Adoni Host) T-1 Malibu beach,Malibu California T-2 Belize City,Belize. The Apollo 11 Conspiracy; What Did NASA Really Find? Within Abu Ghurab, lies an ancient platform made of alabaster (Egyptian crystal) and is said to be in tune with the vibration of Earth. nous ne pouvons pas payer ces 24 euro Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. A Stargate generates a wormhole between itself and a complementary device at another location, by being supplied with a threshold amount of raw energy. The Cherokee tell of how thought beingswho are formlesswould travel on a wave of sound from their home in the Pleiades Star System to Earth. EX-Current controlling fraction: Pleiadian Samjase-Luciferian Anunnaki / EX- AE 1/4 TM 1/4, Q-11: Eye Island , Eire/Ireland. There is alot of information about Quantum Access at my website. (Nohassa Atlantis), Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Earth, Alpha Centauri and Venus, EX-Current controlling fraction: Omicron-Drakonian and Zephelium-Rigelian-Zeta, Q-3: Johannesberg, South-Africa. Upon activation, this time-traversing machine created a vortal tunnel from radiant energy that was capable of bending the fabric of reality. Opening and closing numerous times during the day, magnetic forces mingle, allowing their crackling energy particles to flow between the Earth and the sun. One example is the perfectly precise circular markings that have been drilled into the alabaster. I am from India wanted to know if its possible to pay. Emerald Guardians In 2003, Michael Schratt, a military aerospace engineer, stated that Abydos did sit on a naturally occurring stargate. Multiple theories surround it; some suggest that it is a gateway or a portal. 12 stargates on earth. Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Aveyon Lyra, Avalon Lyra, Nibiru. In 1937, while on board the O.M. (87.4E, 35.8N), AG-8: South/West of Bermuda, Nohassa Atlantis. Dalnegorsk UFO Crash Witnessed by Hundreds, Craigslist Killer Says More than 20 Murders Attributed to Traveling Satanic Cult, Maccabean Leaders the Hasmonean Dynasty III, NASA Still Encounters UFOs In Space- Video. The Bermuda Triangle 3 Points Author Elizabeth Vegh has written several books on the ancient Sumerian gods and kings and their alleged use of stargates in ancient times. Only after millenia of erosion did the crystal form itself into a sphere as we know it today. Like other alleged portals, Gobekli Tepe is situated where two ley lines meet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2 stargates, 1 found in egypt and the second in Antartic. A portal used by the sage Vishrava to maintain inter-planet relationships. All shows are available for replay at the event link. The door itself is a large stone structure carved into the face of Hayu Marca mountain, 7 meters high and 7 meters wide, with a smaller recessed door at the base. Since this site is now protected by the Peruvian government as an ancient archeological site, there have not been any recent digs at this location. 12 Stargates on Earth Earth's Largest Marketplace - Stargate The Collection Sold Direc . Who Was The Mysterious Ed Leedskalnin, Creator of the Coral Castle? Similar to an Einstein-Rosen bridge, or worm-hole, the theory of formation of a space portal is that one occurs when space-time is distorted, either by the intense gravitational fields created by the collapse of a star, or by the mingling magnetic forces of the Earth and Sun crossing in space, enhanced by violent solar winds. According to Metatronian mysticism, 12:12 is a sacred code that activates your Merkabic field. What precisely are stargates? As a result of their success, researchers also developed a time tunnel in which contact was made with aliens, as well as underground tunnels and brain reprogramming methods. Stargates (Sequoia art) The Planetary Stargate System are the Earth's connection points or Portals into the Galactic and Universal Stargate Systems. But it is out in a concentric circle almost. Screams could be heard from the area. Stay Updated On Giveaways, Products and Classes, 2023 by Poise. We see these sun rays by day, and we work with the codes when the light shines through a cloud, or dances on water ripples or shines . It should be no surprise to learn that the military is both a conduit and a supporter of space portal research. We cannot ignore the fact that there are over a hundred billion galaxies out there in the outer space. The CIA's In-Q-Tel is Investing in Startups That Can Predict the Future, Inside DARPA's Brain Initiative; 5 Programs Expose Military's Transhumanist Agenda. Stargates are circular devices marked out by nine chevrons spaced equally around their circumference and 39 symbols displayed on an inner ring. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. However, recent declassified FBI files have stated that our Earth has been visited by beings from other dimensions and planets. Planet Earth is a unique planet in the universe: It's the only one that has life. Humans have long been obsessed with the possibility of alternate universes, and a way to instantaneously travel between this one and the next. An extension of the famed Philadelphia Experiment, this United States government-backed research project sought to further substantiate data on magnetic fields and their physiological effects. Respected businessman Robert T. Bigelow believed so strongly that activities such as these were important to the survival of the planet that he formed the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) and staffed it with top scientists in the field. The Gate of the Gods at Hayu Marca in Peru is said by native tribes to have once acted as a gateway to the land of the Gods. Mamani even claims that he had dreams of the doorway for years before he had accidentally found it. UFO Contact: A Matter of International or National Security. One of NASAs spacecraft, the THEMIS, and cluster probes from Europe have amassed enough observational data to confirm that a magnetic stargate portal exists in many locations. Observed by NASAs THEMIS spacecraft, they surround the Earth at a distance from 10,000 to 30,000 miles away. He presented to them the golden disk, and following a ritual performed by the priests, the smaller doorway opened. Once secret funding was received from the Department of Defense, various experiments were conducted, including the creation of a dimension portal that enabled researchers to travel to far-flung locales. The Monsanto Blackwater Connection; Spying on Activists, A Parallel Dimension is Changing People and Events in Our Universe. Microchips: the Next Step in Transhumanism or a Privacy Issue? The story goes that when one of them walked through, he simply disappeared. Some have seen blue light emanating from it, and there are even accounts of strange sounds like muted bells or thunder surrounding the rocks on days with clear blue skies. Two of the pillars sit in the middle of these circles, almost creating an archway of sorts. He says the government had a desire to check the veracity of the historical accountsof these three figures, due to their significance and the fact that they have been written about extensively. The cosmic stargates guide our journey into the New Earth Timeline. In the mountains of Arizona, claims to be the Doorway of the godsa strange stone arch portal to another time and space. Your email address will not be published. With its distinctive ring shape and ability to propel and brake at altitudes of 180,000 feet, it appears that NASA is positioning the LDSD Flying Saucer so that it can be used to conduct further explorations of Mars. -Secure under High Council-Emerald Guard Protectorate (31 dec 2015). Whether yawning wide in space or subtly concealed below a lake or rock outcroppings, the existence of Stargates is a subject that has fascinated many across the globe. There must be other people like us residing in one of the planets. China Successfully Clones Monkeys; Are Humans Next? Well, it is oftentimes said that all stories are true and are somehow related to our past. A gate that allowed extraterrestrials to arrive on Earth to mine for gold. [1] Contents 1 Spiritual Purpose for DNA Assembly Never miss an email from us and add [emailprotected] to your approved email list to prevent blocking to spam. machine capable of tearing the space-time continuum. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. Required fields are marked *. It is, 20,000-Year-Old Symbols Identified as Cosmic Calendars, Stanford Scientists Warn Civilization as we Know it Will End in Coming Decades. Dites moi s.v.p quel heure au Qubec lvenement aura lieu. Updated Status Here it is: Interesting facts: According to map researchers the Giza Plateau, the location of the great pyramid IS the most powerful vortex point on the planet, and that the Kings Chamber within the Great Pyramid represents a narrow gateway to stars. In 1964, Vincent H. Gaddis argued that the Bermuda Triangle was the site of strange occurrences such as disappearing tanker ships and jets with the government being unwilling or unable to provide a reason or explanation. Recently, it has been found. Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Sirius B, Procyon, Sirius A, Jupiter. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. See our, Since the advent of the automobile, manufacturers have designed different engines to limit the environmental impact posed by the. Located at Montauk, Long Island, New York, Montauk Air Force Station, also known as Camp Hero, was the site of The Montauk Project. The modern-day investigators did find a small indention shaped like a disk in the rock. The doorway is actually two doorways, almost in a T shape. They could be stargates or portals to other dimensions or worlds. Topics focus on the 12 Stargates (A Stargate is an Einstein-Rosen bridge portal device within the Stargate fictional universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations . This short video is available to prepare for the global webcast. 12:12 is a sacred symbol that represents your spiritual growth as an Infinite Being. Some Soviet scientists suggested that the boundaries of these crystal faces now lie beneath the surface of our planet, and that some protrude to the surface, creating the vortices that we know of. But that's not the only reason why Earth is such wonderful places. . The name of the star chart is Sakwala Chakraya, which is believed to mean "The rotating circle of the Universe." A lady named Dorothy Eady had claimed to be the reincarnation of an Egyptian peasant girl named Bentreshyt and was the secret lover of Pharaoh Seti. Que-Sites's added By. He claims the program was run jointly by the CIA and DARPA, and was used to contact former presidents, teleport to Mars, and maintain a rapport with extraterrestrials. Later in his life he says he was able to corroborate the capital building as a common location involved in the program from a woman who said she saw people materialize there. You will receive a separate login email with show link once payment is processed. Padmanabhaswamy Temple is located in Thiruvananthapuram, the state capital of Kerala. In 2007, 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan, professor Mark Holley and his colleague Brian Abbot came across a stone formation while using sonar equipment to track shipwrecks. Technocracy vs Democracy; Are Politicians Really in Control? If you would like to work with the replay, we will send you the link when you register. The portal itself, Basiago describes as two parentheses-shaped booms that were 8 feet tall and spaced about 10 feet apart. Meyers invention promised a revolution in the automotive industry. The archway within these circles are said to be the remains of portals or stargates, which the ancient people who resided here used as a portal to the sky world.. Geologist Brian John states that there been no evidence for this claim and no evidence that the alleged quarry even existed. Having been involved in a CIA time travel program called Project Pegasus, Andrew Basiago has prescient knowledge to save humanity as we know it, and he is running for president of the United States. Once Scudder was able to recognize the indications of a portal, he was able to find similar patterns occurring all over the place in the Earths atmosphere. One of NASA's spacecraft, the THEMIS, and cluster probes from Europe have amassed enough observational data to confirm that a magnetic stargate portal exists in many locations. The cosmic stargates guide our journey into the New Earth Timeline. The twelve stargates will relate to the 12 skulls and the center skull will be the controller. Not far from the Lake Titicaca is one of the most well-known and widely-suspected portals to another world. (Vatican) 12,5E,41.8N) It is said the Red Rocks of the deserts that surround the small town can create vortexes with the capability of transporting people to another realm or dimension. According to the film and Tv show of the same name, A Stargate is a name for a class of devices which allow almost instantaneous travel between places. Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. But Stargates can be difficult to find. Currently in question is whether or not the massive stones came to rest there before or after the existence of the lake, and determining the authenticity of the mastodon petroglyph should provide a decent answer. 12 stargates on earth 20 Janeiro, 2021 Comunicados 140 Views 1. the earth alliance says global, powerful magnetosphere, earthquake and volcanic disruptions are possible over the next several days! Directly opposite the star map, are four stone seats or chairs. Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. (6.2W, 53.4N) FIRST LETS SEE HOW THE ENERGY SHOULD FLOW TOWARDS THE SURFACE This grid was created by the ancients to make life on the surface of earth possible (short and simple): -Upwards energy spirals provided by the sun of hollow earth and activated by the ascended master of hollow earth,connecting to leylinenodes/vortexes. Sedona, a small town in Arizona was once known by the Native American tribes as Nawanda, and at one time, a most sacred city to them. Easter Island. Finding the door locked from the inside, and with no response from the captain, he eventually broke down the door to the room. In 1973 Komsomols Pravda (a Russian alternative newspaper) ran an article entitled Earth, What Are You Anyway? Suggesting that the earth started out as a crystal with angular dimensions. In fact, she had already spoken about these hidden doors that used to be there. However, he too, became scared, mounted his horse and returned home. The discovery was made by professor of underwater archaeology at Northwestern Michigan University, Mark Holley, and his colleague, Brian Abbott. In 2015, NASA admitted that the idea of Earth portals areas on the planet that instantly teleport human beings from one place to the other are a reality that they have been studying for quite some time. Scroll down to see the 12 Places on Earth that are Thought to be Portals of the Underworld. In the 1950s, a local tribesman was aiding treasure hunters who were searching for gold in the mountains. The site has also claimed several bizarre disappearances and gained the title of The Michigan Triangle.. AG-9: Antarctica South-Pole. 7) The ancient Sumerian Stargate at the Euphrates River: There is a well-known Sumerian seal that exhibits a Sumerian god emerging from a gateway of his world into ours. It is believed that multiple star people have also visited the site through one of the portals. Animal Flesh Eater Arrested: Felony Charges Serious Injury To 3 Month Old! Log on and subscribe: Facebook: FB Page:. SG-3: Bermuda Islands. The Mysterious Death of Stanley Meyer and His Water-Powered Car, Tech Start-Up Offers to Upload Clients' Consciousness to Computer, Artificial Intelligence Will Help Us Communicate With Animals, Defense Agency Studying Anti-Gravity, Other 'Exotic Tech', Corporations Are Testing Ways to Advertise to Us in Our Dreams, Amateur Archeologist Believes He Knows Location of Holy Grail, The Incorporation of the United States of America. What's interesting about the Stargate in Ranmasu Uyana is that it is one of the many stargates of Earth. With this new heightened Self-perception, a pivotal point on our journey arrives thru the 12:12 stargates enveloping us in a new/higher/cosmic light that brings a level of peace and resolution to all that we have been working toward/transforming thru this year, returning a long-lost lightness of being. Their reliable instability, elusiveness, and tendency to be tricky to spot can mean it will take years to locate one. 10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Portals And . Many of these curious people are scientists, who are unable to find any other explanation for either their findings or the stories of those who purportedly witnessed the powerful nature of a Stargate. The gate does not have any locks or bolts; nobody knows what lies beyond it. Was this what Eady was looking for when she was pressing stones in the walls? Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. . Inside, we take you on a journey through Humanitys suppressed origins and reveal the secret code left behind by our ancestors. By the time they discovered precisely where she said they would be, people very much believed she was genuine. Travel to the Great Central Sun and step into the Crystal Stargate with Starseeds all around the world, as Meg channels Metatrons sacred geometry Activations. The Gate of the Gods located at Hayu Marca in Peru is believed to be established by native tribes. Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. The planetary shift is accelerating into 5th Dimension as the old Time Matrix dissolves. (3)And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth. The underwater Stonehenge is believed to be a gateway that leads to some other world. Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Arcturus, Omega Centauri and Saturn. professor Mark Holley and his colleague Brian Abbot. It is unknown how this happened. Although the site was recorded as far back as the 1960s, it wasnt until the the mid-90s when the T-Shaped pillars were discovered. Credits: Science@NASA It is also one of the most contested and debated sites in history, both as to when it was built and to what its true purpose might have been. The term Stargate means just that: an otherworldly door or portal to outside realms, hidden within Earth's and space's magnetic fields, waiting to transport the enlightened traveler to a place beyond current time limitations. In 1891, a schooner named the Thomas Hume vanished into thin air along with all seven of its crew while sailing on the lake. Some claim to have seen blue light emanating from it, and there are numerous reports of peculiar sounds like muted bells surrounding the rocks. During the powerful gateway that occurs between 12:12 and 12:21 Solstice, we are blessed with an extraordinary photonic light It is widely believed that there is an engraved star map or star chart on one of the walls of Ranmasu Uyana. Encompassing three vertices, the Bermuda Triangle sometimes referred to as the Devils Triangle is a large abyss that stretches between San Juan, Puerto Rico, Bermuda Island, and Miami, Florida. Despite what many may believe, with continued research it is likely that regular contact with aliens will be made soon. In 1996, it was discovered by Jose Luis Delgado Mamani while he was trying to learn the layout of the area for a job he had recently taken as a tour guide. Carved on a massive piece of stone wall and mostly hidden between the boulders and cave systems of Ranmasu Uyana, is what is believed to be a star map or star chart. Prepare to quantum leap to the next level of your Souls Ascension Plan! However, two of the said pillars sit in the centre of these circles, almost making an archway of sorts. Ley lines are literally rivers of energy that flow through the earth and also between worlds and other universes. Eventually, he would travel back to Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg address, Washingtons tent during the Revolutionary War, and even to the time of Jesus. The program led to the successful development of a number of highly advanced technologies allowing for teleportation, physical time travel, and holographic time travel. It is just hours till 12:12 Stargate Activations and the alignment with the galactic center. This concept was popularized by the science-fiction TV show Stargate, and as recently as 2015, NASA admitted to having spent at least a decade researching access points to places outside our world, our universe, even beyond space and time as we know it. To some though, this notion is absurd. Andrew Basiago Involved in Project Pegasus Time Travel Program, NASA May Have Found Evidence of an Advanced Alien Civilization in the Cygnus Star System, The Interstellar Cloud is Bringing Space Weather to Our Solar System, Gaia's Top 10 Seeking Truth Shows You Don't Want to Miss. Nobody knows why it exists in the first place. These gateways link the magnetic field of our planet to that of the sun, setting the stage for stormy space weather. Only after millenia of erosion did the crystal form itself into a sphere as we know it today. Believed by some to be a portal to the land of the gods, the Gate of the Sun in Bolivia shares much of its legends with other similar sites in the Andes region. It is considered as a gateway to the future. Mainstream historians claim that the famous arrangement was built around 5,000 years ago, partly from bluestones that were quarried from a site 386 kilometers (240 mi) away. Week Four Intention: Set up Session space that is dedicated to the Purposes of the Krystal Star Host communication networks for Stargate 4 Inner Gate Central Mexico to link from the inner earth into Giza, Egypt. Have stated that our Earth has been visited by beings from other dimensions and 12 stargates on earth in centre! About Quantum Access at my website Michigan University, Mark Holley, and facts. Two doorways, almost creating an archway of sorts be the doorway the. National Security Mysterious Ed Leedskalnin, Creator of the many stargates of Earth to 30,000 miles away Really Find that! All shows are available for replay at the event link Step in Transhumanism or Privacy. Ascension Plan 2023 by Poise to maintain inter-planet relationships alleged portals, Gobekli Tepe is situated two... Believed to be there at my website godsa strange stone arch portal to another time and space is a... Growth as an Infinite Being posed by the time they discovered precisely where said! Native tribes Belize City, Belize a local tribesman was aiding treasure hunters who searching. Journey into the alabaster the controller as two parentheses-shaped booms that were 8 feet tall and spaced about feet. 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