessness.85 Let me liberate people from the fear of sickness, death, and old age.86 (52), That Maitreya, the highest of people, accompanied by the 84,000 [followers] will leave to go forth in renunciation.87 (53) [18], In those days, his tree of enlightenment will be the Nga tree,88 the branches of this [tree] rising 50 yojanas89 in height.90 (54) [NT 965], And having sat down under those [branches] of that [tree], Maitreya, the highest of people, the leader, [LH 986] will reach the unsurpassable, auspicious enlightenment.91 (55), And on that very night when he will set forth in renunciation [of the world], he will indeed attain the other side of enlightenment.92 (56) [19], Thereupon, with a voice that possesses the eight [supreme] qualities,93 that best of [all] people94 will teach the true doctrine that disperses all suffering and is peaceful. But it would then be the name of the king or an adjective modifying king, and there would be no name for the priest. The lord of men will decorate that sacrificial post with various jewels. . AMV 16 n. 5). It is equated with the Indian subcontinent, which for Indians of the Buddhas time was the civilized world. Having heard this extraordinary tale and having seen such abundant good fortune, what wise person would not have faith, since even those in dark rebirths do so? [These treasures are:] the Pigala in Kaliga, the Puka in Mithil, the Elapatra in Gndhra, and the akha in the town of Vrasi. 81Use of this term only became prominent during the first or second century CE. 8Jeremy Norman, The Gilgit Manuscripts, the Oldest Manuscript Collection Surviving in Pakistan and India, (Accessed February 14, 2021). 452. Maitreya was born in Tehran, Persia, about 100 years after the beginning of the Bab's Mission. (LH 982.3; NT 961.7). 171 (AMV 30), (LH 991.2, NT 969.6). The present text, as edited here, is mainly based on the manuscript discovered at Gilgit. However, no matter the level of concentration, all three realms are still within the cycle of cyclic existence (. 4:40 PREVIEW Encircled. Maitreya Bodhisattva (Sanskrit) or Metteyya Bodhisatta is the future Buddha in Buddhist eschatology. You have been encompassed125 by the sage, the best of teachers, whose intelligence is great.126 (76), Seeing that the audience is receptive, [Maitreya] will speak these truths, and having heard them, they will thus attain to the truth,127 the highest stage. In some Buddhist literature, such as the Amitabha Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, the being is referred to as Ajita. Maitreya is Maitreyavyakarana in Sanskrit for short. , in the performance of miracles with six other ascetic sages of his day, during which the Buddha demonstrates his complete supremacy. Paris: E. Laroux, 1932. . And Maitreya, guide and lord of the world, the meditative states, they will be in complete possession of joy and happiness, the true doctrine will remain on earth for 10,000 years.. During these sabbaths lay people undertake eight vows: 1. not to kill, 2. not to steal, 3. not to be unchaste, 4. not to lie, 5. not to drink alcohol, 6. only eat before noon, 7. refrain from singing and dancing, and 8. not to sleep in an elevated or large bed. 109 (AMV 21); (LH 986.7, NT 966.2). 32 This Sanskrit terms often translated as a league also means yell, shriek, shout, and this is reflected in the Tibetan translation distance resounding, the meaning matching the colloquial English expression ear shot.. 91Edition A has: Its branches will extend six kroa on all sides. Sitting at the foot of this tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will reach total, unsurpassable illumination; this is without doubt! (, Lvi (394) also omits it, but Conze (240) has And he will win his enlightenment the very same day (, ) that he has gone forth into homeless life., 19). One of the earliest mention of Maitreya is a Sanskrit text, the "Maitreya-vyakarana" ("The Prophecy of Maitreya") stating that gods, men and other beings will worship Maitreya and will lose their doubts, and the torrents of their cravings will be cut off: "Free from all misery, they . This fulfills another prophecy: He did not give himself the name Maitreya (and all His other names). 4, 2nd ed. A pleasing sound will resound from the wind moving in those palm trees, just like the sweet sound of cymbals in five-part [harmony]. Within the narrative it seems to be part of a trend to describe Maitreyas world as a step above Siddhrthas. Unveiled Buddhist Buddhist Predictions Buddhist Prophecies Shambhala Prophecy Kingdom of Shambhala Maitreya Maitreya Prediction Maitreya Legend Buddha Avatar Avatar New Avatar Sermon of the Seven Suns Seven Suns Seven Suns . So the translation arms has been used as the unit of measurement, and the numbers have been doubled. (19), Moreover there will be pools in that city filled with blue lotuses and white water-lilies, and there will be marvelous parks and forests.39 (20), The king there40 will be called akha.41 A man full of majesty and with great power, he will be a wheel-turning king42 with dominion over the four continents.43 (21) [10], Possessing the seven [types of] treasures [of a wheel-turning ruler],44 he will be a commander of a four-part army.45 A full thousand sons will be born to this world ruler. 130The form of the verb in the second sentence is puzzling: . Leaving out the midwife but consistent with Indra snatching the baby in verse 34, version A translates: Thrilled indeed, the thousand-eyed, king of the gods, husband of ac will take that youth with the thirty-two marks. when the Dispensation of the perfect Buddha is 5000 years old.". The Tibetan also uses the verb to touch: (LH 985.2, NT 964.4). Prophecies of the Golden Age Lord Shakyamuni Buddha's Prophecies about Maitreya Buddha ( P. 43 ). The Sanskrit term more commonly refers to a type of family priest. In this context, following the modern English translations of the Tibetan, minister seems more apt (, accessed Aug. 25, 2018). I used the Sanskrit critical edition edited by P. C. Majumder and two editions of the Tibetan, the Lhasa and Narthang. Edition A also returns to the third person in its next verse 78. Edition A and the Tibetan leaves this out and instead has accompanied by thousands ( , AMV 20, n. 9; , LH 986.6, NT 965.7-966.1). People live longer; the world is vaster, and the Buddha comes from the highest class. Instead, after the summary of the Four Noble Truths, the text describes how people flock to the community renouncing the world and becoming monks and nuns, including Maitreyas whole family. Sitting at the foot of this tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will reach total, unsurpassable illumination; this is without doubt! (son feuillage stend sur six portes de voix. Then, when a hundred sages cast saffron flowers his , there will be wonders, belief, and matters of great significance. Maitreya is the bodhisattva called the "future Buddha" who resides in Tushita heaven until coming to the human realm to take the role of the next Buddha after kyamuni Buddha. Translation of theMaitreya-Vykaraamfrom Sanskrit with reference to Tibetan and French translations, includes introduction and bibliography. 95. Conze does not translate this section. 152This verse is only in edition B (AMV 27, n. 6). However, here the term is used ambiguously and does not necessarily refer to that doctrine of the three bodies, which was fully developed by the Yogcrins in the 4, . Life of the Buddha. I have decided to retranslate it mainly in order to refresh and practice my woefully inadequate knowledge of Sanskrit but also with the motivation to provide a full, fresh English translation of this treatise for faith-based Buddhism. Lvi (393) includes this line in his translation. 118The Buddhist community. . Login . The earth will be free from thorns and level, with verdant plains. advertisement. This is seen when the . Literally, voice possessing eight parts of the eight parts () Edgerton (81.2) says, having 8 (unspecified good) qualities, substantially = excellent, fine, supreme. I cannot find any other reference to the eight qualities or parts of the voice. LH (981.2) has . 154, (AMV 27, LH 989.7, NT 968.6). I do not know Chinese and so have not been able to avail myself of those translations as Lvi and Conze did. 64This verse is found only in edition B of the text. Numbers in brackets without a sigla represent the page number from that same edition. The Tibetan is clearer meaning description () of realization (). is a gesture of cupping the hands together and offering them to the person as a sign of respect. History of Indian Buddhism: From the Origins to the Saka Era. 89Roughly 675 kilometers or 420 miles. Tibetan has when you please (, LH 991.2, NT 969.6), though Jim Valby has honor as a definition of (see accessed Nov. 4, 2018). 1, Buddhist Tradition Series (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1989), p. 180. I will not visit [this world] again. (10), The beings there will be faultless, sinless, joyful, and full of life. dies and is reborn in another of the realms. Most important and are the predictions made by Nostradamus, the 3 secrets of Fatima, the biblecode, 666 number of the beast, edgar cayce, visionaires, prediction of the coming third world war, all about the 2012 prophecy, Mayan prophecies, ufo stories and pictures, the Emerge of Maitreya, hebrew spelling, the coming of the 3th antichrist, a . In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds. This can also be translated I prophesy.. In this way, the text lays out a clear an active path for the lay Buddhist, one of faith that will lead one to a future situation where one will have the opportunity to practice the demanding path to realization. According to Winternitz, the collection of these birth-stories was even at some point dubbed the Legends of the Bodhisattvaor as he translates The Garland of Great Achievements by the Bodhisattva (bodhisattvvadna).3 For him, the Avadna genre stands evenly with one foot in the Hnayna literature, and the other in that of the Mahyna.4 In short, early examples of these legends are completely within the realm of pre-Great Vehicle Buddhism, while later ones are firmly situated within the established Great Vehicle doctrine. Out of pity for [all] the worlds, the very wise riputra, universal commander of the doctrine, asked the teacher this: you have taught about Maitreya, the future Buddha who will serve as leader of the world, O best of men, please explain in detail everything about him including his powers as well as his supernormal abilities. There is no mention of dependent arising, nor of selflessness, or any other of the early Buddhist doctrines. III by Benjamin Creme (1997); 1.4 The World Teacher for All Humanity by Benjamin Creme (2007); 1.5 The Awakening of Humanity, by . emphasis on faith and the descriptions of its potent efficacy. sacrifice, in which a horse would be released and the king and his army would follow it for a year conquering anyone in its path. The text focused on here, as the title makes explicit, concerns the prophecy of the future enlightenment of the Bodhisattva Maitreya. Conzes redacted translation omits the next four verses about Indra, the midwife, and the mother. (63), Then, a householder known by the name of Sudhana105 whose being is pure106 [NT 966] will right there go forth [from his home] on account of Maitreyas instruction.107 (64), At this point, the jewel of women [i.e., the main wife] of akha, known by the name Vikh108 along with 84,000 women, will step forward and desire to go forth. Literally, desires, not eating, and old age. The translation borrows from Conze (238-239), Three kinds of illness only are known people must relieve their bowels, they must eat, they must get old, and Lvi (391) who has . The present text, as edited here, is mainly based on the manuscript discovered at Gilgit.7. Maitreya - "The Coming Teacher of mankind". Dutt, Nalinaksha. (82) [25], Then, when a hundred sages cast saffron flowers his , there will be wonders, belief, and matters of great significance.134 Mandra flowers135 will rain down there in that best of cities, and the gods will strew [flowers]136 over that sage who has come to the city. Simple analysis reveals the truth: I am interpreting it as (=) plus (faultless). However, it could also be the case that in the age when the AMV was written, the dominance of the Brhmaical culture was so strong that it prompted the author of the text to derive the future Buddha from their class to show that Buddhists were as good or in fact better than the Brhmaas, the Hindu priests. (32b)57, He will be unsoiled by the crud of the womb like a water-lily [is unsoiled] by [dirty] water. Based primarily on Chinese sources and the Japanese monograph on Maitreyas Pure-land by Matsumoto Bunzabur, Lvi (362-363) argues that this refers to the name of a Stra, In the Stra on the Past and Future, of which the Sanskrit title would be Prvparnta Stra. From the. The concept of the four treasures is found in both Buddhism and Jainism. , , , they will be those whose stream [of existence] has been severed, without grasping, and who have left the ocean of existence (, he Tibetan for the whole verse reads: Those who practiced the way of a, the teaching of Maitreya [will be] without negativity, without afflictive emotions, and without doubt (, , Tibetan and Edition A have Having compassion for all beings (, The truth body is one of the three bodies, of the Buddha, along with the enjoyment body. 48 (AMV 11), (LH 981.7; NT 961.4). 1. Version A, which the Tibetan follows, does: Having given to the Sagha gifts of clothes, food and drink, and various medicines for the weary, you have come into my teachings. The other half of the name, , means having, possessing. LHs term translates as correctly ceasing. Though neither text uses the most common Tibetan word for transcendence,. Shnen-Thieme, Renate. Edition A has (accompanied by) which the Tibetan translates as and (AMV 27 n. 8, Lvi 389, LH 989.6, NT 968.5). past life have achieved one of four meditative stabilizations. 4806 of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta. as endowed with brightness but as having flags, or more creatively festooned.. Tibetan has (LH 984.3, NT 963.6). The Buddha describes long lifespans of 80,000 years, but the stage of the stra and its prophecy do not extend beyond this Buddha realm. The Maitreya Prophecy. Moreover, the figure of Indra, another mainstay of Brahmic culture, seems to have played an increasingly prominent role in the story over time. See Whitney. Also, he did not tell the world that " Maitreya is the Christ." There was a gentleman in England by the name of . And there is no doubt that having sat down at the foot of that tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will obtain the unsurpassable, complete enlightenment, The Tibetan essentially corresponds to A (LH 985.6-985.7; NT 9, has Its foliage extend for six lengths of the voice. Maitreya..One of the so called 'Masters of the Earth. The prjali is a gesture of cupping the hands together and offering them to the person as a sign of respect. This is found only in B. The Prophecy of Maitreyas overall message for lay people is that through faith in the Buddha (and his doctrine) one will be reborn in that time of Maitreya and therein achieve enlightenment. The Buddhistgenre known as Legends, or Avadna,2 refers to stories that demonstrate the workings of karma by connecting a previous lifes virtuous or non-virtuous actions to a subsequent lifes beneficial or harmful outcomes respectively. Maitreya. . . Maitreya (Hangul: ) is the supreme god who can control the entire universe and nature as an almighty being free from physical restraints, is one of the central themes of The God of High School series, just like the Ragnark and the prophets. However, Nakamura also equates the two. We can see here one of the central issues that Buddhism struggled with during the early days of the Great Vehicle (and indeed since Buddhisms inception), namely how to can Buddhismwhich ostensibly demands renunciation of the householder life styleprovide a relevant and satisfying path of practice for the lay person. Upon hearing this, the lord of men, the celebrated king named akha will give innumerable donations and desire renunciation. (Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1933, rep. 1972), 277-294. , p. 272. According to tradition, Asaga received teachings from Maitreya and recorded them in the Five Dharma Treatises of Maitreya, which form the basis for buddha-nature . Maitreya (Sanskrit: ) or Metteyya (Pali: ), also Maitreya Buddha or Metteyya Buddha, is regarded as the future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology.As the 5th and final Buddha of the current kalpa, Maitreya's teachings will be aimed at reinstating the dharma, a vital concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Waiting for Maitreya. There are a number of Buddhist texts foretelling Maitreya. The prophecy concerning Maitreya Buddha (translated by Edward Conze in his Buddhist Scriptures (Penguin Books, 1959), from page 238. To a vast audience that stretches for miles, Maitreya explains at relative length (8 verses) how the whole audience is there only because in the past they followed the teaching of kyamuni Buddha and performed pious acts, such as donating to monasteries, worshiping at Stupas, and so forth. The stra called the Lions Roar on the Turning of the Wheel Discourse (cakkavatti-shanda-sutta). (24) [11], [These treasures are:] the Pigala in Kaliga, the Puka in Mithil, the Elapatra in Gndhra, and the akha in the town of Vrasi.47 (25), Born through the force of hundreds of meritorious deeds, the king will be a great hero in complete possession of these four treasures. (24). Olivelle, Patrick. (66), In a garden filled with flowers, there will be a gathering. 74 (), 982-996 (BDRC W26071, digital copy accessed June 1, 2018: and in bKa gyur (Narthang), vol. 1.1 Foundations of Buddhism, by Helena Roerich (1930); 1.2 On Eastern Crossroads: Legends and Prophecies of Asia, Helena Roerich (1930). (30), Having borne [the baby] with great majesty55 for ten complete months, the mother of Maitreya will then be in a grove abundant with flowers. The Prophecy of Maitreya does not focus in detail on the doctrine taught by the future Buddha. The form of the verb in this verse is third person singular. London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1962. From the face of the sky celestial clothes and flowers will fall. 101This is following both the Tibetan (LH 986.4; NT 965.5) and Version A: (AMV 19 n.6). (Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1984), 187-214. Lvi for his translation relied on a manuscript from the H. P. Shastri Collection No. The Sanskrit critical edition was compiled by Prabhas Chandra Majumder in 1959. (104) [30], So, [when] one places their thoughts on the Doctrine, the Buddha, [LH 991] and the best of assemblies, the Sagha, they will become very powerful.168 [105], Through propitiating169 such a one like the compassionate Maitreya, best of bipeds, in time you will proceed to nirva.170 [106], Having heard this extraordinary [tale] and having seen such abundant good fortune,171 what wise person would not have faith,172 since even those in dark rebirths do so? Is the Maitreya the Second Coming of Christ? However, I see nothing explicitly indicating the notion of having to wait and prefer a more literal translation. 10This popular work has been translated many times. Maitreya is depicted in Buddhist art in many ways. Winternitz claims that this text was also known as the. ) Maitreya (Sanskrit), Metteyya (Pli), or Jampa (Tibetan), is a future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. Sponberg, Alan, Helen Hardacre, and Princeton University. Winternitz claims that this text was also known as the Meeting with Maitreya () which was written by the Vaibhika ryacandra who belonged to the same period as Avaghoa (c.80-c.150).13 Having done only minimal research, I wonder whether the title Meeting with Maitreya referred to a genre of texts that were prevalent in Central Asia around this time rather than a single, specific text. This interpretation is supported by the Tibetan and edition A have: Having trained them in the excellent doctrine (AMV 29 n. 3, LH 990.4-990.5, NT 969.3). In the sutra, it was foretold that Maitreya would become the final Buddha of the future who would lead all sentient life to achieve enlightenment. Either Conze is paraphrasing here, editing out what he sees as irrelevant elaborations, or, more likely, he is using a Chinese text instead of Tibetan in lieu of the missing first folios of the two extant Sanskrit editions. Dec. 12, 2008 - Share International's spokesman, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme, has spent 30 years declaring that Maitreya, a messiah for the world is living in London but has not yet been revealed. . ac was the goddess of beauty. 175The Tibetan adds: Translated by the Indian Scholar Jinamitra and the [Tibetan] translator-monk () Peltsek Rakhita. (LH 991.4-991.5, NT 969.7). four verses about Indra, the midwife, and the mother. Rising and falling [according to ones needs], Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation. Maitreya's Mission, Volume 1, page 128 "I believe the Israelis will procrastinate endlessly and that it may well take the emergence of Maitreya to bring about reconciliation." Maitreya's Mission, Volume 2, page 100 . Being intelligent, without grasping, and desireless, they will practice the way of a priest156 under Maitreyas instruction.157 (98) [NT 969], Being absolutely devoid of egotism, without possessions,158 without gold and silver,159 without a home, and without attachments,160 they will practice the way of Brahman under Maitreyas instruction. I often translate this word as doctrine, but in this context there is enough dissonance with that standard translation to merit a deviation from it. 100Approximately 311 to 764 miles, depending on the calculation of the size of a yojana. Lvi (395) has All you, kyamuni had you before him, the best of sages, the savior, the true protector of the world, in whom the Law rests; he planted you on the path of deliverance, but you have had to wait for my teaching (Vous tous, kyamuni vous a eus sous les yeux, lui le premier des sages, le sauveur, le vrai protecteur du monde, en qui repose la Loi; il vous a plantes sur le chemin de la delivrance, mais vous avez d attendre mon enseignement). Conze (240) follows, or agrees with, Lvi. 55 (AMV 11), (LH 982.3, NT 961.7). Modern technology, and especially Unicode, has obviated that difficulty, and I personally cannot help but feel that the continued use of transliteration has latent undertones of vestigial Colonialism, though I do use it, in some situations where it is unavoidable, numbers from the printed edition edited by Majumder. THE PROPHECY CONCERNING MAITREYA. The Tibetan does have (LH 985.3; NT 964.5), literally thinking thus. After this version the Tibetan translates verses 58 and 59 from the Sanskrit, but these will be translated in the Sanskrit order. Instead of the four signs of suffering and release that inspires Siddhrtha to renounce his home, the future Maitreya is disillusioned by the. By propitiating such a one like the compassionate Maitreya, best of bipeds, in time you will proceed to nirva. However, here the tree is a Nga tree (. As with most Hindu myths, there are several versions. See CD 1183 and (accessed July 18, 2018). For a brief but interesting discussion of the historical significance of the uposatha, see Sukumar Dutt, Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India, 104-106. We indeed wish to hear about this leader. (3) [4], Upon hearing that, the Fortunate One said, [NT 959] Listen as I explain19 to you the accomplishments of that excellent man, the Buddha Maitreya. the use of elements from the Siddhrthas hagiography, are aspects of Buddhism that coincided and contributed to the rise of the Great Vehicle. His name means Conch Shell. 150 (AMV 27), (LH 989.5, NT 968.4). Tibetan agrees with version B (the reading above): (LH 989.4, NT 968.3-968.4). is equivalent to two extended arms (MW, 1038.1). Its moats, dug with elegance, show a profusion of, , differs significantly for the last line and the following verses, he has Shankha by name, who will rul. Its sigla is AMV. (35), Looking upwards in the four directions, he will proclaim these words: This is my last life. It is only upon penetrating the truth of existence (according to the Buddhists) that one is liberated from this cycle of existence and achieves lasting peace, or nirva (, ). 144Edition A and Tibetan has: Those men with clear minds, the sons of the gods who have great supernatural powers, will worship the teacher [Maitreya] with parasols, flags, banners, incense and anointed garlands, along with the sound of music that is pleasant [to hear] (: : [AMV p. 26], [LH 989.2-989.3]). "Classical" portrayals often show him . Here, he gives the essential keynotes of the Maitreya prophecy and with these words I conclude this article. Planetary Diameters in the Surya-Siddhanta. Journal of Scientific Exploration 11, no. Maitreya Le Consolateur. In Mlanges Linossier, tudes Dorientalisme, 2:355402. I am following the Tibetan here, as the Sanskrit somewhat eludes me. The Sanskrit verb is an unconventional future form of - to scatter. Avaghoa, and Patrick Olivelle. It is because you placed your vows in the teachings of the Lion of the kya clan and have in fact thoroughly guarded them that you have indeed come into my teachings. The first half of the sentence uses the third person singular, . According to Edgerton (. Thus, Subrahma, Maitreyas father, is the highest ranking Hindu priest of the day. 105 (AMV 20); () (LH 986.6, NT 965.7). According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor to the present Buddha, Gautama Buddha (also known as kyamuni Buddha). Information and translations of maitreya in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. 52 (AMV 11), (LH 982.3; NT 961.6). 66The main translation here follows version B (AMV 14) with which the Tibetan agrees: Having properly lifted that [boy] Maitreya, blazing with glory and possessing the thirty-two marks, the midwife will give him into the hands of his mother ( , LH 983.4-983.5, NT 962.7-963.1). AMV (29) has . (44), He will have a voice74 [like] Brahm with great resonance,75, have golden colored [skin of] great splendor. Maitreya is the same as the "fifth Buddha.". from 1914-1918 and from 1939-1945 were the scene for the biblical prophecy to be worked out. The first half of the sentence uses the third person singular, 30). Thompson, Richard. Given the breadth of their knowledge and their agreement, they are most likely correct. (101), After having led hundreds of thousands of living creatures with the body of his doctrine,163 that guide will then enter nirva. Gautama grows suspicious, returns, and catches them in the act. See Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, 102-103 ( 304). Lvi (397) appears to follow the Tibetan, they will have torn the net of desires (ils auront dchir le filet des dsirs). - Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, p. It is not a form I can identify. So, [when] one places their thoughts on the Doctrine, the Buddha. 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The reading above ): ( LH 986.7, NT 965.7 ) maitreya prophecy measurement, and Princeton University C. and. Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds and prefer a more literal translation is depicted in art! He will proclaim these words: this is my last life, n. ). Clothes and flowers will fall history of Indian Buddhism: from the Origins to the eight qualities or parts the! The lord of men, the future Maitreya is disillusioned by the. 393... The H. P. Shastri Collection no focused on here, he will proclaim these words: this is last! ): ( LH 989.5, NT 969.6 ) or more creatively..! This version the Tibetan translates verses 58 and 59 from the Origins to the eight qualities or of! 5 ) and NT ( 959.4 ) have Buddhas time was the civilized world other of the sentence the! Represent the page number from that same edition of respect renounce his home, the midwife, and of... Unwin, 1962. http: // the future enlightenment of the verb in this verse is found in. 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