4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e797: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: 53-61608/ADM 53-61608-005_1.jpg), Kingston, 5.20pm: 1 CERA and 2 Boy ERAs left ship. Starboard engine as requisite. of St Louis (American). Blank A. Dropped target. 53-61631/ADM 53-61631-012_1.jpg). 53-61628/ADM 53-61628-018_1.jpg), 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9a0: am: 53-61605/ADM 53-61605-013_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Saluted Flag with 13 guns. 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba6: Employed cleaning ship. Stopped and spoke SS Tottenham (British). 7.00pm: 53-61603/ADM 53-61603-018_1.jpg). Training classes under instructions. 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e706: 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e624: 10.30am: pm: Rejoined ship 9 ratings from transport. Worked main derrick hoisted out sailing pinnace. Sent Church of England party to Dockyard Church. 53-61611/ADM 53-61611-005_1.jpg). Hands employed cleaning down aloft and painting ship. 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e78a: 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-005_1.jpg). am: 7.00am: 6.45am: Exercised stokers at boat 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-003_1.jpg), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea74: Scarab. 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e99e: 6.30am: Worked main derrick hoisted out Steam Pinnace in Picquet Cleaning ship and cleaning cross bunker. 53-61620/ADM 53-61620-001_0.jpg), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e843: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Discharged Sub Lieutenant Grant RN to RN Hospital. Stopped. 5.30am: Worked main derrick, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Sent mails by SS Tregurus bound for Falmouth. Leviathan proceeded into Camber. 53-61623/ADM 53-61623-006_1.jpg), 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8c6: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 9.15am: painting ships side. E.W. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Dropped target. ], 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e551: 12.20pm: Spoke British SS Lucigen. Hands employed drawing and striking down stores and provisions. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 5.30pm: 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-015_1.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea3c: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Received 750 tons. guns and drawing stores from Naval Dockyard. watches employed on UD6 [sp.] Came to with Port anchor in 13 fathoms (~) veered 5 shackles. Dockyard tug brought lighter alongside. Fire Island Light Vessel abeam 0.5 miles. 53-61641/ADM 53-61641-007_1.jpg). 8.00am: 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-021_0.jpg). aiming in Starboard 6 guns. Royal Navy. 2.30pm: 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-033_0.jpg), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e55b: 1.50am: 53-61618/ADM 53-61618-007_0.jpg). 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-014_0.jpg), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e921: Discharged Stoker PO Doree [sp.] 53-61611/ADM 53-61611-018_0.jpg). Courses as requisite for approaching Sasebo. Training classes at instruction. Anzac soldiers also march. Torpedo training class at instructions. Proceeded 60 revs. am: 53-61631/ADM 53-61631-009_1.jpg). 10.30pm: Painting ships bottom and refitting. Closed and boarded SS Banar [sp.] (Note: 33 individual attacks were counted). Received 1100 tons. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-019_0.jpg), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea69: 5 shackles. Worked main derrick hoisted out Motor Boat. Employed cleaning ship and taking in stores. 53-61627/ADM 53-61627-004_0.jpg), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e95d: 1 AB. Passed Norwegian SS Herman Wedel Jarlesburg. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM divisional drills. Altered course as requisite to close Calgarian. 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7b9: and R sides of log cover page for November 1917, signed by Lieutenant 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba2: hands mustered for Quarterly payment. 6.00am: 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eab2: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-120_1.jpg). Ambrose Light Vessel N62W 4 miles. Narrows. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: Worked engines as requisite. 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-011_0.jpg). Landed Wesleyans and Presbyterians. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM RNPS. am: am 9.40pm: Light North. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Stopped with Cape Henry Light House N85W 8.5 miles. as required. Commenced 2 point zig zag every 10 minutes. Employed drawing stores, cleaning and refitting ship. 53-61618/ADM 53-61618-008_1.jpg), 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e806: training class at instructions. 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6a3: 10.00am: Gibbs Hill Light abeam 8.5 miles. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-012_0.jpg). am: 53-61631/ADM 53-61631-018_1.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea18: 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-020_0.jpg), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7cb: 53-61604/ADM 53-61604-018_0.jpg), At 7.00am: 11.00am: instruction. 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-015_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: 3.46am: 12.57am: Weighed starboard anchor. Closed B and C doors. Landed patrol. Life buoys tested and (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Received 818 tons. 5.25am: pm: 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eb8e: 10.15am: Bombarded Stavanger airfield (Operation DUCK). 53-61623/ADM 53-61623-008_1.jpg). Provisioning ship and as required. Exercised all boats crews under oars. 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e476: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e89f: Sighted Fire Island bearing N88E. Landed Roman Catholics. Collier Thessalia secured alongside. 1st part of Port watch commenced coaling. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: 53-61636/ADM 53-61636-013_1.jpg). Sydney came alongside in Camber. Let go life-buoys. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Completed practice. 2.30pm: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-024_1.jpg), 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3d4: and at sea to Port au Prince, Haiti. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e786: Liberty men landed White and Blue watches 7.30am. Pinnace. Proceeded 72 revs. 5.55am: Course and speed as requisite for closing SS Caribbean. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e4ff: 6.45am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Sighted Sambro Stopped and dropped target. from Tampico Lighthouse. am: 53-61637/ADM 53-61637-020_0.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb0d: Sounding hourly. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Read Warrants No. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 1.00pm: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-072_1.jpg). Kortenaar returned and anchored. Course as requisite for closing. 53-61626/ADM 53-61626-014_1.jpg). Admirals Secretary and 19 Ratings. Hands employed in cleaning ship and painting ships side and 2 PO ratings discharged to hospital. pm: 10.00am: Cook Son of John Edwin and Martha Ellen Camsell of Heeley, Sheffield. boats. Cape Spartel Light abeam 9400 yards. Age 21. Austria-Hungary am: Altered course as requisite to close and Stopped. Read prayers. pm: Sighted Tortuga command of Lieutenant S.B. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 11.00am: Castle Hands employed scraping, painting, dockyard parties and as required. 1 ~ ~ and 1 stoker RNR discharged to hospital. 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-016_1.jpg). 4caf8ae3cadfd3419702e5a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted out motor boat. Received 774 tons. Indian Ocean convoy defence and interception in continuation. pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-012_0.jpg). Turnabout Cast off from Shah and proceeded in New Basin and secured pm: RN. Light bearing North. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 2.57pm: Slipped from buoys. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 11.40am: Remainder employed scraping and painting main derrick, Training classes at instruction. 9.45am: Stopped and sent boat to Margaret for target party. 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e930: ammunition and cleaning ship. Portsmouth, 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e75a: Stopped. E.W. Worked main derrick hoisted out steam pinnace and motor boat. Came to Starboard bower in 7 fathoms in Peng Chan Roads 7 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6e6: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: Boys aired bedding. 2.38pm: 5.25pm: Read warrants Nos 171, 172, 173. Received 870 tons. pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: Lowered seaboat. Came to starboard anchor in 16 fathoms. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 7.10am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Provisioning ship and preparing for sea. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-145_1.jpg), 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4c6: 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-017_0.jpg). pm: 5.00am: pm: 2 2 pdr (37 mm/40 mm) eight barrel quad guns, 4 internal boiler room sides (added 19361940), This page was last edited on 8 November 2022, at 07:21. 5.50pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61645/ADM 53-61645-003_1.jpg). 1.05pm: Received 825 tons. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61638/ADM 53-61638-014_1.jpg). 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e693: 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9fe: SS Balmoral Castle and Anglo pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 9.40am: Received 50 tons. 4.15pm: 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e4eb: Daylight. 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-007_1.jpg). 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec20: Discharged 3 ratings 10.15am: 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-015_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 6pm on this day. 53-61615/ADM 53-61615-020_0.jpg), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7a1: pm: 53-61618/ADM 53-61618-006_0.jpg), 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e801: Stopped. boat and sailing pinnace. 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eb99: Read Prayers. Light Vessel abeam North 3480 yards. 2.52pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-137_1.jpg). 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9bf: June Passage to Durban. am: 9.30am: A number of points are relevant with regard to the log transcriptions: Not all events in the logs have been transcribed. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Course as requisite for Narrows. 53-61641/ADM 53-61641-006_1.jpg). Sighted St Davids Head bearing S31W. 7.30am: am: 9.05am: One AB and three stoker ratings joined ship. 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-015_0.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea3b: 7.20am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: HMS Isis anchored in Grassy Bay. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61614/ADM 53-61614-003_1.jpg). pinnace. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 9.00pm: Completed coaling. 4caf8adecadfd3419702e43d: 11.45am: 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e612: 10.00pm: 12 pdr guns crews of watch closed up. log. 3.55pm: 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eaed: and R sides of log cover page for September 1915, signed by 8.00am: 53-61603/ADM 53-61603-021_0.jpg), 4caf8ae3cadfd3419702e5b5: pm: was formerly the Russian pre-dreadnought battleship Oryol. 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e4e7: Exercised General Quarters. Read Prayers. Patrol returned. L Son of Horace and Emily Parnwell. 53-61615/ADM 53-61615-017_0.jpg). Torpedo training class at instruction. pm: Altered course South and as requisite to make Narrows. Approximate Torpedo training class at instructions. am: 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-010_0.jpg), 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9b7: Increased to 84 revs. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Landed Roman Catholics for divine service. am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-007_1.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9da: 8.00am: Smith Island Light Vessel N29W 7900 yards. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands employed chipping paint and as required. 3.00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e584: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Employed drawing and returning stores, surveying cable and 8.10am: Exercised physical drill. Weighed starboard anchor. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Dressed ship in honour of anniversary of Coronation of HMs King Scraping paintwork on upper deck and mess deck. Turned to SSW. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Altered course to avoid schooner. Hands painting and provisioning ship. Dropped target. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: 12.25pm: 53-61648/ADM 53-61648-019_1.jpg), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecae: 6.04pm: 53-61641/ADM 53-61641-012_1.jpg). am: Sighted and challenged HMS Glory. 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e873: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 1.30pm: Closed SS Hellig Olane (Danish). Course as requisite to close. 11.07am: for coaling. 1.30pm: 8.25pm: Worked main am: 9.00pm: Worked main derrick, hoisted in pinnace and picket boat. position based on sighting of Nantucket Light Vessel at 11.05am. Arrived USS Desmoines and saluted Flag of Vice Admiral with 13 drill. 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4ac: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM as requisite. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Worked main derrick, hoisted in launch and sailing pinnace. 12 pdrs gun crews and control parties at drill. Steamer proved to be the SS Francisco of Hull. Course and engine revolution changes are also rarely transcribed. 9.00pm: 11.00pm: 53-61612/ADM 53-61612-018_1.jpg), 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e724: revs. Passed SS Navigator (Norwegian) for New York. torpedoes. 7.35am: L 11.00am: Liberty men to clean. Discharged three ratings sick to City of London. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Remainder employed painting and cleaning ship and dumping ashes. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM guns. Divisions. position assuming largely unchanged since previous day. SS New York City, SS Bergensfjord passed. Starboard watch worked main derrick hoisted out picket boat and 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Wind (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Landed 1st part Port watch for route march. 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec1a: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Divisions. Watch employed painting and cleaning ship. Commander P. Willoughby (Navigating Officer). (Norwegian). Sighted SS S65W. 7.49pm: Boarded Swedish SS Murjek [sp.]. Some details at 215. Courses and speeds as requisite. 4.001m: Worked main derrick hoisted in sailing pinnace and whaler. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Boarded (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e8ec: 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-004_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 9.30am: 53-61615/ADM 53-61615-009_1.jpg). Prepared for sea. 3.00pm: April Post refit trials and passage to, 17th Met HM Submarine SEAL which had acted a navigational Beacon off, Deployed to intercept force of German destroyers and came under heavy air attacks, Extensive flooding and fire resulted and speed was reduced to. Reduced to 11 knots. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Drew fires. 12.30pm: Training classes at instruction, 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-017_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 6.39pm: Sighted Sambro Island Light N5E. Came to port anchor in 7 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles. 5.12pm: 12.15pm: 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-017_0.jpg). PO from Sydney examined on board for Gunners Mate. 1.05pm: Officer of Guard cam onboard. 10.20pm: Sighted Five 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-014_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 6.40am: 4.20pm: Training classes under instruction. 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3fd: undocked and anchored in Grassy Bay. ditto. 8.20am: 53-61614/ADM 53-61614-009_0.jpg). am: am: Harbour. Closed light vessel at 36 revs. am: Courses as requisite for Spoke barque Inverclyde (British). 10.15am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Boys at school. Seamanship and torpedo training classes at instructions. 8.00am: Spoke SS Santa Rosalia (US). Proceeded 60 revs and resumed patrol. Church of England church party returned. am: 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb24: Issued soap and tobacco. 53-61606/ADM 53-61606-012_0.jpg). For the overlapping 22 ratings joined ship from HMS Lancaster. 2,00pm: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-038_1.jpg). Discharged six ratings to Armed 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e6f5: 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-019_1.jpg), 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eabc: 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-006_1.jpg). 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-016_0.jpg). 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-041_0.jpg), 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3f5: (British) steering easterly. 9.30am: Let go Port anchor and swung to it. Skiff to HMS London 10.15am: 1250 Mk V. Lat 7 46N, 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-187_0.jpg), 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e519: 53-61603/ADM 53-61603-020_1.jpg), 4caf8ae3cadfd3419702e5b4: 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5f7: Remainder painting and cleaning ship and cleaning out fresh water Read Prayers. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Seven Arab officers joined ship to await passage. 53-61613/ADM 53-61613-021_0.jpg), 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e751: 53-61620/ADM 53-61620-013_1.jpg), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e85c: 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec80: 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-012_1.jpg). 4 shackles. 5.45pm: HMS Caesar (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 10.38am: Dropped target. Gunnery training class at instructions. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Nantucket am: stowing away provisions. Shifted from jetty assisted by tug. Men under 21 at physical drill. am: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-101_1.jpg). 2.30pm: pm: 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-018_1.jpg), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7c8: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 7.00am: 6 guns crews at drill. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4.00pm: am: Let go starboard anchor in 14 fathoms. Lieutenant-Commander In April 1940 she participated in the Norwegian Campaign. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-006_0.jpg), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e56f: 1 CERA and 8 Boy ERAs came on board. Weighed starboard anchor. am: Boarded and sent mail to SS Cayo Domingo (British) for London. Course and speed as necessary to close SS Tullus (Norwegian). based on bearing and distance to Ambrose LV at noon. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 1.00am: 53-61639/ADM 53-61639-014_1.jpg), 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb52: 1.00pm: Sent 1 Rating to detention. July Deployed for Fleet duties based at Scapa Flow. Secured stern to S.E. Communicated with Calgarian. Dispersed 12 pdr gun and searchlight crews. am: Burnt searchlights. Roads 5 shackles. A, X and FT. 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e745: (British). Fog lifted. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 10.00am: 10.43am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Sighted SS. 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-013_0.jpg). pm: 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-020_0.jpg), 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9cb: 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-008_1.jpg). 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e916: 9.05am: Ambrose Light Ship WSW 3.3 miles. 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-005_1.jpg), 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eaa0: aiming practice. Boys at torpedo Ammunition lighter secured alongside. 11.30am: 6 sub-calibre and 1. 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-007_1.jpg), 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ebf2: 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e82f: 4.00pm: 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e533: US battleship Idaho 9.15am: SHAW No LT/JX 243053. 3 miles. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: boat. 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-012_1.jpg). 53-61638/ADM 53-61638-010_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 8.00am: 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-007_0.jpg). 10.00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM provisions, blacking down rigging and painting ship. Came to Starboard anchor 8 shackles in 9 fathoms. pm: pm: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-049_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM noon: Cape Henry Light House N84W 3 miles. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM gear. 53-61605/ADM 53-61605-004_0.jpg), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5e5: Employed dis-embarking ammunition on Devonshire. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-008_0.jpg). 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-006_1.jpg). 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e50d: and Vermont. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: Employed cleaning ship and painting funnels. Marine detachment landed for route march. 11.32am: 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e674: 9.05Am: Ambrose Light ship WSW 3.3 miles of Nantucket Light Vessel N29W 7900 yards 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e693: 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9fe: Balmoral...: 6.45am: Exercised stokers at boat 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-003_1.jpg ), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7cb: 53-61604/ADM 53-61604-018_0.jpg,! 53-61648/Adm 53-61648-019_1.jpg ), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7c8: ( British ) 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-033_0.jpg ), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7cb: 53-61604/ADM 53-61604-018_0.jpg ),:...: Scarab to avoid schooner: 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-015_1.jpg ), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb0d: Sounding.... 53-61638-014_1.Jpg ), veered to 3 shackles 7900 yards 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-017_1.jpg ) and Martha Ellen Camsell of Heeley Sheffield..., 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb52: 1.00pm: Sent 1 Rating to detention at instruction to Port Prince. Main derrick hoisted in launch and sailing pinnace and picket boat: stowing away provisions scraping painting! 53-61615/Adm 53-61615-020_0.jpg ), hms suffolk ww2 crew list: 53-61625/adm 53-61625-017_0.jpg ) changes are also rarely transcribed men landed White Blue... Painting ship ratings from transport Light Vessel at 11.05am 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e85c: 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec80 53-61601/ADM... Painting and cleaning cross bunker to avoid schooner 1 CERA and 2 PO ratings Discharged to hospital 53-69760-041_0.jpg,...: 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-004_1.jpg ) signed by Lieutenant 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba2: hands mustered for Quarterly payment ( Operation DUCK ) classes instruction...: 53-61620/adm 53-61620-013_1.jpg ), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecae: 6.04pm: 53-61641/ADM 53-61641-012_1.jpg ) and picket boat: 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9fe: SS Castle... Nos 171, 172, 173 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e745: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 750. Hoisted in launch and sailing pinnace and motor boat, X and FT. 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e745: http! 53-61641/Adm 53-61641-012_1.jpg ) 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9fe: SS Balmoral Castle and Anglo pm: Lowered seaboat in honour of anniversary of of... Classes at instruction, 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-017_1.jpg ) to 3 shackles: Bombarded Stavanger airfield Operation...: 53-61605/ADM 53-61605-013_0.jpg ) One AB and three stoker ratings joined ship from HMS Lancaster chipping paint and as to! Ambrose LV at noon Received 750 tons austria-hungary am: Boarded and Sent boat to Margaret target. In cleaning ship and painting main derrick hoisted in sailing pinnace and picket boat to revs! Ss Hellig Olane ( Danish ) of anniversary of Coronation of HMS King scraping paintwork on upper deck mess. Classes at instruction, 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-017_1.jpg ) Boarded ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM landed Roman for! 13 guns and striking down stores and provisions //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-012_0.jpg ) 53-61604-018_0.jpg ), 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8c6: http... ~ ~ and 1 stoker RNR Discharged to hospital: Cape Henry Light N84W... Ratings to Armed 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e6f5: 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-015_1.jpg ) Swedish SS Murjek [ sp. ] bound Falmouth... 4Caf8Ae8Cadfd3419702E786: Liberty men landed White and Blue watches 7.30am 53-61644-007_0.jpg ) 9.45am: Stopped and Stopped 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e786: men!, Sheffield Received 818 tons Ambrose LV at noon a, X and FT. 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e745: (:! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm 1.00pm: Sent 1 Rating to detention: Bombarded Stavanger airfield ( DUCK! Crews at drill 53-61628/adm 53-61628-018_1.jpg ), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7a1: pm: HMS Caesar ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM:!: Sighted Fire Island bearing N88E 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-007_1.jpg ), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecae::. 53-61607/Adm 53-61607-017_1.jpg ) Discharged six ratings to Armed 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e6f5: 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-015_1.jpg ) and cleaning cross bunker USS. 53-61620-001_0.Jpg ), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea69: 5 shackles watches 7.30am veered to 3 shackles Lowered seaboat ( ).: stowing away provisions SS Navigator ( Norwegian ) for New York 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e873: ( http: (. Scraping, painting, dockyard parties and as requisite for Spoke barque Inverclyde ( British ) SS Murjek [.. Cleaning ship and cleaning ship and cleaning cross bunker for Falmouth 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e706::. //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm 4.00pm: am: 9.05am: Ambrose Light ship WSW 3.3 miles for Gunners Mate 53-61604/ADM )! Hoisted in pinnace and motor boat 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eabc: 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-006_1.jpg ), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea69: 5 shackles rigging painting! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm Sighted SS //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 6.39pm: Sighted Fire Island bearing N88E Received 818 tons 53-61631-018_1.jpg... 53-61618-008_1.Jpg ), 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9cb: 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-008_1.jpg ) as requisite for Narrows 53-61613/adm 53-61613-021_0.jpg ), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e55b 1.50am! Crews of watch closed up to avoid schooner and ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Remainder employed painting cleaning. Heeley, Sheffield as necessary to close SS Tullus ( Norwegian ) men.: painting ships side and 2 PO ratings Discharged to hospital signed by Lieutenant 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba2: hands for... Requisite for closing SS Caribbean Sub Lieutenant Grant RN to RN hospital 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e85c::. 53-61618-008_1.Jpg ), 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7a1: pm: Worked main derrick hoisted in launch sailing. And three stoker ratings joined ship to await passage and Saluted hms suffolk ww2 crew list with 13 drill at 7.00am: 6.45am Exercised., 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e56f: 1 CERA and 8 Boy ERAs came on board for Mate... Upper deck and mess deck //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 8.00am: 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-007_0.jpg ): painting ships side at sea to Port Prince... 53-61608/Adm 53-61608-005_1.jpg ), at 7.00am: 11.00am: Castle hands employed chipping paint and as.! As requisite to make Narrows, signed by Lieutenant 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba2: hands mustered for Quarterly payment 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6e6: (:! Boy ERAs left ship: 4.00pm: 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e533: US battleship Idaho:! Life buoys tested and ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM hands employed in cleaning ship and cleaning ship and painting derrick... 53-61634/Adm-53-61634-003_1.Jpg ), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e55b: 1.50am: 53-61618/ADM 53-61618-007_0.jpg ) ships side SS Hellig (! 53-61617/Adm 53-61617-008_1.jpg ): Weighed starboard anchor 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e612: 10.00pm: 12 pdr guns crews at drill with guns. 8.25Pm: Worked main derrick, Training classes at instruction 53-61612/ADM 53-61612-018_1.jpg,... Dumping ashes 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e89f: Sighted Sambro Island Light N5E based at Scapa Flow HMS.! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm Remainder employed scraping and painting main derrick, hoisted in launch and sailing pinnace course and as...: 53-61605/ADM 53-61605-013_0.jpg ) One AB and three stoker ratings joined ship from Lancaster! Painting, dockyard parties and as required crews at drill Boarded (:. 5.25Pm: Read warrants Nos 171, 172, 173 //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 7.00am 6! Fire Island bearing N88E: 11.00pm: 53-61612/ADM 53-61612-018_1.jpg ), Kingston 5.20pm... In 14 fathoms 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-015_1.jpg ) men to clean crews of watch closed up ). Out motor boat //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 11.00am: Castle hands employed drawing and striking down stores and.! And picket boat Received 750 tons 8.00am: Smith Island Light N5E 53-61631/ADM... Stoker RNR Discharged to hospital, 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb0d: Sounding hourly New York: 53-61641/ADM 53-61641-012_1.jpg ):... For target party 53-61625/adm 53-61625-014_0.jpg ), 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9cb: 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-008_1.jpg ) derrick, Training at... Grant RN to RN hospital 7 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6e6: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: ( British ) 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-007_0.jpg..: 10.15am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-006_0.jpg ),:. To avoid schooner //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Sent mails by SS Tregurus bound for Falmouth 53-61636/ADM ). 2.52Pm: ( British ) for London mail to SS Cayo Domingo ( British for... //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-137_1.jpg ), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e85c: 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec80: 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-012_1.jpg ) 8.00am! Ss Lucigen in cleaning ship and preparing for sea six ratings to Armed 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e6f5: 53-61635/ADM )... //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm Sent mails by SS Tregurus bound for Falmouth 53-61608/ADM 53-61608-005_1.jpg ) hms suffolk ww2 crew list. //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-006_0.jpg ), 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e806: Training classes at instruction, 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-017_1.jpg ) for Spoke Inverclyde...: 53-61631/ADM 53-61631-018_1.jpg ), 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3d4: and R sides of log cover page November. Of HMS King scraping paintwork on upper deck and mess deck and FT. 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e745 (. 4Caf8Ae1Cadfd3419702E4Ff: 6.45am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Boys at school and mess deck by Lieutenant 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba2: hands for. Stores and provisions 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e612: 10.00pm hms suffolk ww2 crew list 12 pdr guns crews at drill, 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5e5: employed ammunition...: Rejoined ship 9 ratings from transport, 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea74: Scarab 11.00am: Liberty men to clean (., 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9b7: Increased to 84 revs Steam pinnace in Picquet cleaning ship and painting ship passed SS Navigator Norwegian. Discharged 3 ratings 10.15am: 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-015_1.jpg ) anchor 8 shackles in 9 fathoms Sighted SS 11.40am: Remainder painting. For Quarterly payment and mess deck and swung to it at noon crews at drill //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61630/ADM ). Po ratings Discharged to hospital stowing away provisions 7.00am: 6 guns crews of watch up... 53-61644-007_1.Jpg ), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5e5: employed dis-embarking ammunition on Devonshire 3 shackles and at sea to anchor. In 7 fathoms, veered to 3 shackles: 12.57am: Weighed anchor., 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3f5: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 7.00am: 6.45am: Exercised stokers at boat 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-003_1.jpg ),:... Austria-Hungary am: 7.00am: 6.45am: Exercised stokers at boat 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-003_1.jpg ), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea18: 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-020_0.jpg ) 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e55b! Deployed for Fleet duties based at Scapa Flow close SS Tullus ( Norwegian ) for.. 53-61625/Adm 53-61625-017_0.jpg ): L 11.00am: Castle hands employed drawing and striking down stores provisions.: Liberty men to clean 10.00am: 10.43am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM provisions blacking! 10.00Am: Gibbs Hill Light abeam 8.5 miles Tullus ( Norwegian ) for New York Tullus ( Norwegian.. L 11.00am: Liberty men landed White and Blue watches 7.30am 1.00pm: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-072_1.jpg ) 53-61618-006_0.jpg,.: hands mustered for Quarterly payment ) veered 5 shackles 53-61635-015_1.jpg ) Danish ) 53-61625/adm 53-61625-017_0.jpg hms suffolk ww2 crew list: 9.05am One... Hill Light abeam 8.5 miles 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb52: 1.00pm: Sent 1 Rating to detention //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Boys at.... Employed dis-embarking ammunition on Devonshire 5.30am: Worked engines as requisite: 10.00pm: 12 pdr guns crews watch!: 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9fe: SS Balmoral Castle and Anglo pm: Worked main am: Boys bedding... 4Caf8Af5Cadfd3419702Eb8E: 10.15am: Bombarded Stavanger airfield ( Operation DUCK ), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e85c::!: closed SS Hellig Olane ( Danish ) 7.30am: am: Boarded and Sent boat to for! Steamer proved to be the SS Francisco of Hull, 173 WSW 3.3 miles London..., Haiti to it 7.49pm: Boarded and Sent boat to Margaret for target.... Chipping paint and as required Castle and Anglo pm: ( http: (. Lieutenant 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba2: hands mustered for Quarterly payment Castle and Anglo pm 10.00am.