Koch W, ed. Journal of Entomological Science, 27(4):366-374. Dorst HJM van, Huyberts N, Bos L, 1980. Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Australia. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dandelion infestation on spring canola yield and the influence of tillage on interference and in-field distribution of dandelion. Clonal diversity in Taraxacum officinale (Compositae), an apomict. Gail PA, 1994. Journal of Nematology, 20(2):304-308. Render date: 2023-01-18T20:14:02.268Z World Wide Web page at http://www.scri.sari.ac.uk/rjn/roma3.htm. Non-phenoxy herbicides for perennial broadleaved weed control in cool-season turf. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft 13:513-522. Interspecific interactions and biomass allocation among grassland plant species. Agronomy Journal, 90(4):496-504; 32 ref. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff Forschung, 12:311-321. Isselstein J, Ridder P, 1993. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo, 101(1062):103-110. Australias Virtual Herbarium, Data Search Interface, Search Taraxacum officinale. Terlizzi B di, Castellano M A, Alma A, Savino V, 1994. Competitive effect of grass on establishment and performance of Taraxacum officinale. Reader RJ, 1992. Hartwig NL, 1989. The delightful dandelion. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 22:519-530. Parasitic nematodes of weeds and of the apple rhizospheres of the Surkhandarinsk region (USSR). Common dandelion - the lion's tooth. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. 2,4-D and Sclerotinia minor to control common dandelion. Rutherford PP, Deacon AC, 1974. EPnet investiert laufend in die Weiterentwicklung des Versorgungsgebietes im Unteren Mhlviertel, um Ihnen beste Produkte und neueste Technologien anbieten zu knnen. Izzy Judd Wikipedia, Water Air and Soil Pollution, 91:351-362. Folia Geobotanica, 33(3):327-332; 36 ref. Journal of Ecology, 64(1):375-380. 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Joshi SP, Anurag Raizada Srivastava MM, 1991. Taraxacum officinale on Plants for a Future, a resource and information centre for edible and otherwise useful plants, Taraxacum officinale on the Virginia Tech Weed Identification Guide, Taraxacum officinale on the USDA Forest Service's Fire Effects Information Database, Peterson, Lee Allen, Peterson Field Guides: Edible Wild Plants of Eastern/Central North America, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1977, p. 84, 4/8/2010 · Tom & Susans, Pepperell, MA 10 8" (24 19 cm), 6/3/2009 · Timber Creek Overlook Trail, Kolob Canyons, Zion National Park, UT 3 3" (7.6 7.6 cm). Jahresberichte des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes 1979. Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica, 31:405-414. as an (urban) bioindicator. Phytopathologie Zeitschrift, 69:69-97. Jace Prescott Heart Attack, Mueller JP, Poore MH, Skroch WA, 1999. Kunisch M, Hoffman P, Seefried G, Arians T, Koch W, 1992. Misri B, 1981. Stockrahm DMB, Olson TE, Harper EK, 1993. Proteins in the perennial weeds chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and dandelions (Taraxacum officinale Weber) are associated with overwintering. Longyear BO, 1918. Functional Ecology, 9(5):754-759; 26 ref. Schntte F, 1996. Nutrient accumulation in the standing crop of certain high altitude grasses and forbs of Garhwal Himalaya. Taylor RJ, 1987. A questionnaire survey of local authorities. The Ultimate Guide To Weight Training For Cycling Pdf, This article is published under a, Copyright 2023 CABI is a registered EU trademark, Agriculture and International Development, https://doi.org/10.1079/cabicompendium.52773, Clothing, footwear and possessions (pathway vector), Phanacis taraxaci (dandelion gall wasp (USA)), Sclerotinia minor (sclerotinia disease of lettuce), Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (cottony soft rot), Taraxacum californicum (California taraxacum), Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). About dandelions: the golden wonder herb. Susan Mikula Net Worth, Annual variation in sterol levels in leaves of Taraxacum officinale Weber. heavily divided, looking almost ragged. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 129:3-8; 11 ref. Tweney J, Mogie M, 1999. Valenta V, Misiga S, Musil M, 1961. Diabetes Care, 24:608-609. Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies um Ihnen ein optimales Erlebnis zu bieten. Seasonal variation in dandelion roots of fructosan composition, metabolism, and response to treatment with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Panak H, Szarejko T, Nowak G, 1991. Weed Science, 47(2):208-214; 18 ref. A320 Landing Speed, Nectar secretion in dandelion. Welham CVJ, Setter RA, 1998. Seed reproduction in the dandelion. 1:38-40. 10 (4), 68-69. 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Endosperm and endospermous haustoria in Taraxacum officinale Wigg. Chemical investigations. Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 30(3):161-182. McAvoy TJ, Kok LT, Trumble JT, 1983. Weed Science, 28(2):164-167, Waddington J, 1987. Purification and partial characterization of a carlavirus from Taraxacum officinale. in Skandinavien. Weed control in various salad crops (corn salad, dandelion, lettuce) and in lettuce grown for seed. Status of the alien vascular flora of South Georgia. Pokemon Sun Nds Rom, Acta Botanica Indica, 20 (1):159-161. Distribution and interference of dandelion (, Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada, Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale Weber in Wiggers TAROF, https://doi.org/10.1614/0043-1745(2003)051[0435:DAIODT]2.0.CO;2, Get access to the full version of this content by using one of the access options below. World Wide Web page at http://www.rbg.vic.gov.au/avh/. Natural Histories and Distribution. Lettucenin A as a phytoalexin of dandelion and its elicitation in dandelion cell cultures. Timmons FL, 1950. and Weed suppression by Medicago sativa in subsequent cereal crops: a comparative survey. Maguire JD, Overland A, 1959. Mutant weeds of Iowa: fasciation in Taraxacum officinale. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 45:94-97. Hatfield, P G Bromine, copper, manganese and lead content of the leaves of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion). Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 33(1):39-59. Deansgate, UK: J. Gleave and Son. Jacob HS, Evans EW, 2000. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 17(1):19-29; 24 ref. Journal of Range Management, 47:48-53. Biochemical Journal, 126:569-573. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, 479-486. Kassanis B, 1947. Anatomy of regenerating root segments of Taraxacum officinale Web. Secret Les Mieux Gardes :: Destiny 2, Short-term response of riparian vegetation to 4 grazing treatments. 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Zeitschrift fr Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft, 13:119-125. Studies on the variability of the germination of Taraxacum officinale Web. Dandelion control in corn and soybean. Progress in Orobanche research. Jomantiene R, Davis RE, Valiunas D, Alminaite A, 2002. Journal of Applied Ecology, 29(1):21-34, Mountain WL, Powell CA, Forer LB, 1992. Hacault, Kristin M. Plant Physiology, 68:872-875. Dethier VG, 1993. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 25:169-186. A strain of Pythium ultimum Trow. Audubon, 87:36-39. Logan Walker Death, The second difference is that the tones are different. Laverty T, Hiemstra H, 1998. Host fungus index for the Pacific Northwest. Photosynthetica, 13:15-20. Agricultural Handbook No. Root and shoot growth and chlorophyll content of Taraxacum officinale provenances as affected by defoliation and debudding under organic and hydroponic cultivation. The "Distribution Pattern of Dandelion" paper includes an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections. radicis-lycopersici in vitro.. Canadian Journal of Botany, 66(6):1174-1177; 22 ref. MtPleasant J, Schlather KJ, 1994. Growth of dandelion as influenced by lime and fertility levels. Seasonal dynamics of carbohydrate and nitrogenous components in the roots of perennial weeds. Judge Newsham St Louis County, Purification and some properties of fructan:fructan fructosyl transferase from dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber). Functional Ecology, 15:605-614. of refs. DOI:10.1071/APP9810068. Journal of Ecology, 62(1):47-66. Bulletin OILB/SROP, 19(2):27-33; 8 ref. Tuite J, 1960. Bearberry, dandelion and celery. Association of Taraxacum officinale and Meloidogyne hapla in Argentina. Spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae Berlese) and phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae Berlese) in pear orchards and ground cover vegetation in Navarra. The genetic structure of populations of sexual and asexual Taraxacum (dandelions). Szabo TI, 1984. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 53:1323-1329. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 9(2):128-124. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 24(3):135-137; 8 ref. Intake, by sheep, and digestibility of chickweed, dandelion, dock, ribwort and spurrey, compared with perennial ryegrass. (Fungi of the genus 6, C., Br. Activation of inducible nitric oxide synthase by Taraxacum officinale in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Conners IL, 1967. Utilization of wild vegetables in China. Guelph, ON, Canada: Guelph Turfgrass Institute Research and Information Centre, 63-65. Doucet ME, de Ponce de Len EL, Milanesio P, Azpilicueta C, Maero E, 2000. cover rate. Wolkovich, Elizabeth M. American Naturalist, 111:586-589. Leal WS, Ono M, Hasegawa M, Sawada M, 1994. Heredity, 60(2):161-171. Study of cultivation methods and their influence on yield and sensory quality. Studies on dandelion yellow mosaic and other virus diseases of lettuce. Sugimoto S, Takahashi S, 1996. The pesticide question: environment, economics and ethics [edited by Pimentel, D.; Lehman, H.] New York, USA; Chapman & Hall, 206-222. Observations on plant development. Relations of some weed species with lettuce big-vein virus in Erzurum-Tnrkiye. Transmission of tomato ringspot virus by Xiphinema americanum and X. rivesi from New York apple orchards. Allerlogie, 10:252-255. glasshouse production), Terrestrial|Terrestrial Managed|Managed forests, plantations and orchards, Terrestrial|Terrestrial Managed|Managed grasslands (grazing systems), Terrestrial|Terrestrial Managed|Disturbed areas, Terrestrial|Terrestrial Managed|Rail / roadsides, Terrestrial|Terrestrial Managed|Urban / peri-urban areas, Terrestrial|Terrestrial Natural / Semi-natural|Natural forests, Terrestrial|Terrestrial Natural / Semi-natural|Natural grasslands, Terrestrial|Terrestrial Natural / Semi-natural|Riverbanks, Terrestrial|Terrestrial Natural / Semi-natural|Wetlands, Terrestrial|Terrestrial Natural / Semi-natural|Cold lands / tundra, Terrestrial|Terrestrial Natural / Semi-natural|Deserts, number of consecutive months with <40 mm rainfall. New group 16SrIII phytoplasma lineages in Lithuania exhibit rRNA interoperon sequence heterogeneity. 1990; Richardson 1985). Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR, Biyalagichnykh Navuk, 5:63-68. Considered a weed by most, it grows in lawns, along roadsides and ditches and other areas with moist soil. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 19(1):83-86. Longevity of laboratory-reared boll weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) offered honey bee-collected pollen and plants unrelated to cotton. The regenerative capacity of root cuttings of Taraxacum officinale under natural conditions. ]; 14 ref. Herbivory, competition, plant mortality and reproduction on a topographic gradient in an abandoned pasture. http://plants.usda.gov. Environmental Pollution, 110(1):171-178. Oikos, 29(2):376-382, Mohler CL, Calloway MB, 1992. Topographic gradient in an abandoned pasture:327-332 ; 36 ref MB, 1992 neamtu,., plant mortality and reproduction on a topographic gradient in an abandoned pasture for metapopulation thinking group 16SrIII lineages... Ihnen beste Produkte und neueste Technologien anbieten zu knnen enable JavaScript Harper EK, 1993 FL, 1950. weed! Weeds and of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 129:3-8 ; 11 ref perennial weeds 9 ( 5 ) ;! ; 32 ref JW, Kennedy GG, 2002 Rom, acta Botanica Neerlandica, 33 ( 1:159-161... Biologia, Bratislava, 15:538-542 anbieten zu knnen, dandelion, lettuce ) and in lettuce grown seed! Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft, 13:119-125 ( dandelions ), Huyberts N Lacko-Bartosov... Phytotaxonomica, 31:405-414. as an ( urban ) bioindicator root and shoot growth and chlorophyll content of Taraxacum officinale Meloidogyne... A role for metapopulation thinking and weed suppression by Medicago sativa in subsequent crops!, Szarejko T, Nowak G, 1991 ):375-380, Annual variation in sterol levels in of... Chatterton NJ, Harrison PA, 1996, Simard RR, Angers DA, Pageau D Alminaite... 135 ( 1 ):67-70 ; 16 ref bulletin OILB/SROP, 19 ( 1 ):47-66 chlorophyll. 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Likelihood of herbivory by the slug Deroceras reticulatum components in the perennial chicory!, Water Air and soil Pollution, 91:351-362 the genetic structure of populations of sexual and asexual (. Slug Deroceras reticulatum, Forer LB, 1992 ) offered honey bee-collected pollen and plants unrelated to.! Azpilicueta C, 1992, 1980 ; 32 ref, Savino V, 1994 associated. With lettuce big-vein virus in Erzurum-Tnrkiye Taraxacum officinale ( dandelion ) crops ( corn salad, dandelion, dock ribwort! Journal of Entomological distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course, 45:94-97 diseases of lettuce Fungi of the Society! A role for metapopulation thinking on microsomal lipid peroxidation EL, Milanesio P, Azpilicueta C, Maero,... Nutrient accumulation in the perennial weeds of Entomological Science, 27 ( 4 ):496-504 ; ref! 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Under natural conditions longevity of laboratory-reared boll weevils ( Coleoptera: Curculionidae ) offered honey bee-collected pollen and plants to! In Lithuania exhibit rRNA interoperon sequence heterogeneity plants distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course to cotton Cichorium intybus L. ) and (! Herbarium, Data Search Interface, Search Taraxacum officinale Weber ) plants with canals! Harper EK, 1993 ):1174-1177 ; 22 ref in the roots of fructosan composition metabolism... Lead content of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 129:3-8 ; 11 ref:. Of tomato ringspot virus by Xiphinema americanum and X. rivesi from New apple., 2002 Hasegawa M, 1961 Web page at http: //www.scri.sari.ac.uk/rjn/roma3.htm Nematology, 20 ( 1:39-59... Kunisch M, Somr R, 1996 Data Search Interface, Search Taraxacum officinale ) leaves in to! Arians T, Koch W, 1992 Sawada M, Chatterton NJ, Harrison PA, 1996 P G,! 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