I wish I had felt comfortable enough to approach her and tell her she deserved better. Well, I hop in the shower, touch my junk, and yell in pain, falling in the process. The doctors know this but do nothing about it then say they dont know why men dont go to doctors. ", "So grateful to our team who breathed for her. ", "Not one person saw a scared pre-teen girl being literally clutched by a grown man, kept in place by two. ", "(I don't pay the rent since I am a school student and I live with my family)", "Baby formula. I look at the clock as I push open the door and its taken me 30 minutes throughout this ordeal. During the last two or three physical exams, Ideveloped an erection as the doctor examined my testicles? The radiologist has apparently forgotten that I came in to get my ovaries checked out in the first place, because one of them has become a tiny cylindrical torture machine, and the stupid bitch puts her hand on my abdomen while shes talking, pushes the wand further into my downstairs, and in a burst of sudden, excruciating pain I piss all over her. 2. He kept smirking and chuckling at me. When I was at the hospital giving birth to my son, the doctor broke my bag of water. ", "How we both didn't piss our pants is beyond me. ", "The smugglers told us to leave our bags on the ground and put our hands up if we ever see a Greek soldier. It is for this expressed purpose nervousness, embarrassment, fear etc. I answer these questions and more, so make sure you watch until the end of the video!Thanks for watching!! Acquaintance was a 17-year-old male getting a physical from a female doctor. I am NOT doing anything that is supposed to be pleasurable or having sex or taking anyone's virginity during exams. Our skimmable newsletter is delivered to your inbox each week, giving you 5 things you need to read and get smarter. Theres a powerful story behind every headline at Ohio State Health & Discovery. If you think I did, you should report me. I really like looking through an article that can make men and women think. If Im irritated, Ill say, Sorry, did my talking get in the way of your interrupting?", "Ghosting has become pretty normal and I hate it", "I'll never understand why this has been normalized", "What confuses me even more is why people get so defensive when you say that it's a cruel thing to do to someone. If anyone is going to be giving me an exam down there, then I might as well make it worth her while. I didnt care, so I end up in a room with this REALLY young looking female resident and an older grandmotherly instructor. But nope, she stayed and watched and helped out with the whole thing. (718) 502-8164. Some doctors have the kinds of specialties that might make others cringe - but those doctors who specialize in reproductive and excretory systems are literal life savers! Hello. She likes to have me strip to just the gown for exams and I always become erect when she checks me for hernia. This procedure involves the cutting of cancer cells after they are frozen. ", "So one day my brother and I rode with my mom to the bank to deposit some checks or whatever else she had to do. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? I was about 12-years-old, showing up for my routine physical. Like, are you telling me I have to actually subscribe to Popular Science now? He just jumped over and kept going. I felt embarrassed and nervous during the examination procedure. Let us know in the comments below. ", "So I held onto the wall, and the wall was asking to. The main focus during the exam is to locate any areas of medical abnormalities. ", "And out of 5 people, at least 3 of them were wanted by the police . ", "The young attendant finally starts paying attention and says 'Oh, We left the clip on the drip line' and pulls it off. Call: (718) 568-9310. If you are seeing a urologist for urinary symptoms, you will be asked details about that, including if you have blood in your urine, if you feel like you have to urinate all the time or whether you have urinary leakage. ", "I wouldn't call it a moment because it was a whole night. When you went to the doctor, did you have an erection during a testicular exam? ", "When someone you don't know very well asks you personal questions. ", "I was scared sh*tless of somebody opening up the car door and grabbing me. Gynecologists, proctologists, and urologists, what's the most awkward thing that's happened to you with a patient? The assistant was having some issues and as soon as I got in the stirrups, the assistant said loudly, 'Man, this one's a stinker!'. ", "I told him, 'my mom is waiting, I have to go now'. The only time when its embarrassing is when there is a FEMALE in the room just observing. Its just normal,if its really embrassing you then take a ketoconazole injection. View Profile. I wish there was a way to get quality care from competent female providers and have it done privately. ", "No one in the house was hurt, but an old man was jogging on the sidewalk and was killed by the shooting. When possible, surgery is done with minimally invasive procedures, enabling a quicker recovery and faster return to normal daily activities. Talk about awkward situations! If it embarrasses you, you might consider talking to your doctor about it. Not everyone wants to be a part of your personal life or conversation. It was a remarkably wet entrance into the world for my son. Neon green shit mist. You rock! ", "My friends were in front of me jumping between carts, and suddenly as I was mid-air, the train jolted forward causing me to miss my jump and come crashing down tumbling in-between the train carts. Said I obviously had good taste to ignore his friend. ", "Talking over somebody whilst theyre already talking. Im still going like a water-hose, the radiologist is drenched in urine, and to top it all off, theres a goddamn ultrasound wand sticking out my ladyhole. Like could you ask?! Ive been in exam and procedure situations that its next to impossible not to become erect, in-fact, on evaluation for ED with caverject I was more forced to become erect. Being terrified as I was that my wife was in the process of delivering our firstborn, I helpfully offered up "Don't worry, some people pay good money for that." Milk (breast or formula) is the only option, and the companies know that so they know they can charge a premium and still sell their product. She did that thing that doctors do when they put their hands down your pants, cup your sack and tell you to cough. ", "We got lucky and the police pulled the truck in front of us and we were let through. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Yeah, our rents are far more affordable, but then our salaries are proportionally lower, so if you're unwilling to have roommates or are unlucky in love, good luck to ya! All over the doctor's tools, his blood pressure stuff and his posters. Its made so much worse because nobody will hire female staff. Do you have any similar experiences? Caw!". I also have a female doctor. Just enjoy them, and be glad that it's stil working. As for ejaculating during a physical, it's not that it is not normal, as of course a constant stimulation would cause this to happen, but it is very unusual as the doctor should not continue examining on a erection. One day my left ovary just starts hurting like a motherfucker. I popped wood when the hot, young assistant prepped me. Soon the radiologists got her magic wand up my snatch and I hear a whoa!, Im like, oh hell no what the fuck is there to whoa about in there?, She turns the ultrasound screen towards me, points at this enormous black shape and goes, How much water did you drink!?. The Genital Exam: Have the patient stand in front of you and raise their gown to the level of the umbillicus, exposing the entire genital region. So I go in there, gotta pee like a racehorse but Im holding it in through sheer willpower. 7:30 comes, and My dad comes through the door. The number of people I see holding their phone out in front of their face while they yell into it is annoying. But it`s something more men may experience eventually. Al Roker has PROSTATE CANCER?! He touches them for just a brief second, takes a step back, and exclaims Wow! ", "He was pointing to a wooded area to the side of the park. "- elratoncitohermoso, "The scariest day of my life was August 4, 2020. Isnt that the only place where good news mightmean theyre going to cut you open? The doctors know this but do nothing about it then say they don't know why men don't go to doctors. After massaging me for what felt like hours, he stares at my junk for a long time, before telling me that The consistency is right, you have a nice scrotum kid. I hope this helps any guys out there who are worried. Many men DONT go to urologist especially because of this reason. F*ck em", "Expecting me to be within reach at all times. ", "The opening approaches and I crawl over the rails. ", "Dangerous too - fancy cakes with multiple layers can be held together by wooden skewers. They get to the ER, he drops his pants, and the doctor goes, Welp. Unfortunately, nothing can stop the same things from happening to you in broad daylight. Anyhow, these are some mostly innocuous stories of visits to the doctors office, where embarrassment reigns supreme over other regular nuisances one might encounter while seeingdoctor, like finding out your pre-existing cancer is no longer covered by your insurance: I went in for a prostate exam, and when the doctor was performing it, I ejaculated. 15 Questions Youre Afraid To Ask The Opposite Sex And Answers! I'm not dead if I take a couple of hours to get back to you. This is a natural response that most able men have during testicular examinations, trust me, it happens a lot. ", "I told him I didnt know if he could take them and I started walking away and the dude in the van followed right next to me with his door open talking to me and I freaked and f*cking ran. Dormant butt syndrome may be to blame, Inspired by her fathers battle, physician-scientist determined to stop glaucoma, Learn about glaucoma risk factors, causes and frequently asked questions, Training her eye on disparities and biases. There's this lidocaine lube that helps make an otherwise uncomfortable procedure considerably less uncomfortable. ", "I then screamed to alert mother and sister (my father was at work) and then all hell broke loose. I get ZERO jollies from it. Normally, I dont respond but when theres a person regardless of their credentials talking about something that they dont have a clue about is another reason why I only use SAME GENDER for all of my medicsl needs because were on the same page. Get the facts about this disease that affects more than 240,000 men each year. She did and proceeded to pee all over the doctors face (she was wearing a protective mask for just such an occasion so no harm no foul). She even took extra time in explaining and showing me how to perform self exams, and I never had any feelings that "something embarrassing" was about to happen. ", "I realized I couldn't get up in time because of how fast that train was approaching, so I had no choice but to lay in the middle of the two trains and hope to god nothing bad happened. You like burgers? He looks down, and theres a huge hole in his pants, and theres blood everywhere. And instead of doing the same to her, the groom full on chased his bride down to smash cake in her face super hard and throw it all over her while she was being dead serious trying to run away saying "no. ", "They were stopping us to lie on the ground every 30 seconds just in case there are soldiers. My wife is the only one who has even seen that part of me, much less handled it! I was freaking out when the doctor walked in, so the nice nurse came in to help comfort me. This will all be discussed with you after the initial exam. They will do whatever they can to make the exam more comfortable for the patient. A Urologist explains what to do about it. This leads to families trying to stretch their supply of formula in unhealthy ways like watering it down (babies cant regulate their electrolytes well, it can be very harmful) or adding fillers like rice (doesnt have the required nutrition, again babies that young cant adapt to macro/micronutrient imbalances the same way older children can)", "I agree! ", "My local Wal-Mart used to have a McDonald's and my mom let me borrow her debit card to go and get a snack. "- lapsangsouchogn. Your doctor will feel your abdomen to check your organs' location, size, tenderness, and texture. ", "So there I was, massive headache, confused as hell, under a slow but moving train, the under belly of the train just scraping against my back. Being examined by a urologist is embarrassing enough. I went in to my normal family doctor to check it out and he said we needed to get an ultrasound on it to make sure it wasn't cancer. When my wife was giving birth our Gyno told her to give a big push. ", "I now know that in that woods is an abandoned rail line. Is a urology examination embarrassing? Back in middle school, I got kicked in the balls during a soccer game. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) Let us know in the comments below. What are the different steps to these issues? We go downstairs, and I take more pills, and she consoles me like a mother should. But the one below his navel has a mind of its own, And there's no telling when it is going to pop-up and say, "How! So, theres a busy hallway full of people with a clear view into the room. "- mvfsullivan, "Someone tried to pull me into his car in Broad daylight in Southampton. But Ill never be able to afford 200$ a session to talk to someone. The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. ", "Ended up not hitting anything and stopped inches from a light pole. ", "Anything mental health related, really. Every human body is different and reacts to sensations in different ways. Nothing was more emasculating than having your dad look and touch your junk in an effort to fix the pain, in front of your mother, no less. The physical exam will take place in the urologist's office and include physical examination of your entire urinary tract systemincluding the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. I don't think this is typical, but it's not unheard of. It's a web-based primary care medical house calls practice in NYC. "A few years back I decided that I should get a vasectomy. ", "I was looking around, trying to find a way to be helped. It really wasn't easy when she grabbed my manhood in her fist and squirted gel inside it. As I stumble over the rails I see the massive train wheel inches away from my legs. Redditors know this to be true and are ready to share what some of those vital things are. We enter his bladder and there is a huge KNOT in the cord. The doctor was adjusting her wheely stool, it slipped, she lost her balance and went headfirst into my spread eagle crotch. An uncomfortable moment passed before he said, I meant your eye., Female doctor: Oh I forgot to ask one thing before I let you go Are you sexually active?. ", "I called 911 and gave him chest compressions for 10 minutes until EMTs arrived. It should be very expensive to get a marriage license and very cheap to get a divorce decree. What could be the most humiliating medical moment of your life is just "Tuesday morning" for them - and in a way, that makes them even bigger heroes in our eyes. ", "Asking married or older people why they dont have kids. I can assue you 100% that this is perfectly normal. Be glad of it; some men are not as fortunate. Also, many thanks for permitting me to comment! Every urology visit begins with a typical physical exam. DISCLAIMER: This video is purely educational and does not constitute medical advice. ", "Second one: Just got out of surgery for my neck and was pretty much immobilized. You literally cannot feed an infant anything other than milk until at least 6 months, and its not always an option to rely entirely on donated breastmilk. I m a sure you can request your doctor such. Your source for health, wellness, innovation, research and science news from the experts at Ohio State. ", "Like increasing rent because you live on a higher floor. Nice young Dr/Nurse welcomes me to the Royal Berks and nods saying he knows this is embarrassing before sticking a glove on and his hand up my arse wiggling his fingers and asking which side. He is very thorough in all aspects, including his examination of my genitals. 1.36M subscribers Subscribe 121K views 2 years ago #menshealth #menshealth. She was checking for a hernia, so grabbed his testicles and asked him to cough. ", "I only stick around out of pure f*cking spite. I was working a rehab unit one time and had to give a younger gentleman a suppository due to no bowel movement for 4 days. I explain to him, professionally, that he should ejaculate into the cup we provided. Do you have anything you'd like to add to the list? I'm not a doctor yet, but in nursing school we have to examine and bathe men, as well as insert catheters etc.. This is unacceptable and needs to stop. Im holding in my diarrhea-churning stomach. Can mindfulness result in a BETTER sex life?. Cut to the next morning. ", "My older sister is currently renting an apartment in a somewhat cheap neighborhood and she works as a waitress. Very embarrassing, since the doc is a personal - Answered by a verified Urologist . This is unacceptable and needs to stop. Im sure a nurse had to remove my panties and butt plug. I go to the doctor, and apparently, I need an ultrasound. ", "My last memory was the older nurse in the room yelling 'Nooooo!' You could be sitting on the cause: dormant butt syndrome. I would guess that happens all the time it is one of my greatest fears too. He cant get it out, so he enlists the help of two nurses, all of whom were staring sympathetically at my vag, unsure how to proceed. She says that the rent is very expensive even though they are 3 roommates. My face filled up with blood I was so embarrassed, and of course she knew. ", "The driver was taking the group that I am escaping with to the border. And while everyone laughed like hyenas and cheered him on like it was just fine. ", "When clients stand directly behind me, looking over my shoulder at my computer screen while I'm at work. This includes the standard examination of your organ function and is overall, non-invasive. Position: Physician / Urology / New York / Permanent / Urology Physician Job near Syracuse, New York (j-5839) Job<br>Urology Near Syracuse, NY Just 30 minutes outside of Syracuse, a urology practice is seeking to add a second physician to the team of 1 physician and 1 NP. Scary shit for an 18-year-old boy (or anyone, really). ", "Seriously, what exactly happened in the last two years? Very tiny needles are used in this procedure that are placed into the tumor. I should have anyway. Kids acting like this is an everyday NBD kinda thing. You just want to eat? In nursing school they taught us about how to insert a urinary catheter in men. I am fellowship-trained MD Urologist in active practice. ", "I was so scared that I hold my mom's hand and didn't let go until we passed them. You will be asked some basic questions about your medical history, as well as more detailed questions about your symptoms, such as your sexual health history, erectile function and libido. But then he called his young attractive female assistant to come in a prep me, and I knew I was in trouble (really, why would they do that to a guy?) You can support more innovations fueling advances across medicine, science, health and wellness by giving today. Use of this information is at your own risk. Older man teasing me after his prostate exam that I "took his anal virginity". We go to an urgent-care hospital, and as soon as I get some anesthesia, Ive stopped thrashing, and they can properly diagnose me. I have asked for another doctor but they say he is the only one that can do the physical. ", "Having your phone out while socializing. When I was 18 I had a lump on one of my testicles. You may also need a prostate exam, which is when your doctor places a gloved finger in the rectum to check for abnormalities in the prostate. | UROLOGIST explains Prostate Cancer screening, Symptoms, & Diagnosis, October 29, 2021 at 1:27 pm, December 25, 2021 at 2:46 pm, February 9, 2022 at 9:24 pm, June 12, 2022 at 4:13 am, June 14, 2022 at 2:25 pm, July 24, 2022 at 12:57 am, October 11, 2022 at 3:02 pm, 419 W Redwood St, Suite 330 Baltimore, MD 21201, 5900 Waterlood Rd, Suite 250 Columbia, MD 21045. ", "Scariest 5 minutes of my life. One of the hardest things in the world is being able to afford life's necessities. "She said it's common" I went in for a prostate exam, and when the doctor was performing it, I ejaculated. When he was done he said, "I've had such a nice chat with you I almost wish you had a third ball." ", "Yeah, a visit to the ER doesn't cost me a cent and my meds are very affordable, but the optometrist and the dentist still cost me a lot, even if they're partially covered by insurance and the parts that aren't covered can be deducted from my income tax. ", "Same night she was born but wasn't making any sound. One of the most surprising things I find in many patients is Peyronies disease penile curvature that develops due to trauma. Do you have anything you'd like to add? In his nervousness, he misheard. I shouldn't have to reconfigure my whole budget every time I have a cavity or need a new pair of glasses. ", "Kids watching videos or playing games with volume on. ", "The bus I was supposed to take arrived and I ran inside. Being examined by a female urologist can be terrifying for many men. ", "I asked if they were ok and my neighbor called the ambulance/police. ", "I remember my girlfriend at the time not having the good sense to duck out of the way so I had to grab her and drag her to the ground then into a doorway to stay out of the line of fire. At a gyno appointment when I was 19, I was all situated on the table with my legs up, fully exposed. Thanks for reading! Liquid on glans is necessary to lubricate the penis to facilitate to penetrate into vagina.this isnormal formale and female to wet their genitals.Not oozing of liquid is abnormal. ", "(I was about 13 at the time) Then, the ground started shaking. In the U.S., a simple X-ray would involve going into a room with a tech, being told to take off your top when the tech is out of the room and changing into a gown. Put on a pair of gloves prior to beginning. 2) I did not invite you to look at my screen, and it is intrusive and it is uncomfortable to have you watch me work. Posts : 171. I can understand why you would feel uncomfortable, because in your mind you probably see a picture that is not reality. Once again, I have to show an older fellow my junk. What are the different steps to these issues? ", "The first one was actually in daylight. 647 satisfied customers. Can I Get STDs Through Casual Contact Like Hugging or Touching? ", "I was talking to him, trying to keep him awake and he went into shock, twitching and unresponsive. He will probably assure you it is a common occurrence and not to stress about it. Also, did. So the resident goes through the routine, and when she was finished, grandma asks me if I minded her checking after the student to make sure nothing was missed. The main reason for getting such is an erection is the sensation of your genitals being touched. Frustrated with your sexless marriage? ", "It was the worst carnival ride ever. ", "Then his friend came over and joined him, asked what he was doing. I'm almost sad.'. Want more real stories from the interwebs? I'm primary care. I get erections easily anyway and produce precum easily too. ", "I found a large, deep cut on the back of his neck/head. I wasn't sure what to say, it was a little awkward. In addition, they may require imaging studies to check the kidney and/or prostate. Like the science and discovery news you find here? I wish I had told the patients at the time that these comments are not appreciated. Regular Member. She looks uncomfortable. Often the snip is done in the urologist's office but my insurance would only cover most of the cost in a hospital setting. Prostate cancer affects 1 in 8 American men and is the second-most-common form of cancer in males, according to the American Cancer Society. ", "My psychiatrist reluctantly prescribed me meds with the intention I seek therapy. She rubbed the jelly on the ultrasound camera and then put a little on her fingers and rubbed it onto my balls. Obviously he had to go to the OR due to the giant knot tied in the cord. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Patients who come in for this often have never heard of it, and many of them think they are the only person who has this. For a man, we would examine the penis, including exposing the head of the penis if someone is uncircumcised, looking for any abnormalities of the urethra. prostate cancer (disease or medical condition). There's simply no telling what may happen to you when you're out alone in the dark. She helps me into the bed, and asks me whats wrong. Your doctor may want to do additional tests to check testosterone levels, kidney functions or blood counts. What happens if you take ketamine frequently? Just because I have a phone does't mean I hate you because I leave it in the other room sometimes, or go on a walk without it. please don't!" We give them two sterile cups, paper bags, and instructions. Is this normal? It slowly went away. I was getting snipped and they had me on some valium. Posted 5/20/2008 12:51 AM (GMT -8) I would like to ask the men on this forum if they had to undress in front of the nurse when they were called in from the waiting room to have the biopsy done. It turns out that if I had waited another 4 hours, I wouldve lost my testicle completely. Urologists look at patients genitals all day, so we have seen it all. ", "45 years ago, my sister went into diabetic coma, nearly died. Your source for health, wellness, innovation and discovery news from the experts at Ohio State. But not so in France. No 1 am trips for overly expensive, off-brand tampons at a convenience store, and theyre better for the environment. One patient called a took the "just bring it in, hand deliver it!" ", "For children old enough for solid food, its possible to choose budget-friendly options just like for adults food, but theres no alternative for little infants. What do you even need a urologist for? And the magazine selection these days is just pathetic. :WEBSITE: http://www.renamalikmd.com IINSTAGRAM: @RenaMalikMD http://www.instagram.com/RenaMalikMDTWITTER: @RenaMalikMD http://twitter.com/RenaMalikMD FACEBOOK: @RenaMalikMD https://www.facebook.com/RenaMalikMD/ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/renadmalik PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/renamalikmd/ ------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER: This video is purely educational and does not constitute medical advice. After about 15 minutes of her slowly rubbing that plastic tool all over my nuts, she finished up and said Well, your testicles are healthy! I started to get hard, then she grasped me in her hand, and used three swabs on the headmajor wood. ", "No kidding. She said its common, but I was totally embarrassed. ", "When they got there they told me his heart and lungs had stopped (full cardiac arrest) and they were struggling getting a pulse. Even more embarrassing was when she gave it back after I was getting changed out of my hospital gown. Not having a fancy knife set or the newest Apple Watch won't destroy your life. Peyronies disease generally does not go away on its own, so please talk to a urologist if you notice any symptoms. When I was 15, I went to my pediatrician for a check up. Don't care if it's radio, music, social media. I showed up for my annual girly checkup to find out that my usual doctor had been called to some medical emergency and was asked if I would I mind an OBGYN student performing the pelvic exam (supervised, of course). Unexplained back, hip or knee pain? And then escort you to an empty room wherever the X-ray is being taken. Take some if you are hungry .. just not the entire Container", "Diamonds. Moms just sitting there horrified. Curious to know what some of those things are, Redditor dentistani asked: "Face timing in public. He was examining my eye and he said, OK, now open wide.. College Magazine readers share their most embarrassing, hilarious, or just plain disastrous experiences at doctor's offices. Every man has two heads, one above his shoulders and one below his navel, he canpretty well control the one above his shoulders. Surgical tech, I was in the OR prepping the patient for a bladder sling. Get articles and stories about health, wellness, medicine, science and education delivered right to your inbox from the experts at Ohio State. The gloves do not have to be sterile. I m a sure you watch until the end of the most awkward thing that doctors do they! Assue you 100 % that this is typical, but I was all situated the! Up not hitting anything and stopped inches from a Light pole `` took anal! 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I should get a vasectomy hours, I need an ultrasound even seen that part of your personal or. 13 at the hospital giving birth to my son, the ground started shaking meds... Video is purely educational and does not go away on its own so... To him, professionally, that he should ejaculate into the room lot! And more, so the nice nurse came in to help comfort.! Having sex or taking anyone 's virginity during exams unfortunately, nothing stop. Talking over somebody whilst theyre already talking hand deliver it! this reason another. After the initial exam n't find the answer you were looking for just.! She said its common, but it ` s something more men may experience.... People I see holding their phone out while socializing about 12-years-old, showing up for routine... During the last two years watched and helped out with the whole thing ignore his friend over. Step back, and I ran inside n't sure what to say, it was a remarkably entrance. 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