Much like the mimic octopus, it was able to contort its body into the shape of aquatic life. Organism 46-B then mimicked a diver and shaped its body into that of a diver to trick another reasercher and it worked and Organism46b devoured another reasercher.later that night it attacked the reaserchers camped on the shore of Lake Vostok and had one of its arms cut off by a female reasercher. Another inconsistency involves the fact that the ice directly above the water in the lake is formed from lake water itself. 2. According to this information, a specialized elevator was installed within the icy surface which allowed equally specialist and selected scientists to travel down to explore this previously unseen environment. Then Scott Rogers published in July 2013 that his team performed nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) sequencing and the results allowed deduction of the metabolic pathways represented in the accretion ice and, by extension, in the lake. Space-based radar revealed that this subglacial body of fresh water is one of the largest lakes in the world, and one of some 140 subglacial lakes in Antarctica. Appendix J - Reduced Delta Reliance Addendum to 2015 UWMP-2021.06.24. Elements of this report suggest that this may have been something of a hoax. [7] Initially, it was thought that the same water had made up the lake since the time of its formation, giving a residence time in the order of one million years. It was capped to prevent potential contamination of the samples. ?#lakevostok #organisim46b #realorfakeOrgamisim - 46 B Lake Vostok Killer Squid/ Octopus Hi guys \u0026 welcome back to my channel for another episode of real or fake. A. Zotikov, who wrote his PhD thesis on this subject in 1967. In clathrate structures, gases are enclosed in an icy cage and look like packed snow. The lake is divided into two deep basins by a ridge. Lake Vostok is of particular interest to exobiologists and astrobiologists. Lake Vostok ( Russian: , ozero Vostok) is the largest of Antarctica 's almost 400 known subglacial lakes . (This section proposes ways of using this character in DC Universe stories). Considering the ancient Elder Things retreated to the oceans, perhaps Organism 46-B is one of their creations. If They Are Not Aliens? The only human presence on Antarctica is a collection of international scientists. Cryptid Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Fluid Form represents the octopuss extreme ductility it is Always On, does not reduce the octopuss STR, does not allow splitting into separate parts, and does not add to the OV/RV versus most Physical Attacks, instead only adding to RV versus blunt impacts (-3 FC total). [68][69], In 2019 the Russian government ordered that a new wintering complex be installed at the Lake Vostok research station, funded in part by Russian billionaire Leonid Mikhelson. If we were not all PHDs, I fear it would have in the end outwitted us.. She was the most agile swimmer, and most likely to be able to defend herself. According to Padalka it has the ability to paralyze with its venom. As we have mentioned Antarctica is a subject of conspiracies of wide-reaching variety. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. Dr. Padalka and his story was made up by the fiction author C. Michael Forsyth [1]. Might it be that this presence is something the Russians have a beat on a little more than other authorities? Like other cephalopods, it possesses chromatophores which can change color or reflect light, and specialized papillae which allow it to control the texture of its skin. And whether life already exists on these cosmic bodies or not, the possibility of human colonization rockets upwards with the presence of liquid water. The creature designated Organism 46-B was an aquatic beast allegedly captured by a Russian scientific team near the research outpost Vostok Station. Description Organism 46-B was an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. Or more to the point, in this case, its ability to change its form altogether to mimic other creatures. "It shaped itself into the form of a human diver. Tragically my colleague and lifelong friend was killed this way. Although male octopuses have been known to rip off their own arm that serves as their sex organ and give it to the female. "[4], Lukin claims that hot-water drilling is much more dangerous for the microbiotic fauna, as it would boil the living species, and disturb the entire structure of water layers of the lake. Ice samples from cores drilled close to the top of the lake have been assessed to be as old as 420,000years. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. Still, most biologists believe the samples to be consistent with what they would expect to find in such an extreme environment. SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! Regeneration is physical damage only , but allows regrowth of lost limbs. [31] Geothermal heat from the Earth's interior may warm the bottom of the lake,[32][33][34] while the ice sheet itself insulates the lake from cold temperatures on the surface. However, rather than the usual 8 arms of an octopus it had a total of 14 arms. With the only special diving equipment mentioned being low temperature wetsuits (this would actually be a drysuit which keeps the diver dry although that could be explained as a translation error). A Deadly Octopus That Can Mimic Other Species! The largest of these is Lake Vostok, discovered during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1959/1964 and later confirmed by British scientists in the early 1970s. Lake Vostok shows us how few environments we really can discount in our search . The shapeshifting capabilities of organism 46-B sound almost diabolical. Largely because it appears to emulate the potential conditions of somewhere much further afield. Someone, Or Something, Has Summoned The Worlds Leaders!,,,, Operation Sea Find The Search For A Crashed UFO In Lake Backjson, The Baker Family UFO Encounter Over Lake Erie. However, Organism 46B is much more evolved. More recently, apparent whistleblower-type information has come out of Russia claiming their government, and that of others around the world, most prominently the United States, are keeping the activities in the area under absolute secrecy. Russian and French scientists have been carrying out molecular DNA studies of the water from Lake Vostok that was frozen in the borehole, by constructing numerous DNA libraries,[13] which are collections of fragments of DNA that allow scientists to identify which species of bacteria they may belong to. A more outlandish theory is the possibility a severed tentacle could grow back into a full creature. Unlike its distant cousin, it is roughly the size of a colossal squid, with 14 arms and abilities similar to several other species in the Cephalopoda class. Each of its arms is covered with equally powerful suckers. horrifying and stranger than fiction but all to believable given the right circumstances.Dr Anton the Soviet defector explained they entered the Lake one by one via an elevator placed in the borehole.They set up a makeshift camp along the shore and enterd the lake to dive around and see what they could discover.unfortunately they had all to quickly the Killer dubed Organism 46B.Organism 46B a 33ft Octopus with 14 arms, extremely high intelligence, the ability to mimic and camouflage and a paralizing venom release by its inc wasn't long before Organism 46b had paralyzed a reasercher and then tore him to pieces whilst devouring them.Organism 46-B then displayed its extremely high intelligence by disabling the reaserchers radio and communication equipment.on the reaserchers next dive and encounter of Organism 46b. Helper(s): Animals Article, Ethan Roe for Initiative spot-checking, Write-up completed on the 20th of October, 2020. And potentially, something to weaponize. These certainly are strange-looking animals. The Quiet Before The Storm Of The Modern UFO Era, The Mini UFO Waves And Strange Encounters From The End Of The Second World War, The Surge Of UFO Encounters Before The Second World War: The Final Years Of The Thirties, entrance to the inner Earth at the South Pole, Russian scientists and military have encountered underwater extraterrestrial life, alien presence gives orders to the religious and political leaders of our day. He says that it is very probable that the samples are heavily contaminated with tissue and microbes from the outside world.[59]. The fact that such powerful people on the planet were all asked to converge on this most inhospitable and off-limits terrain at the southern-most point of our world is perhaps telling of the importance and uniqueness of the situation. later the arm returned to strangle the reasercher in her sleep.After this Dr Anton decided he had to capture the creature and that it would be one of the most important discoveries in human history and Apparently he did just that. [46], In January 2011, the head of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, Valery Lukin, announced that his team had only 50m (200ft) of ice left to drill in order to reach the water. And what's more, it can do so from 150-feet away. These are able to put prey into a trance-like state before being killed and consumed. UI designer : Organism 46b is a type of enormous octopus, although it has 14 arms instead of eight. These structures form at the high-pressure depths of Lake Vostok and would become unstable if brought to the surface. Its easy to imagine Luthor financing such a mission, perhaps even using a foreign subsidiary to do so. [25] Later research by Robin Bell and Michael Studinger from the LamontDoherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University suggested that the water of the lake is continually freezing and being carried away by the motion of the Antarctic ice sheet, while being replaced by water melting from other parts of the ice sheet in these high pressure conditions. Perhaps, though, its most remarkable ability is that of camouflage. After finally trapping the creature in a tank, the surviving members of the team brought it to the surface where they claim Russian officials seized the beast and told the international press that nothing had been found. [20] Other countries, particularly the United States and Britain, have failed to persuade the Russians not to pierce to the lake until cleaner technologies such as hot-water drilling are available. Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! A Place Of Needless Secrecy And Self-Imposed Suspicion. While their previous work indicated the presence of bacteria that inhabit fish intestines, no sequences from fish were found. As they rested that night to recover from the ordeal, the vengeful tentacle slithered onto the icy bank and strangled Dr. Kalashnik in her sleep. ", Lake Vostok Letter of Appeal to Russia, video documentary about Lake Vostok,, This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 21:49. Lake Vostok is located at the southern Pole of Cold, beneath Russia's Vostok Station under the surface of the central East Antarctic Ice Sheet, which is at 3,488m (11,444ft) above mean sea level. In this scenario, Luthor secretly gave the mission leader a kryptonite laced specimen tank to capture the creature or some other method to temporarily render the creature docile. Organism 46-B is a highly successful apex predator with human like intelligence. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. He might be looking for the perfect operatives for an espionage mission to retrieve such samples. We encountered Organism 46-B on our first day. They returned to camp with their prize. It is the sixteenth one, however, that is the most intriguing, and the grimmest. Organism 46-B is an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. The largest of these is Lake Vostok, discovered during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1959/1964 and later confirmed by British scientists in the early 1970s. The animal had limbs that were animate and aggressive even after amputation, could release a toxin into the water to immobilize its prey from a distance of up to 150 feet, displayed an astonishing degree of shapeshifting, and showed a considerable degree of both hostility and intelligence. Kropotkin's theory was further developed by Russian glaciologist I. [25][37], In April 2005, German, Russian, and Japanese researchers found that the lake has tides. Many scientists believe that conditions around Lake Vostok, and Antarctica in general, are likely very similar to those we may one day find on one of Jupiters main moons, Europa, and, to a lesser extent, those on Enceladus, one of the main moons of Saturn. The massive cephalopod appeared to be closest to the glass octopus among known species. Sequences from aerobic, anaerobic, psychrophilic, thermophilic, halophilic, alkaliphilic, acidophilic, desiccation-resistant, autotrophic, and heterotrophic organisms were present, including a number from multicellular eukaryotes.[56]. [11] However, as soon as the ice was pierced, water from the underlying lake gushed up the borehole, mixing it with the Freon and kerosene used to keep the borehole from freezing. Before we look a little further at some of the recent claims we will remind ourselves of just why, at least officially, Lake Vostok is of interest to scientists in the first place. Some species of octopus lay 200,000 eggs, imagine if they were deposited in reservoirs and lakes across North America, he feared. [4], Russian geographer Andrey Kapitsa used seismic soundings in the region of Vostok Station made during the Soviet Antarctic Expedition in 1959 and 1964 to measure the thickness of the ice sheet. The sheer weight and pressure around 345 bars (5,000psi) of the continental ice cap on top of Lake Vostok is estimated to contribute to the high gas concentration. One of those critical of the activity was researcher and author, Steve Quayle. The strange creature seizes and dismembers prey using a powerful beak, breaking the food source into pieces. The remaining scientists returned to the surface with the tank containing the new species in tow. It disabled our radio, which we later learned to our alarm, was intentional. -Dr. Anton Padalka, An organism that grows best at low temperatures, Species (alien, humanoids, variant humans). While the reasons for this are perhaps legitimate, even noble enough, and while the scientific work, for the most part, is equally legitimate and very much worthwhile, such secrecy simply plays into the hands of those who would prefer to muddy the waters of history. To investigate do research and retrieve possible life not seen since the prehistoric era like Hairy crabs, jellyfish and starfish, realistic expectations but for 5 days the Russian research team had entered the 4000meter drilled borehole and not made radio contact.eventually the team emerged with reported casualties bit no exciting discoveries or so the Russians had told the world and suspiciously sealed the borehole.Dr Anton Padalecki ok so Apparently Dr Anton Padalecki was the lead Russian researcher sent on the dangerous expedition 4000 meters below the Artic Vostok Research station to Lake Vostok and had Apparently returned empty handed not even one hairy crab according to the Russians. Example 1: The first casualty could not have been affected by the toxin as the only way to survive at such pressures in water would be within a pressurized vessel or suit. [58] They found that the basal ice contained an almost completely different community of organisms compared to those found in the lake accretion ice, indicating that they signified two completely different ecosystems. [12][13][14] A new borehole was drilled and an allegedly pristine water sample was obtained in January 2015. It is hypothesized that unusual forms of life could be found in the lake's liquid layer, a fossil water reserve. Organism 46-B is said to be an enormous 33ft-long, 14-tentacled squid-like aquatic creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. While that sounds like a completely flippant comment, it is largely very true. Furthermore, given the abundance of new life forms discovered in the region (over 3,500 species according to some reports), [1] there is hope that similar life may be found on Europa or similar icy worlds throughout the solar system. Organism 46-B can also reputedly use its chromatophores to create hypnotic patterns. Perhaps Vostok is essentially a breeding cage for the creatures created by a god, or someplace it was imprisoned by some deity jealous of the pet. [19] In 1991, Jeff Ridley, a remote sensing specialist with the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College London, directed the ERS-1 satellite to turn its high-frequency array toward the center of the Antarctic ice cap. Incidentally, this operation alone took over a decade to complete. When Dr. Padalka discovered what was planned for the creature, he decided to defect so he could raise the alarm for the world. He decided to use a specimen tank to hold it; but they would need bait..A former professional athlete, Dr. Marta Kalashnik was chosen for the task. If so, it may be a pet of ancient gods who penned it in the lake for safekeeping. The environment is similar to what might potentially be found on Europa if water exists deep below its thick sheets of ice. Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 03, Anatomical Division: 16, Claws (Beak): 05, Cling: 03, Chameleon: 06, Extra Limb (x12): 12, Fluid Form: 03, Fog: 05, Growth: 07, Mental Freeze: 04, Neutralize (Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent): 05, Paralysis: 08, Regeneration: 02, Sealed Systems: 09, Shrinking: 04, Super Hearing (Low-Frequency Only): 06, Swimming: 04, Split: 14, Water Blast: 02, Water Freedom: 05, Artist (Actor): 06, Thief (Locks and Safes): 02, Thief (Stealth): 06, Military Science (Camouflage): 06, Artist (Actor), Military Science (Camouflage), and Thief (Stealth) suffer a Power Loss of 2 APs if Chameleon is Neutralized, Miscellaneous (An octopus can move on the ground, but only at -2 APs (2-3 feet) per phase), Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 03, Anatomical Division (Self Link): 16, Cling: 03, Extra Limb (Self Link): 12, Fluid Form: 03, Regeneration: 02, Swimming: 03, Water Freedom: 03. When the drill broke through, pressure caused the water to shoot upward, filling the hole. It was approximately 33 feet long with nearly a ton of mass. axelfreed 1 yr. ago They probably found an organism but someone created that fantasy squid to obfuscate. Measuring 250km (160mi) long by 50km (30mi) wide at its widest point,[1] it covers an area of 12,500km2 (4,830sqmi) making it the 16th largest lake by surface area. A team exploring the environment would require this equipment under these circumstances. Another point to note is that Dr. Padalka has so far proven impossible to locate (although this may be due to his being in hiding), and the account is known from only a handful of vague sources. In terms of dealing with the creature and depth, I have not included any special drawbacks nor bonuses, since a number of creatures can move between the deep sea and the surface with no ill effect. Our motto always is, "you make up your own mind". Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. Additional bacteria and eukaryotes were reported. The liquid water depth over the ridge is about 200m (700ft), compared to roughly 400m (1,300ft) deep in the northern basin and 800m (2,600ft) deep in the southern. Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! [72] However, the water samples obtained by the Russian team were heavily contaminated with drilling fluid, so they reported in May 2017 that it was impossible at this time to obtain reliable data on the real chemical and biological composition of the lake water. "Later that night it slid across the ice bank and strangled her," stated Padalka. It is also believed that Organism 46-B can regrow its tentacles after having them severed. Particularly when part of those claims revolves around weaponized DNA, from a shapeshifting aquatic entity no less. Weighing in at close to a ton, it is on par with the largest cephalopods ever known to live in the deep. Our latest book, Historys Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters contains over 60 encounters. This means that there is no space between the water and ice and thus no ice shelf to set up camp on. It is said to have attacked a team of Russian scientists on an expedition while exploring the lake. Dr. Anton Padalka claims to have been part of the first scientistific expedition to explore the lake. [49], By plan, the following summer, the team was to drill down again to take a sample of that ice and analyze it. Growth is always on and already figured into the stats. Setimus And The Aztec UFO Crash The First Alien Contact Encounter Of Modern Times? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Here was an almost identical place where not only could their theories be tested, but so could a certain amount of logistics in actually penetrating the ice in the first place. The lighter components of the crude oil evaporate into the atmosphere, leaving . Extremely intelligent, its neural network includes neurons distributed throughout its body that also act as a brain, especially in the nerve cords though its arms. And recent claims circulating around the Internet of a Russian mission in the region revealing alien life does nothing to quash these conspiracies. Knowing full well that one or two scientists would most likely die before the specimen could be secured. Organism 46-B is a terror out of a sailor's Lovecraft influenced kraken filled nightmares. The coldest naturally occurring temperature ever observed on Earth, 89C (128F), was recorded at Vostok Station on 21 July 1983. The contamination possibility has been refuted by Scott Rogers, because the control measures were rigorous, and the combinations of organisms found in each of the ice samples were consistent with organisms living in a cold lake and ice (including a sequence from an Antarctic rock cod), and were inconsistent with contamination introduced while sampling or from the lab procedures. Some versions of Spider-Mans origin story have him bitten by a genetically engineered super-spider with the abilities of all the differing species of spider. She used an axe to sever the arm of the creature, but the severed limb pulled the axe away from her. [16], Russian scientist Peter Kropotkin first proposed the idea of fresh water under Antarctic ice sheets at the end of the 19th century. Perhaps Organism 46-Bs most frightening ability is to release a powerful neurotoxin. The scientists who first encountered the creature believed it released the venom into the water from an organ similar to a normal octopus ink sac. As Padalka stated "He tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him. This complex will be capable of supporting 35 people in the summer, 15 in the winter and will have 4 diesel generators with a capacity of 200 kilowatts each. Only with more grasping sucker covered arms. Regardless of its veracity, it is perfect fodder for a super-hero campaign or story. These arms have been known to continue to move and act in the creatures interest even after being severed from the main body. APs of power can be assigned to parts. Also, no light penetrates that deep, making the defense mechanisms described seem unnecessary in such an environment. By the time the closest scientist had realised what it was it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.. It was referred to and eventually cataloged as Organism 46B. And whats more, this alien presence gives orders to the religious and political leaders of our day. It could be a guardian to the entrance of some undersea subterranean realm, a guard to some other unknown secret, or simply brute labor run amok. On the first day of the expedition, the creature was found during a dive that required a low-temperature wetsuit. $158,000. Both Russian and British scientists would continue this work, and such a watery environment was confirmed in 1993. What makes this lake so special is that it has . Therefore, any life found there has likely developed along an independent evolutionary path from organisms elsewhere on Earth. Subscribe to our free newsletter and join our subscribers. Organism 46b hunts by first paralyzing its prey with venom. Dr. Padalka saw it, and thought it was a human diver. A solitary predator, it can be very aggressive in defending its territory. He tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him. Dr. Anton Padalka was part of the 8-person team sent to explore and catalog the lifeforms in Lake Vostok. [4][5] The continued research by Russian and British scientists[5][6] led to the final confirmation of the existence of the lake in 1993 by J. P. Ridley using ERS-1 laser altimetry. These can be used to smell and taste in addition to grasping, aiding in the tracking of prey. This mystery is cultivated, in part, by international powers that insist on secrecy and place the vast majority of the icy region off-limits. The highest diversity of organisms in the lake ice was significantly associated (p<0.05) with higher concentrations of ions and amino acids. [26][27], The Lake Vostok basin is a small (50-kilometer-wide (31mi)) tectonic feature within the overall setting of a several-hundred-kilometer-wide continental collision zone between the Gamburtsev Mountain Range, a subglacial mountain range and the Dome C region. The carefully laid trap was successful in securing the beast, but one of the arms managed to grasp Dr. Kalashnik. Antarctica is a place of mystery and conspiracy. The largest of these is Lake Vostok, discovered during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1959/1964 and later confirmed by British scientists in the early 1970s. However, it can twist its shape and coloring to take on the appearance of other creatures, so by time you see it for what it is, its probably already too late. Journalists attempting to verify the story have been unable to locate Dr. Padalka. ", "RUSSIAN RESEARCHERS REACHED SUBGLACIAL LAKE VOSTOK", "Microbiology of the subglacial Lake Vostok: first results of borehole-frozen lake water analysis and prospects for searching for lake inhabitants", "Russian Antarctic Expedition Halts Research Due to Lack of Funds", "New wintering complex of Vostok station delivered to Antarctica", "Antarctic Drilling Plan Raises Concerns", "Antarctic Treaty no match for national pride", "Drilling at Lake Vostok by the Russians", "Lake Vostok: A Curiosity or a Focus for Interdisciplinary Study? Perhaps Organism 46-B is actually the Kraken of legend. Any confirmation of life in Lake Vostok could strengthen the prospect for the presence of life on icy moons. It closed in on him as he simply smiled and then dismembered and devoured him. "Senior Community 55/40 - Fully Remodeled Lake Front Home. [38], Besides dissolving in the water, oxygen and other gases are trapped in a type of structure called a clathrate. . Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. [10], The first core of freshly frozen lake ice was obtained on 10 January 2013 at a depth of 3,406m (11,175ft). [13][60][61] However, Vladimar Korolev, the laboratory head of the study at the same institution, said that the bacteria could in principle be a contaminant that uses kerosenethe antifreeze used during drillingas an energy source. Njord or Poseidon may take personal interest in the discovery. Water blast requires water be available for the Organisms siphon to squirt. The deepest SCUBA diver ever was a little over 1000 feet, at which the pressure is roughly 32 bar.