Student will likely lose housing related privileges including, but not limited to, restriction from housing-related lotteries. Offenses with respect to alcohol reflect the laws of the State of Connecticut regarding the purchase, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Deferred Dismissal: A period of time during which a student is no longer in good standing with the University and will be required to adhere to specific requirements and conditions in order to remain enrolled. All clubs and organizations have access to basic sound equipment. For information on courses, course prerequisites, registration, pre-work or syllabi, contact Program Coordinator Sandy Richardson Users must not connect unauthorized devices to the University networks, including wireless networks, without Unauthorized devices include, but are not limited to, any of the following: Wireless Access Points (e.g., Apple AirPort Base Stations, Linksys or NetGear Access Points or Gateways, etc. Costs for transportation are based on type of vehicle, duration of trip, and miles traveled. Others may live in UNIVERSITY owned residences only after receiving the written permission from the Office of Residence Life or the Office of the Dean of Students. In addition to the replacement or repair cost resulting from such behavior, additional sanctions will be levied, up to and including fines, community service, removal from University housing, dismissal or expulsion, and possible arrest and prosecution by state or federal authorities for cases of intentional damage and vandalism. For housing-related reasonable accommodation requests involving Assistance Animals (including emotional support animals), please refer to the Procedures for Requesting Assistance Animals in University Housing contained in the Universitys Animals on Campus Policy for additional information. Twitter . . Distribution is considered to be any form of dispersal or delivery, including the payment for or barter of, any illicit or illegal drugs even if the transactions did not involve the exchange of monetary funds. k. Not to allow more than 12 persons including the RESIDENT in the room at any one time. Users may not encroach on others' use of computer resources. Six-week Undergraduate Asynchronous Online Courses: Friday, June 10, 2022.Session II:Two-Week Undergraduate Courses: Contact the Office of the Registrar at for specific course withdrawal deadline dates. After attempts to resolve a complaint have been completed, students must submit grievances in writing to the dean of students or using this online form within 60 days of the complained of issue. Events may not end after 2 a.m. without the express permission of the Office of Student Engagement. Fairfield University believes that sponsored off-campus activities are an important part of a students overall learning experience. The Office of Conference & Event Management is the designated central clearinghouse for registering all campus events, and all events on campus must be registered with and approved by this office. Although a student may not have instigated an altercation, a student is responsible for fighting by going beyond the force necessary to avoid harm or attempting to harm the instigator. There is a need for maintenance (e.g., electrical work). If windows are locked for environmental or climate control purposes, the locks cannot be removed. Whose Results Have Been Loaded In This Database. In the event of travel outside of the United States, a copy of each student passport must be included along with each General Waiver & Release of Liability Agreement. Upon a students request, the University shall establish a mutually acceptable time and location for the student to review the requested records. No inquiries or discrepancies will be heard or considered by phone or in person. Any use of the addresses or other information (including, but not limited to, the preparation of envelopes, mailing labels, or email distributions) for any multiple mailing without the express written consent of Fairfield University is prohibited. one ounce or more of heroin, methadone, or cocaine; one-half gram or more of cocaine in a free-base form; five milligrams or more of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD); any narcotic, hallucinogenic, or amphetamine-type substance (for first-time offenders); one kilogram or more of cannabis-type substance, including marijuana (for first-time offenders). Please note that documentation solely from a paid Emotional Support Animal verification service will be insufficient. 4262 Campus Ministry/Mass Schedule: 203-254-4050 or ext. No-Contact Order: An order prohibiting a student from having contact, including but not limited to, physical, written, verbal, third-party, and/or electronic contact, with another student for a specified period of time. The student conduct process is intended to serve educational goals as well as to uphold University policies and the Student Conduct Code. The ADA/Section 504 Coordinators Letter of Determination shall constitute the final decision in response to the students grievance. The University reserves the right to review financial records of student organizations that have been allowed to raise funds on campus to determine if the funds are being used for the purpose for which they were raised. The student shall be advised in writing of the decision on the appeal within 14 business days. The remaining balance in the StagBucks account should be displayed at every point-of-sale terminal each time an account is accessed. Others may live in University-owned residences only after receiving the written permission from the Office of Residence Life or the Office of the Dean of Students. There is a need to close the building (e.g., holidays, etc. Fines for each violation in amounts to be established by the University, and 2. Accessibility will notify Residence Life regarding students who are approved for accommodations. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, cease activities, reasonable requests for students to meet appointments in administrative or faculty offices, and to be cooperative during investigations and hearings. Digital Design and Printing of event marketing materials is provided by COSO at no cost to the organizations for print and digital marketing costs. The Graduate Student Senate receives a set amount of the Graduate Student Fee that each graduate student pays each semester. Students from other states who wish to vote in a state other than Connecticut should use a federal form or one supplied by the state in which they wish to register. The machines are activated by using the StagCard, which has a predetermined number of cycles per semester (sufficient for two wash and dry cycles every week). In addition, they will maintain contact with the Local Emergency Campus Contact during the trip. It is not necessary to obtain a new card each semester or academic year. If a Board member fails to perform any required responsibilities, the Board may request, by a unanimous vote of the other members, that the vice president for student life or another University designated official terminates the member's appointment and appoint an alternate or new member to fill the vacancy. Fairfield provides limited housing to part-time students and graduate students. Conduct fundraising activities on or off campus. Fairfield University requires that all full-time domestic undergraduate students maintain or purchase a health insurance policy. StagBucks are different from "dining dollars" and funds cannot be transferred between these two accounts. Student organizations are considered active if they renew each fall and spring semester and keep their Life@Fairfield portal up to date. With an emphasis on innovative, experiential learning and a focus on developing the whole person, we produce graduates who are future ready. Flyers in the campus center may be hung on designated bulletin boards. The Office of the Dean of Students reserves the right to take appropriate action regarding any advisor who disrupts the process or who does not abide by the restrictions on their participation as determined by the Office of the Dean of Students. Recognizing that individuals have differing needs and interests when approaching conflict, and in appreciation for the complexity and uniqueness of conflicts, the option of an informal resolution is offered by the Office of the Dean of Students to resolve alleged violations of the Student Conduct Code and University policies when students are interested in exploring alternatives to a hearing. This notification must take place by June 30. This form will be sent to Facilities Management. The faculty representative(s) are nominated by the general faculty and serve three-year terms. Additional guest and alcohol restrictions may be enforced and will be communicated via email through the Office of Residence Life or the Office of the Dean of Studentsprior to the start of the break period. Fairfield University is your school, your community, and your home. Retaliation as defined in this policy is prohibited and is a violation of Fairfield University policy. If follow-up is not necessary, the student's medical records with the Student Health Center should be updated to reflect the illness or medical issue being addressed so that the medical history is accurate and proper care may be provided in the future. If the missing student is under the age of 18, Fairfield University will notify the custodial parent or legal guardian; If the missing student is 18 or older, or an emancipated minor, and has identified an emergency contact, Fairfield University will contact the emergency contact identified by the student; If the missing student is 18 or older, or an emancipated minor, and has not identified an emergency contact, Fairfield University will contact the Fairfield Police Department. Having final decision-making authority regarding the planning and execution of the event/initiative. Central Park Pool and Splash Pad. Juniors and seniors are not permitted to register vehicles that belong to underclassmen or family members of underclassmen. The UNIVERSITY will provide space for storage of these belongings and will assign responsibility for the room when it is being used by the temporary occupant. While federal law requires that priority consideration be given to the specific methods requested by the student, it does not imply that a particular accommodation must be granted if it is deemed not reasonable and other suitable techniques are available. The cost of such equipment is the responsibility of the sponsoring student organization. 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06824 (203) 254-4000. Cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic devices shall not be used in a manner that causes disruption in the classroom, library, within other University buildings or facilities, or at University events (e.g., lectures, Masses, etc.). h. Reserves the right to notify RESIDENTS that certain floors in a residence hall will be utilized to house undergraduate students and staff who are authorized to remain on campus during a break period. Prohibited items found in residence halls will be confiscated and may not be returned. This document sets forth the terms and conditions upon which space in residence halls owned by Fairfield University (herein called UNIVERSITY) may be occupied by a person (herein called RESIDENT). Any student has a right to review and inspect his or her own record. Pregnancy Discrimination: includes treating an individual affected by. Not to project objects to or from the units. Aslongasstudentscanmaintainappropriateacademicprogress,faculty,staff. Criteria for Recognizing New Student Organizations. This policy is designed to guide students, faculty, staff, and other authorized users (hereinafter referred to collectively as users) in the acceptable use of computer and information systems and networks provided by Fairfield University. Notice is hereby given that there are no electronic resources supplied by the University that provide for sending or receiving private or confidential electronic communications. Use the University's name in association with the name of the student organization, provided use of the University's name is in accordance with stated policies about the name, logo, and trademarks. A RESIDENT agrees to surrender the premises to the UNIVERSITY at the termination of this Agreement in clean and in good condition. Access to funding via Club Operations and Student Organizations and Fairfield University Student Association. Traditional and online courses are available in a variety of disciplines and are offered during three separate sessions in May, June, and July. Misplaced or lost cards can also be deactivated through the online card office, Utilization of the StagAlert emergency notification system, University Social Media (Fairfield Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) and my.fairfield account, Outgoing message on the University's main line: 203-254-4000 or ext. To report solicitors found in the halls to Public Safety. Occupancy of thetownhouse, apartment, or other UNIVERSITY housing may not be increased by the RESIDENTS. The student organization is encouraged to take a Trip Advisor but is not required to have one for a trip that is 180 miles away or less from Fairfield University and does not include overnight stay. We value life outside the classroom as essential to the educational mission - to foster not only individual growth, but spiritual, moral, and social growth as well. Student organizations hosting an event are responsible for supervising and supporting the event from set up to clean up and for ensuring the event and all attendees abide by all University policies. No refunds will be made prior to graduation or withdrawal/resignation. Special exceptions may be granted with the approval of the student's area coordinator. Anyone hoping to revive dissolved organizations must go through the full New Student Organization recognition process outlined below. Any such revisions will be posted here at All mandated health policies must be maintained in order to be eligible. Lesson Times: 12:15 1:15 2:15 required on the form. If the student exhibits behavior in violation of the Student Conduct Code, the student's behavior will be documented and subject to disciplinary action. In the event that an advisor is unable to continue to serve in an advisory capacity, the student organization must obtain a new advisor immediately. For more information regarding pro-rated refunds, School of Education and Human Development. Room or residence changes will not be permitted during the first two weeks or last two weeks of any semester. Fairfield University Swimming & Diving enhances the college experience of our varsity student-athletes, providing them with opportunities to excel athletically and academically. Student organizations are considered inactive if they do not renew their Life@Fairfield portal within the first (4) four weeks of the beginning of the fall or spring semester. Documentation of a disability or medical condition will be required in order to establish the need for an accommodation. We pledge to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes recreation as a means to better one's self mentally, physically, and socially. The UNIVERSITY reserves the right to change any provision of this Agreement at any time. n. Not to loan or duplicate a room key. Faculty, staff, and other University employees are prohibited from interfering with students right to take leave, seek reasonable accommodation, or otherwise exercise their rights under this policy. "Quiet hours" are in effect in all student residences after 8 p.m. on Sundays and weeknights, and after midnight on Friday and Saturday nights, until 10 a.m. the next morning. In the case of improper signing of contracts, Fairfield University is not liable for upholding said contractual obligations between outside vendors and student organizations. c. In addition to the immunizations required of all students, Connecticut state law requires that any UNIVERSITY student living in UNIVERSITY-owned housing be vaccinated against meningitis as a condition for living in the UNIVERSITY housing. For more information regarding health insurance or the waiver process, visit The Student Handbook contains many of the policies and procedures for students at Fairfield University. The University has eliminated access to townhouse and off-campus basements and any attempt to utilize basement areas for any purpose is in violation of the residence guidelines and subject to a residency review and/or student conduct action. Thispolicy and its pregnancy-related protections apply to all pregnant persons, regardless of gender identity or expression. All students are expected to attend every scheduled class session. Full-time undergraduate commuter students are allowed in residential buildings if invited by a resident or for academic reasons. Not to post signs, posters, banners, or other printed material, art, or advertisements in windows, on outside of unit or on the grounds. If a student residence light fixture (not personal lamps) requires a replacement bulb, students should notify their RA or the Office of Residence Life who will request the appropriate repair or replacement. 2022-2023 Academic Catalog, 2022-2023 Graduate Catalog Fairfield University Graduate Overview University Mission Diversity Vision Statement Academic Calendar Academic Policies and General Regulations Resources and Services Accreditations Compliance Statements and Notifications College of Arts and Sciences Dolan School of Business 7. Not to loan or duplicate a townhouse, apartment, or UNIVERSITY housing key. A charge for this policy appears on the domestic student's tuition bill. RESIDENTS who are granted release from this Agreement, but continue as a full-time student at the UNIVERSITY, should contact the Bursar to determine if they are eligible for any refund. Violations of these fire safety requirements are considered serious and may result in disciplinary action. Swimming Lessons 2022. complementary shapes definition; fairfield swim lessons. All decisions are final. Students participating in such University-sponsored events will be allowed to make up any major exams, tests, or quizzes they miss in a course when they are involved in a scheduled event provided that participating students, or the faculty moderator, inform all their professors in writing at the beginning of the semester, or as soon thereafter as possible, once scheduling is confirmed. Learn-to-Swim classes are taught by certified, knowledgable and caring instructors who can help swimmers and every level feel comfortable in the water and progress . In enforcing its policies including its policies of Sexual Misconduct, Fairfield University at times will be governed by state and federal regulations. o. The possession, use, distribution, or cultivation of any illicit or illegal drugs is strictly forbidden. Members often feel the need to endure subtle hazing to feel like part of the group or team. The RecPlex is now accepting Fairfield University and Prep faculty, staff, part-time students, full-time contractors, and alumni memberships. Such requests must be submitted in writing to the Office of Residence Life. Weather-related delays or closings that affect the start or end of classes, potential damage to property, or the reduced availability of essential University services. All other members of the general public must leave University property once the event is over. Students should register their cell phone number via In addition, students with disabilities or temporary impairments requesting campus life accommodations also need to request such accommodations or exceptions each school year. When the student vacates the room or unit, it will be inspected by a University staff member and compared to the original inspection form. The University will assist, but does not assume responsibility for, collecting payment on behalf of a student for damage done to the personal property of that student by another student. Since first-year students and sophomores are not permitted to have cars, they should take extra initiative in planning and coordinating transportation. Any student who attempts to bring alcohol into a University-sponsored event or venue or on the University-sponsored transportation will have this alcohol confiscated, will not be allowed entry, will not receive a refund (if applicable) and will be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students. The residential community attempts to provide students with learning opportunities that focus on student success, social justice, community engagement, interpersonal/intrapersonal development, mission integration, and cross-cultural understanding. In accordance with the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act, Fairfield University provides students with the opportunity to register to vote. Fairfield, CT 06824 . Students may not tamper with or destroy evidence. Students can request break housing by going to and filling out the form. If, under certain unusual circumstances an insufficient funds condition occurs, it is the responsibility of the cardholder to provide restitution. Submitting the Club Event Request Formvia Life@Fairfield does not guarantee that all catering/media needs/work orders will be completed/approved/available. If necessary, the Student Health Center will coordinate with the primary care physician or specialist any follow-up treatment. Student organizations are required to comply with all state and federal laws, and University policies regarding accessibility for individuals with disabilities participating in club events/functions/meetings. If the condition is not cleared, the insufficient funds amount will remain negative, and the account will be rendered unusable and/or the University may seek recovery from the cardholder. The attempted or actual theft, sale, or possession of property that does not belong to them including, but not limited to, dining room equipment, laboratory equipment, furniture, library books, computer materials, personal property of another student or member of the University community is prohibited and may result in possible arrest and prosecution by state or federal authorities. Once a new StagCard has been issued, the old StagCard will be invalid, and, if found, cannot be reactivated. Nor does Fairfield University assume any financial liability or responsibility for any phase of the event. All classes are free to all RecPlex members. n. All students are required to register guests on campus via the guest registration form. Guidelines for posting material varies across campus. The current plaque contains the names of all active students who passed away since 2000. Administrative responsibility for these accommodations lies with the Title IX coordinator and the Office of Accessibility. Bellarmine Hall 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, CT 06824 203-254-4000, Associate Director of Athletics Development, Assistant Director of Athletic Annual Giving and Events, 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06824 (203) 254-4000, School of Education and Human Development. The University reserves the right to cancel any event at any time due to the sole determination of what is in the best interest of the University and the student body. Accessibility will also consult with the Office of Residence Life (Residence Life) to discuss the students request. These include academic enrichment initiatives, theatre and arts programs, and sports camps. Posting in Residence Halls, Townhouses, Barnyard & Apartment. Residents will be subject to disciplinary action and fines for all policy violations. In addition, the campus is monitored by a closed-circuit television/camera system. The Office of the Dean of Students has ultimate responsibility for enforcing University policies and the Student Conduct Code. As students are purchasing a ticket through the Paciolan platform, they are asked to take note of the posted date for refunds. 2022-2023 Academic Catalog, 2022-2023 Graduate Catalog Undergraduate Catalog Fairfield University Undergraduate Overview Admission Curricula Study Abroad Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid Financial Aid Scholarships College of Arts and Sciences Dolan School of Business School of Engineering Marion Peckham Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies Courses A-Z; Programs A-Z; Catalog Archive; . Not to remove any furniture or place any furniture on back porches or in basements. Students who wish to create a new student organization are encouraged and welcomed to do so, in accordance with the following criteria and procedures. Any concerns or questions regarding a student who is missing or appears to be missing should be referred to the Department of Public Safety. Users will utilize the administrative computing systems (e.g., Banner) and related products only in a manner consistent with one's job function and for conducting official University business. There are no exceptions to this policy. In the determination of sanctions, prior student conduct violations are considered. Facsimiles, replicas, or reproductions of weapons (e.g., "air soft" guns) are also prohibited. Fairfield Universitys study abroad programs can take you to many different places around the world, but theyll all take you on an adventure beyond your expectations. Personal gain is defined as the sale of goods or services or the sponsorship of any fundraising activity on University property by any individual or group that is intended to improve the personal financial status of any person or group of persons involved in the sponsorship of the activity. This program is offered during the entire academic year and is completely voluntary. Oct 15, 2022 Fairfield, CT; Providence vs. Fairfield Completed Oct 28, 2022 Providence, RI; Fairfield vs. Holy Cross . The Code incorporates what is good and developmental for the individual and for the University community. 4050 Library: 203-254-4044 or ext. All bus or van needs must be requested in a Purchase Request and organized by the COSO Advisor or COSO Event Logistics Coordinator who will then contact the Office of Conference and Event Management. Therefore, students should not touch these devices or hang objects from them. Student activities or organizations of a religious or spiritual nature must be coordinated through the Office of Campus Ministry, which strives to serve and work with students of all faiths and traditions. Bi-Monthly and Periodic Health and Safety Room Inspections. All types of damage caused to any student residence or its furnishings are the responsibility of the students assigned to that residence, and repair costs will be billed accordingly. A RESIDENT may terminate this Agreement only if the RESIDENT has graduated, withdrawn from the UNIVERSITY, becomes a commuteris released by the University to live off-campus, becomes a resident assistant, or has entered a study program approved by the Dean of the RESIDENT's college or school away from the campus. Under Fairfield's "hard waiver" program, the University enrolls each domestic student in its sponsored health insurance policy for the upcoming academic year. These are conducted periodically by the Fire Marshal and the residence life staff. In determining whether a student with a disability or temporary impairment is eligible for a housing or other campus life accommodation or is eligible for an exception to housing or other campus policy on the basis of their disability or temporary impairment, the Office of Accessibility will meet with the student to discuss the students request and documentation. The Office of Accessibility (Accessibility) is responsible for evaluating whether a student with a disability is eligible for a reasonable accommodation in University housing. In the case of improper signing of contracts, Fairfield University may not pay/release funds to outside vendors. If an individual feels that he or she will not be considered a fully participating member of the group or feels that he/she would be ostracized for not participating in particular behaviors (for example, alcohol use), then such implied coercion would be considered hazing. All organizations are required to submit any constitution/bylaw amendments to COSO and the Office of Student Engagement upon passage by the organization. Fairfield Fit is available to supplement your weekly routine with exciting fitness classes (Zumba, Pilates, Yoga). Any verbal or non-verbal communication which is deemed as disrespectful, intimidating, or threatening will be considered a violation. Resident students' primary resources are the resident assistants, graduate resident coordinators and area coordinators. Please view our summer housing policy by clicking on the link. The University will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on these characteristics or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local law. Policies for Students with Disabilities and Temporary Impairments. Members of the University community may not park their cars on neighborhood streets adjacent to campus. For more information about the selection of programs currently available, please visit our summer programs page. To encourage reporting, Fairfield maintains a policy of offering reporting students amnesty for minor community standards violations (e.g., underage consumption of alcohol), when a good faith report for assistance during an emergency situation is made. 1073 North Benson RD. Upon receiving all signatures by the above parties, the organization is recognized as a recognized student organization at Fairfield University and may begin operating on campus as such. 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